Dear Abuelo

By Grecia Huesca Dominguez, Illustrated by Teresa Martinez (Reycraft Books – 2019)

Through letters to her grandfather in Mexico, Juana details her move to New York, her first days of school, and her new friendship with a classmate who speaks both Spanish and English.


My Daddy Can Fly!

By Thomas Forster with Shari Siadat, Illustrated by Jami Gigot (Random House Studio – 2021)

In his classroom, Ben describes the twists and turns of his baller-dancer dad as he moves across the stage. To Ben, his daddy is more than just a dancer- he can fly! This ode to ballet and fatherly love, written by American Ballet Theatre principal dancer Thomas Forster and dancer educator Shari Siadat, is a beautiful story for any young ballet enthusiast and for who wants to know about baller. >>> The author’s note is on the last pages.

学校の教室でBenは、バレーダンサーである父親が舞台でする動きを真似てみた。Benにとって父親は単にバレーダンサーであるだけでなく、父親が飛べれることは自慢であった。父親の愛情とバレーへの賛歌であるこの絵本は、米国バレーシアターの主ダンサーであるThomas Forster とダンス指導者のShari Siadatによって書かれ、バレーへの情熱を持つすべての子ども達とバレーへの関心を持つ人たちの為に制作された。>>>巻末に著者の言葉と写真が記載されている。

Chocolate Milk, Por Favor ! : Celebrating diversity with empathy.

By Maria Dismondy, Illustrated by Donna Farrell (Cardinal Rule Press – 2015)

Johnny’s classroom family welcomes a new student from Brazil and his name is Gabe. But Gabe does not speak any English words. What will Johnny do when Gabe starts to make new friends? Will he join in the fun of making a new friend or turn the other way? Johnny realizes a powerful message in this story where student differences are celebrated. Read and find out how chocolate milk plays a major role in the discovery of the real universal language. >>> Guidance how to use this book is included.



By Nikki Ehrlich, Illustrated by Zoey Abbott ( Harper – 2017 )

Dax and Zoe are twins! They go together like peanut butter and jelly. It’s the night before kindergarten, and the twins have the just – about -to – start – school jitters. But they will be different classrooms! Will Dax and Zoe be able to make it through kindergarten without each other?

Dax とZoeは、双子であった。二人はピーナツバターとジェリーのように、いつも一緒であった。幼稚園に入園する前夜、ふたりは初めての体験にドキドキであった。しかも、二人のクラスは別々なのだ。果たして二人は幼稚園に馴染むことが出来るのだろうか?

I’m New Here

By Anne Sibley O’Brien (Charlesbridge-2015)
At their new school, everything is different…..Back in Guatemala, Maria knew the language. Back in Korea, Jin could read and write. Back in Somalia, Fatimah felt like she fit in. Now, in the United Sates, there are new words and new ways. But with a little support – and a lot of courage – Maria, Jin, and Fatimah begin to find their way.

新しい学校では総てが違っていた、、、。グアテマラにいた時は、Mariaは言葉が解っていた。韓国にいた時は、Jinは読み書きが出来た。ソマリアにいた時は、Fatimahは自分の居場所があった。しかし今、アメリカ合衆国に来たら、新しい言葉や新しいやり方を覚えなくてはならない。でも、ちょっとした励ましと、たくさんの勇気をもって、Maria と Jin と Fatimah は、新しい生活に挑み始めた。

Step by Step

By Alice B. McGinty, Illustrated by Diane Goode (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers – 2021)

On the morning he is to start school, a nervous little boy is reassured by his father’s advice to handle problems step by step. How to make a new friend, how to learn to read and write ,,, Life is full of adventures, and the boy learns to do it all, just take it step by step.


Apple Countdown

By Joan Holub, Illustrated by Jan Smith (Albert Whitman & Company – 2009)

Fieldtrip today – to the apple farm! Count 20 name tags, 19 kids on the bus, 18 miles to the farm…… Joan Holub’s creative countdown, from 20 to 1, includes grouping and simple addition. Joan Smith’s lively watercolors are as fresh as happy as crisp apples. Small bites of knowledge about apples are fully appeared on the other side of the front and back cover. >>> Pumpkin Countdown by the same author and illustrator, published in 2012.

学校の課外授業で、行く先はリンゴ園である!20枚の名札を用意し、19人の生徒がバスに乗り、18マイル先のリンゴ園に向かう。Joan Holubの想像力豊かな数の絵本であり、グループ分けや簡単な足し算も出てくる。Joan Smithの水彩画はリンゴをかじったように新鮮である。リンゴに関する豆知識が、表紙と裏表紙の内側にちりばめてある。>>>同じ作者とイラストレーターによるPumpkin Countdownを2012年に出版。

Astronaut Annie

By Susanne Slade, Illustrated by Nicole Tadgell (Tilbury House Publishers ~ 2018)

Career Day is approaching, and Annie can’t wait to show the school and her family what she wants to be when she grows up. Until Friday, however, she must keep it a secret. Grandpop is convinced she’ll be a news photographer like he once was. Grandma knows Annie will be a champion baker. Dad figures she’ll become a mountain climber like him, and Mom wants to relive her own glory days while watching Annie play basketball. But Annie’s out-of-this-world dream is all her own. >>> “Women in Space” and “The Magnificent Moon” are in the last pages.

キャリア・デイが近ずき、Annieは学校で家族も招いて、彼女が将来何になりたいかを紹介するのが待ちきれなかった。金曜日の発表会まで、内緒にしておかなくてはならない。祖父は若かりし頃の自分の様に、報道カメラマンだと確信していた。祖母はAnnieが焼き菓子作りのチャンピオンになると思い、父親は自分と同じく山登りの達人になると想像した。母親はAnnieがバスケットボールの試合中に自分自身が活躍した日々を重ねていた。しかしAnnieには、この世界から遥か彼方に自分独自の夢があった。>>>最後のページに 、女性宇宙飛行士の紹介や月についての解説あり。


Every Cowgirl goes to School

By Rebecca Janni, Illustrated by Lynne Avril (Dial Books for Young Readers – 2013)

Nellie Sue is a true cowgirl with imagination the size of Texas!, and she is looking forward to a great school year. However, from having to leave her cowgirl hat at home to being seated between the rambunctious “J-twins”, a brand-new day in a brand-new class is not going Nellie Sue’s way especially with her best friend Anna, being nice to new girl Maya.

テキサスのような大きな想像力の持ち主であるNeillie Sueは、本物のカウガールであり、新学期を楽しみにしていた。ところが、カウガールの帽子は学校へは被っていけれず、おまけにJの頭文字名の乱暴な双子の男の子の間に彼女の席があり、彼女が想像していたようなウキウキするクラスでの新しい一日にはなりそうもなかった。とりわけ、彼女の親友のAnnaが、転校してきたMayaに親切であるのも気になった。

Jacob’s Room to Choose

By Sarah and Ian Hoffman, Illustrated by Chris Case (Magination Press – 2019)

Jacob loves to go to class and the library. But when he tries to use the boy’s bathroom, other kids mistake him for a girl and chase him out. Scared and confused, Jacob confides in his friend Sophie, a classmate who had the same thing happen when she tried to use the girl’s bathroom. When Jacob and Sophie join forces with their teacher, the give everyone at their school the idea to choose which bathroom feels right for them. >>>This book will start meaningful discussion to open access bathroom.
