Stone Soup : An Old Tale Retold

By Marcia Brown,1918-2015 ( Atheneum Books for Young Readers – 1975 )

Three soldiers came marching down the road towards a French village. The peasants seeing them coming, suddenly became very busy, for soldiers are often hungry. So all the food was hidden under mattresses or in barns. There followed a battle of wits, with the soldiers equal to the occasion. Sone soup? Why, of course, they could make a wonderfu soup of stones…but, of course, one must add a carrot or two……some meat….so it went. Marcia Brown has made of this old tale a very gay book, a carnival of activity, of dancing and laughter. >>>Originally published by Charles Scribner & sons in 1945, renewed 1975 by Marcia Brown. >>>> Check ‘Stone Soup’ in this URL, you will find different cultural versions in SHI collection.

三人の兵士がフランスの村に通じる道を歩いてきた。農民たちは彼等が村に近ずくのを見ると、兵士はたいてい空腹なので、突然忙しく動き出した。総ての食料品はマットレスの下や小屋に隠された。腹ペコだった兵士たちは、頭脳戦を展開した。石のスープである。実際に彼等は素晴らしい石のスープを作った、,、でも人参は必要であった、そして次に、、、肉もあれば良いし、、、と様々な具が農民たちから追加されていった。作者のMarcia Brown は、古い民話をダンスと笑いの溢れる楽しい本に書き直した。>>>原作は1945年にCharles Scribner & sons から出版された。>>>>当URLでStone Soupを検索すると、SHIコレクションにある異なるカルチャーのバージョンが見つかる。

Lost Words : An Armenian Story of Survival and Hope

By Leila Boukarim, Illustrated by Sona Avedikian ( Chronicle Books LLC – 2024 )

[A knock at the door, A conversation in whispers, Mama’s voice was low and urgent, ” You must leave with the others,” she pleaded with me and my sister. ] What is it like to walk away from your home? To leave behind everything and everyone you’ve even known? Poetic, sensitive, and based on a true family history, this book follows a yooung Armenian boy who sets out to find refuge to the day he finally finds the courage to share his story. >>> On the last pages, more information and history of Armenia including the author’s and the illustrator’s notes.

[ドアが一度ノックされた、囁き声が聞こえた、母親の声は低く緊急を告げた、「この人達とすぐに出発しなさい!」母の声は私と妹に懇願した。] 住み慣れた我が家から立ち去るのは、どんな思いだろう?二度と知ることのない総ての物と総ての人達を後にして、、、。抒情的で、繊細で、家族の歴史の実話に基ずいたこの絵本は、アルメニア人の少年が難民となった日から始まり、彼の話を始めてする勇気を晩年になって得られた日までを語っている。>>>巻末にアルメニアに関する歴史と情報があり、作者とイラストレータの挨拶も記載されている。

A Voyage in the Clouds : The (Mostly) True Story of the First International Flight by Balloon in 1785

By Matthew Olshan, Illustrated by Sophie Blackall ( Margaret Ferguson Books – 2016 )

In the year and a half since the flight of the first manned balloon in 1783, it seems that everyone has taken to the skies, but no one has yet managed to fly from one country to another. Dr.John Jeffries, an Englishman, and his pilot, Jean-Pierre Blanchard, a Frenchman, want to be the first. There’s only one problem: they can’t stand each other! They lift off from England on Jannuary 7, 1785, as enemies, but when disaster strikes, they have to work together to come up with a clever (and surpuising) solution to save the day. >>>On the last page, Author’s Note about Dr. John Jeffries and Jean-Pierre Blanchard. Sophie Blackall’s books in SHI collection.

1783年に初めての有人気球船飛行が成功した一年半後、誰もが空を飛びたがったが、国を超えた人はまだ誰もいなかった。イギリス人のJohn Jeffries博士と、フランス人のJean-Pierre Blanchardは、国境を超える一番のりをしたかった。ところが一つ問題があった。二人は互いを我慢できなかったのだ。1785年の1月7日に気球船が離陸した時は敵対関係にあった二人だが、困難に遭遇し、それを乗り越えるためには互いに協力せざるを得ず、無事にこの偉業を成し遂げた。>>>巻末に主人公の二人について著者の説明がある。SHIコレクションにあるSophie Blackallの作品

The Artist and Me 

By Shane Peacock, Illustrated by Sophie Casson (Owlkinds Books – 2016)

The Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh lived in southern France, in the 1880s and he was mocked for being different. Children and adults alike called him names and laughed at him. Inspired by these events, this book is the fictional confession of one of van Gogh’s bullies — a young boy who adopted the popular attitude of adults around him. But deep down the boy senses the truth-this hard working crazy man is creating magical painting that allow people to see the world in a brand new way. And later, when the boy is an old man, and he visited the great gallery with his grandson, he realized how terribly wrong he was.


