The First Day of Peace

By Todd Shuster, Maya Soetoro-NG, Illustrated by Tatiana Gardel ( Candlewick Press – 2023 )

For many years, the people of the mountain and the people of the valley have lived together as good, kind neighbors. But when the river that runs through the mountains and into a lake in the valley dries up in a drought, the two communities must share their meager resources. Even when the water returns the next year, fear and anger between them persist. Then comes a terrible flood. As the mountain people look down upon the devastation below, a young girl says, ” We need to help.” And from that lone voice, kindness once again awaken, and a new day dawns. >>> On the last pages, found the message from Maya Soetoro-NG, co-founder of The Peace Studio.

長い年月の間、山に住む人々と谷に住む人々は良き親切な隣人として共存していた。ところが山を流れて谷にある湖に流れ込む川が、旱魃で干しあがってしまった。二つのコミュニティーは、限りある資源を分け合わなくてはならなくなった。翌年には水が得られたが、両方のコミュニティーの人達に相手に対する不安と怒りが残った。そして、大洪水が起こった。山からは谷のコミュニティーの悲惨な状況が見下ろせた。そして一人の少女が叫んだ。「助けなくちゃ!」その一声で、親切心が再度目覚めて、新しい日が始まった。>>>巻末にThe Peace Studioの共同設立者であるMaya Soetoro-NGのメッセージがある。

We Are All Under One Wide Sky

By Deborah Wiles, Illustrated by Andrea Stegmailer (Sounds True – 2021 )

This lyrical and counting number picture book weaves together images of childeren, nature and architecture from around the world, both celebrating our diversity and showing how we are the same in so many ways. A peace anthem with a timely and important message that what we have in common is what is most important-family, laughter, love, nature, and friendship.


Nour’s Secret Library

By Wafa’ Tarnowska, Illustrated by Vali Mintzi ( Barefoot Books – 2022 )

Forced to take shelter when their Syrian city is plagued with bombings, young Nour and her cousin, Amir, begin to bravely build a secret underground library. Amir starts picking up books he found in the streets, and then his friends join them to collect books from their destroyed city. Nour’s Secret Library is about the power of books to heal, transport and create safe spaces during difficult times. Illustrations by Romanian artist Vali Mintzi superimpose the colorful world the children construct over black-and-white charcoal depictions of the battered city. >>>Based on the author’s own life experience and inspired by a true story in Daraya, Syria. In the last pages, found background stories of this book.>>>>Vali Mintzi’s books in SHI collection.

シリアで街が爆撃に襲われ地下のシェルターに住んだ時に、勇敢なるNour少女は従弟Amirと一緒に秘密の地下図書館を作り始めた。Amirが道で見つけた本を拾ってきたのが始まりであった。そしたら友達も協力して破壊された街から本を集めてきた。Nourの図書館は、本がもたらしてくれる癒しの場となり、困難な環境から抜け出して別世界に導いてくれる安らぎの場となった。ルーマニア人のイラストレータ-Vali Mintzi は、色彩のある子どもの世界に、チャコールで白黒に描いた破壊された街を重ねて、その対比効果を見事に描いている。>>>作者の実体験とシリアのDarayaでの実話を基にした絵本。>>>>SHIコレクションにあるVali Mintziの作品

The Forgiveness Garden

By Lauren Thompson, Illustrated by Christy Hale ( Feiwel and Friends – 2012 )

Hate had happened. Revenge had happened. And that inspired more hate and more calls for revenge. But this time, a young girl decided to try something different….. This is a timeless parable for all ages that shows readers a better way to resolve conflicts and emphasizes the importance of moving forward together. >>> The author inspired by the original Garden of Forgiveness in Beirut, Lebanon.

憎しみが起こった。復習が始まる。そして、それは更なる憎しみと復習を求める声を大きくする。しかし、今回はある少女が異なる方法を選んだ、、、この絵本のいつの時代でも通用する例え話は、年齢に関わらず読者達に紛争の解決の為の良策を示し、共に前進する大切さを強調している。>>>レバノンのベイルートに実際ある「Garden of Forgiveness」(許しの庭園)から、作者がヒントを得た作品。

This LOVE : A celebration of harmony around the world

By Isabel Otter, Illustrated by Harriet Lynas ( Tiger Tales – 2019 )

Love is a language that is understood and shared by people all around the world. Whether we’re reading quietly with a loved one or playing on the beach with friends, all across the globe, the love we feel for one another is the same. >>> In the front cover, there is a rainbow shaped cut, and the cut goes through several pages as a part of it’s illustration describing different life all over the earth.


Planting Friendship : Peace, Salaam, Shalom

By Callie Metler, Shirin Rahman, Melissa Stoller, Illustrated by Kate Talbot          ( Clear Fork Publishing – 2021 )

When they meet on the first day of school, three girls realize they are different from each other – Molly is Christian, Savera is Muslim, and Hannah is Jewish. Through a class planning project, the girls’ friendship blossoms, and learn they are more alike than they thought. >>>Three women authors from the same faith traditions as the 3 girls in the story.


All of Us

By Kathryn Erskine, Illustrated by Alexandra Boiger (Philomel- 2021)

Friends can help us understand the world and ourselves, opening our eyes to unique cultures and ideas. In a story that travels the globe, it’s easy to see how the world is a community made up of people who are more similar than we are different. With stunning, lush art to accompany the lyrical text, this book celebrates how honoring everyone’s talent creates a world that’s richer for all of us.


All of Us

By Carin Berger (Greenwillow Books -2018)

Starting with ”When your heart is heavy…..”and ending with “Hope and light will always prevail for love wins.” The short text message is very clear, simple, and easy to understand, as well as helping with dynamic and heartwarming illustrations. The book is celebrating the diversity of people who are standing strong together because of Love.


God’s Dream

By Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Douglas Carlton Abrams, Illustrated LeUyen Pham (Candlewick Press – 2008)

This book is a lovely introduction to Archbishop Tutu’s unique message of forgiveness and empathy and a beckoning pathway toward joy that even very young readers will delight in following. With warm and beautiful collaboration between authors and illustrator, the message will be able to reach to all children on the earth. >>>Archbishop Desmond Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for his lifelong struggle to bring equality, justice and peace to his native country of South Africa. The same two authors also wrote: Desmond and the very mean word


この絵本は、ツツ元大主教からのメッセージである、許しと共感と真の喜びを得るための方法を、若い読者にも解かり易く楽しく紹介している。心温まる美しい作品は、制作者達の熱意の賜物であり、世界中の子ども達に貴重なメッセージを届けてくれる。>>>ツツ元大主教は、祖国南アフリカの公平で平等で平和な社会実現の功績が認められ、1984年にノーベル平和賞を受賞。この絵本と同じ2人の作者でDesmond and the very mean wordもある。

Can you say Peace?              

By Karen Katz (Henry Holt and Company, LLC – 2006)

On International Day of Peace, and every day throughout the year, children all over the world wish for Peace. 11 Children say Peace in their own language and on the last page show more way to say Peace. >>>The United Nations has declared September 21 ” International Day of Peace”
