You Are a Beautiful Beginning

By Nina Laden, Illustrated by Kelsey Garrity-Riley ( Roaring Book Press – 2020 )

Inspired by this timeless adage, this book combines lyrical storytelling and lovely aart, blossoming into a celebration of self-love, friendship, and community. With delicate, evocative language and hidden depth, this meditative and magical picture book encourages readers old and young to discover their own endless potential.


Maple Syrup from the Sugarhouse

By Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton, Illustrated by Kathryn Mitter ( Albert Whitman & Company – 2017 )

As winter comes to an end and spring arrives, Kelsey looks forward to maple syrup season. She helps her daddy tap the sugar maple trees in the woods on their farm. After the buckets are filled with sap, Kelsey works with family and friends to collect the buckets and pour the sap into a holding tank. Then they’re off to the sugarhouse to boil the sap until it becomes syrup. When the first batch is bottled, it’s time to celebrate with a delicious breakfast – pancakes and maple syrup, of course! >>>”Marvelous Maple Syrup Facts” found on the last pages.


Mama and Mommy and Me in the Middle

By Nina LaCour, Illustrated by Kaylani Juanita ( Candlewick Press – 2022 )

The best feeling in the world is fitting snugly between the people you love as high as the sky, who love you back as deep as the ocean. When one of them is gone, even for a short little while, the skies turn gray and it’s hard to know where you belong. And when they come back, it can take more than just a hug to fix the empty spot you felt all week – sometimes it takes an entire garden of flowers to turn the skies blue again and make things right.>>>Kaylani Juanita’s books in SHI collection.

この世で最も心地良いのは、空のように高く愛し海のように深く愛を返してくれる人達の間にぴったりとフィットすることだ。もし一人がいなくなったら、たとえ短い間でも、空は灰色に変わり自分が属する場所さえ解らなくなる。そしてその人が戻ってきたら、空っぽの心を満たしてくれるハグだけでなく、時としてそれ以上のこともある。まるで庭じゅうの花達が再度空を青く染めて、総てが順調になるように。>>>SHIコレクションにあるKaylani Juanitaの作品

Let Me Fix You a Plate : A Tale of Two Kitchens

By Elizabeth Lilly ( Holiday House – 2021 )

Once a year, on a Friday night, my family leaves the city and drives for hours and hours. First we drive through the mountains to stop at Mamaw and Papaw’s house in rural West Virginia. Mamaw and Papaw are my Dad’s parents. We share their foods and their lifestyle for few days. And then we get ready for the next part of the journey, down to Florida to visit Abuela and Abuelo who are my Mom’s parents. >>> Elizabeth Lilly’s tale of a joyous road trip, drawn from her own experience, is illustrated with quirky charm that capture all the warmth and love of her family’s two distinct cultures.

一年に一度、金曜日の夜に、私の家族は街を離れて長い長いドライブに出発する。先ずは、山を幾つも通り過ぎてウエスト・バージニアの田舎にあるMamaw と Papawの家に停泊する。そこは父親の両親の家であり、彼らの料理を味わい彼等のライフスタイルに浸る。数日後には、次の行程であるフロリダへ向かって出発する。フロリダでは母親の両親であるAbuela と Abuelo (スペイン語の祖父母)の家に滞在する。>>>作者のElizabeth Lillyは、自分の体験を基に語った楽しいロードトリップの話に、風変わりで個性的なイラストをつけて、心暖まる家族愛と二つの異なるカルチャーへの愛しさを表現している。

Home is a Window

By Stephanie Parsley Ledyard, Illustrated by Chris Sasaki ( Holiday House – 2019 )

Home can be many things ; a window, a doorway, a rug…or a hug. At home, everything always feels the same : comfortable and safe. But sometimes things change, and a home must be left behind. Follow a family as they leave their beloved old home and learn to make a new one in this heartfelt book. >>>Stephanie Parsley Ledyard’s books in SHI collection.

我が家にかかわる物は沢山ある。例えば、窓や玄関、敷物や、、、又はハグ。 我が家では総ての物が安定してそこに存在し、心地よさと安心を与えてくれる。しかし時には、これらの物が変わり、住み慣れた我が家を立ち去らなくてはならない。古い住居から新しい住居に移る家族を追いながら、この絵本は新しい我が家が出来る過程を教えてくれる。 >>>SHIコレクションにあるStephanie Parsley Ledyardの作品

Sir Tim is a Little Jealous

By Judith Koppens, Illustrated by Eline van Lindenhuizen ( Clavis Publishing Inc. – 2019)

Sir Tim and his friend Sara are going to the playgroud. “Hey, Look!” Sara points. “There’s Max.” And before Tim knows it, she’s gone. Sara and Max are playing on the swings and on the seesaw and they have a lot of fun! Aind Sir Tim? He feels worried. Doesn’t Sara like him anymore? Maybe he should do something to catch Sara’s attention? >>> Original book is published in Belgium and the Netherlands, 2018.

Sir Timと友人の Saraは、プレイグランドに一緒に行った。 「見て!」と Sara が指差し「Maxがいる!」と叫んだ。 Timが彼に気ずく前に、Saraは彼のところへ走っていった。SaraとMaxは一緒にブランコで遊び、シーソーに乗って、二人で大いに楽しんでいる。Sir Timはどうしたら良いのだろう? 彼は心配になってきた。Saraは彼のこと嫌いになったのかな? Saraの注意を引くために何かしなくてはいけないのかな?>>>この絵本の初版はベルギーとオランダで 2018年に出版された。