Sitti’s Secrets

By Naomi Shihab Nye, Illustrated by Nancy Carpenter (Four Winds Press ­­–New York in 1994)

American girl Sitti travels with her father to visit her grandmother who lives in small Palestinian village on the West Bank. Sitti and her grandmother speak different language, but they can communicate each other. They don’t need words to understand each other’s heart. After Sitti’s returning to America, she writes a letter addressed to the President for describing her wish of world peace.


My Friend Jamal

Story and Photography by Anna McQuinn, Artwork by Ben Frey                                          (Annick Press – Toronto, NY, Vancouver in 2008)

Jamal’s family immigrated to America from Somalia, and Jamal and his friend Joseph are born in the same month in the same hospital. Joseph describes their friendship sometime to enjoy their similarity and sometime to understand the difference like as Jamal’s family read Koran while Joseph’s has a Bible.


Subway Ride

By Heather Lynn Miller,  Illustrated by Sue Rama                                                                          (Charlesbridge ­­– Watertown MA in 2009)

Five multiethnic children excitingly experience of traveling subway systems in different cities around the world. The subway tickets show the city names, and on the last page the details of each subway presented.



Across the Alley

By Richard Michelson, Illustrated by E. B. Lewis                                                                        (G. P. Putnam’s Sons – New York in 2006)

Jewish boy Abe and Black boy Willie live across the alley from each other. After the lights turn off at night, Abe and Willie communicate through their windows, and their remarkable friendship begins. Willie teaches Abe how to hold a ball in his hand for baseball game, and Abe teaches Willie how to play the violin. Despite different culture and life style, the both sides of grownups are inspired by their friendship.



Finding Lincoln

By Ann Malaspina, Illustrated by Colin Bootman                            (Albert Whitman & Company ­­–Illinois in 2009)

In 1950s Alabama, black people are not allowed to go to the public library because of racial segregation. Louis needs to write about young Abraham Lincoln for his school essay, and wants to search him in the library. Mam says one day soon Louis will be able to do so. Louis cannot wait for the day, and he bravely visits the library.  Louis is asked to leave immediately, but a librarian, who takes Louis outside, whispers to him to come back tomorrow after the library closed. The following day, surprisingly a library card is ready for Louis!

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What’s On The Other Side Of The Rainbow? (The Secret Of The Golden Mirror)

By Carla Jo Masterson, Illustrated by Omra Jo Fochtman                                                           (Farther & Son ­­–Florida in 2006)

Mr. Positively guides to the other side of the rainbow as explaining each rainbow color featured a word of expressing emotion and feeling. With each turn of an imaginary key, Mr. Positively helps children to learn the positive side of their feelings.

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The Boy who lived with the Seals

By Rafe Martin, Illustrated by David Shannon                     (G.P. Putnam’s Sons ­­–New York in 1993)

Inspired by an old folktale of Native American living in the northwest coast.  A boy played in the riverside is suddenly disappeared, and long time after he is spotted near an island, swimming with seals.  He returns to live with his people, but he is not the same as before. Although his parents re-educate him as in human ways, his memories of life with seals are always with him and he rejoins the seals. He carves a beautiful canoe for his human parents with his love belonged to his two different worlds.

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The Polish Bride

Directed by Karim Traidia  (1998)

Polish female runs away from the town in Netherland, where she was forced to work as a prostitute and raped. In a countryside of Netherland, she loses her way to go and her consciousness as well. A farm owner living by himself finds her and takes care her. As speaking different language, they starts to live together.


Map of the Human Heart

Directed by Vincent Ward  (1993)

Before World War 2, Avik who is a mix blood boy between white and Inuit leaves his Arctic home with a British mapmaker to Canada as his first experience expanding life outside of his world. In Montreal Avik meets Albertine who is a mix blood girl between white and Native person, and their lives link each other even through the War and distance.

白人系のイヌイットの少年と白人系北米原住民の混血少女との淡いそして、強い何かがひきつけあう2人。第二次世界大戦の勃発で、2人の運命は荒れ狂う戦火に飲まれながらも強くひきつけられてゆく。 時代背景がなせる業か、血統のカルチャーがなせる業か、成人して白人社会に生きようとする女性ではあるが、、、、、。北極圏に近いイヌイットの村に、一人静かに暮らす老人の許へ一人の若い女性が訪ねて来る。自分でも拭い去ることが出来ない血統のカルチャーへの執着心は、周囲の偏見によることも多分に影響しているようだ。

Trade of Innocents

Directed by Christopher Bessette  (2012)

In Cambodia, an American couple try to save girls intensively form the dangerous human trafficking world. The white American couple have an unforgettable experience of their daughter kidnapped, on the other hand a white middle aged man is going to buy a girl who needs money to save her family from the economical crisis.

東南アジアの闇マーケットにおける少女の人身売買を追った映画。カンボジアの日常生活の陰に広がる少女の人身売買を食い止めようとするアメリカ人夫婦には、一人娘を 誘拐された辛い過去があった。人権を重んじて少女を救おうとするのも白人なら、少女を買おうとするのも白人男性。家族を経済的に救済する為に娘を売るカンボジアの古い風習に立ち向かうのは、人種を超えた人間の良心なのかもしれない。アジア経済発展の陰を直視した映画は、やはり考えさせられる。