The Cats in Krasinski Square

By Karen Hesse, Illustrated by Wendy Watson ( Scholastic Press – 2004 )

The cats in Krasinski Square once belonged to someone….And so did a young girl, whose family has been destroyed by war. Even as she and her sister struggle to survive amid the war’s chaos, they risk their lives on a plan to help Jewish people still trapped behind Warsaw’s infamous Ghetto walls. >>>The story inspired on an article about cats outfoxing the Gestapo at the train station in Warsaw during WWII.


Brother Sun, Sister Moon : Saint Francis of Assisi’s Canticle of the Creatures

Reimagined by Katherine Paterson, Illustrated by Pamela Dalton ( Handprint Books – 2011 )

In 1224, Saint Francis of Assisi wrote a simple hymn of praise that beautifully encompasses all that he experienced in the Italian countryside. Written in the plain Umbrian dialect of his homeland. Francis’s words celebrate the breadth of creation, from the sun, moon, wind, and fire to community, family, work, and contemplation. Almost eight hundred years later, beloved children’s book author Katherine Paterson reimagines the hymn in poetic languages that shares Francis’s honest and direct gaze at all aspect of life, and resonates with the joy, light and shadow found there. Pamela Dalton’s exquisite cut-paper illustrations illuminate the text with images that perfectly match the spirit of Saint Francis’s song of praise.

1224年にアッシジの聖フランチェスコは、イタリアの田舎で彼自身が体験したあらゆる自然を称賛した讃美歌を書いた。それは、イタリア語のウンブリア方言で書かれた。彼の言葉は、太陽、月、風、火から社会、家族、仕事、思考までの総てへの称賛に満ちていた。約8百年の後に、児童絵本作家として活躍する Katherine Patersonが、人生の明暗と喜びと共に人生のあらゆる側面を称える聖フランチェスコの「 あらゆる被造物の賛歌」を、詩的な素直で解かり易い表現で再現したのが、この絵本である。Pamela Daltonsの素晴らしい切り絵のイラストは、「 あらゆる被造物の賛歌」を完璧なほどに可視化している。

Latkes, Latkes Good to Eat : A Chanukah Story

By Naomi Howland ( Clarion Books – 1999 )

Sadie and her four mischievous younger brothers live in a small drafty cottage on the outskirts of tiny Russian village. They are very poor and always hungry. But on the first wintry night of Chanukah, Sadie is given a frying pan that cooks up sizzling-hot, delicious potato pancakes on command. When Sadie goes out on the last day of Chanukah, she warns her brothers not to touch the magic pan. But the minute she sets foot outside the door…>>> Sadie’s Latkes (recipe) and a Note about Chanukah are found on the last page.

Sadie とやんちゃな四人の弟は、ロシアの小さな村はずれにある隙間風の入る小屋に住んでいた。彼らは貧しく、いつも空腹であった。ところがハヌカ最初の寒い日に、Sadieは特別なフライパンをもらった。それは熱々の美味しいポテトのパンケーキが、命令をすると勝手に作られるフライパンであった。ハヌカの最後の日に、外出をするので、弟達にフライパンを触らないように忠告をしたが、彼女が家から出るや否や、、、>>>伝統的なポテト・パンケーキの作り方と、ハヌカの説明が巻末にある。

The Dream House

By Pirkko Vainio, English Translated by J. Alison James (North-South Books – 1997)

Lucas and his cat finally left their apartment to build themselves a home. Lucas had been saving his money to build his dream house. He got a small island, but it allowed him to build up one room on top of another. One night a storm came, and his high tower house bent like a reed. Next morning, Lucas found his house was changed to a wonderful bridge which were welcoming children to make him and his cat more happy.>>> The original book was published in Switzerland.


The Glassmaker’s Daughter

By Dianne Hofmeyr, Illustrated by Jane Ray (Quanrt Knows – 2017)

In sixteenth-century Venice, Daniela is so gloomy and glum that her father, a glassmaker, offers a glass palace to the person whoever can make his daughter smile. Everyone from a mask maker to a lion tamer tries their luck, to no avail…..but then Angelo, a young apprentice, presents Daniela with a mysterious gift. It’s a glass mirror which Angelo created.


The Sages of Chelm and the Moon

By Shlomo Abas, Illustrated by Omer Hoffmann, Translated by Gilah Kahn-Hoffmann (Green Bean Books – 2019 for English Edition, the original in 2016)

Once upon a time in Eastern Europe, there was a small city called Chelm. The people there were known as ”The sages of Chelm” because they were supposedly very wise and intelligent. One night when the moon disappeared, they had many troubles in the darkness, and they decided to buy a new moon. 

昔々、東ヨーロッパ(ポーランド東部)に 小さな町ヘルムがあり,そこの住民は”ヘルムの賢者”と呼ばれるほど賢くて頭の良い人たちばかりのはずであった。月のないある夜、町の住民達は暗闇の中で様々な問題を起こし、ついに新しい月を買いに行くことに決めた。