Caveboy Crush

By Beth Ferry, Illustrated by Joseph Kuefler ( Abrams Books for Young Readers – 2019)

When caveboy Neander meets cavegirl Neanne, he’s head-over-heels crushed. She is short, she is hairy. She is perfect! Determined to win her over, he brings her gift after gift – each one grander than the last. But Neanne remains unimpressed. When Neander comes up with the grandest gesture of all, it’s Neanne’s turn to do some crushing. >>> Beth Ferry’s books in SHI collection.

石器時代の少年Neanderは、石器時代の少女Neanneに出合った途端に、すっかり恋に落ちてしまった。彼女は背が低く、髪の毛が豊かで、完璧であった!彼女を魅了する為に、彼は素晴らしいプレゼントをした。贈る度に、プレゼントは素晴らしいものになっていった。しかし、彼女は気にも留めてくれない。そして彼が気持ちを込めた最も素晴らしいプレゼントを作って贈ると、Neanneの方が彼に夢中になる番であった。>>>SHIコレクションにあるBeth Ferryの作品

Marsha is Magnetic

By Beth Ferry, Illustrated by Lorena Alvarez ( Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – 2021 )

Marsha is a scientist who has never met a problem she couldn’t solve. But when it comes to making friends to invite to her birthday party, she is stumped. Luckily, Marsha knows the solution to being stumped : the Scientific Method! With equal parts creativity, determination, and humor, Marsha sets out to attract as many friends as she can. >>> Beth Ferry’s books in SHI collection.

Marshaは、どんな問題でも解決出来る科学者であった。しかし、自分の誕生日パーティーに招待する友達を探すことは、簡単には解決が出来なかった。幸いにも、Marshaは解決方法を知っていた。それは科学的法則に従うのである。想像力と決断力とユーモアを同等に混ぜて、彼女は友達を引き付ける作戦を開始した。>>>SHIコレクションにあるBeth Ferryの作品

A Taste of Colored Water

By Matt Faulkner ( Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers – 2008 )

When Abbey comes back from town with tale of a fountain bubbling forth with “colored” water, Lulu and Jelly want to go see it for themselves. It’s the early 1960’s and colored water isn’t the fruit-flavored. Technicolor wonder that Lulu and Jelly are expecting. And having a drink doesn’t come without a price. This is a story that the naïve and whimsical imagination of a child is confounded by the reality of intolerance. >>> The history of this story’s background is found on the last page. >>>> Related resource: White Water.

町から戻って来たAbbeyから色水の吹きあがる水飲み場の話を聞いたとたんに、LuluとJellyは自分達の目で確かめたくなった。1960年代初頭の色水は、フルーツの味が付いていた訳ではない。LuluとJellyは色の付いた水に、すっかり魅了された。しかも無料で飲めるのだ。ナイーブで気まぐれな子ども特有の想像力が、不寛容な現実によって混乱を起こした例の一つである。>>>>巻末にこの話の時代背景が記載されている。>>>>関連絵本::White Water.

Snow Angel, Sand Angel

By Lois-Ann Yamanaka, Illustrated by Ashley Lukashevsky ( Make Me a World – 2021 )

Claire has been surrounded by the deep blue waves of many beautiful beaches and the magnificent mountains of the Big Island, Hawaii, all her life but has never seen snow. And that’s what she wants more than anything. When her father drives her and her family to the top of Mauna Kea, she can’t help but be disappointed…it’s not the winter wonderland she’s always dreamed of. However she wonders if maybe she can delights in the special joys of winter with her family in her own way – right there, in the place she calls home. >>>Author’s note and Glossary are on the last page.


Honeysmoke : A story of finding your color

By Monique Fields, Illustrated by Yesenia Moises ( IMPRINT – 2019 )

A young girl, Simone, looks around her world to find her place in it. Her skin color is not like anyone else’s; so what is her color? Finally she chooses her own and creates a new word: Honeysmoke. For multiracial children, and for all children, this story offers a universal message that empowers young people to create their won identity.


Shape Capers

By Cathryn Falwell ( Greenwillow Books – 2007 )

Five little children present the shapes; Circles, Squares, Triangles, Semicircles, and Rectangles. And they start to play with each shape, and they build their imagination with using five different shapes. With simple text and beautiful colored illustration, this picture book is full with lovely five children’s smiles.


Glory on Ice : A Vampire Hockey Story

By Maureen Fergus, Illustrated by Mark Fearing ( Alfred A. Knopf – 2020 )

After years alone, vampire Vlad is ready to try something new, so he strolls into town. It’s not easy for him to find a right hoppy until he overhears the junior hockey team vowing to crush and destroy their rivals. Vlad immediately falls for the game, but he also quickly realizes that superhuman powers don’t mean much in hockey without a mastery of the basics. This is a story to celebrates teamwork, perseverance, and a love of hockey that will last a lifetime, even for an immoral being.


Planting Friendship : Peace, Salaam, Shalom

By Callie Metler, Shirin Rahman, Melissa Stoller, Illustrated by Kate Talbot          ( Clear Fork Publishing – 2021 )

When they meet on the first day of school, three girls realize they are different from each other – Molly is Christian, Savera is Muslim, and Hannah is Jewish. Through a class planning project, the girls’ friendship blossoms, and learn they are more alike than they thought. >>>Three women authors from the same faith traditions as the 3 girls in the story.


Measuring Angels

By Lesley Ely, Illustrated by Polly Dunbar (Frances Lincoln Children’s Books – 2008 )

When two school girls are given a sunflower seed, they argue and the little plant grows very badly. The teacher says “That sunflower is not happy”. So the girls make an angel to help the plant grow. A friendship develops between the two girls, as they learn to like each other, the little plant grows bigger and bigger.


Our Celebración!

By Susan Middleton Elya, Illustrated by Ana Aranda (Lee & Low Books Inc. – 2018 )

A Latino family joins the crowd headed for a summer celebración! They enjoy their town’s parade which include street foods, bands, a corn princess and fireworks. A brief rain shower does not dampen the Latino family’s excitement. >>> Spanish words, interspersed in the rhyming text, are defined in a glossary on the last page.
