Wherever You Go

By Alexandra Penfold, Illustrated by Suzanne Kaufman ( Alfred A. Knopf – 2024 )

“Wherever you go, whatever you do, I want you to know I’m so pround of you.” Join the beloved characters featured in the book “All Are Welcome” as they celebrate the many milestones of growing up. From first steps to learning how to ride a bike to not giving up when things get hard, this book is a remainder of a parent’s steadfast love for their child, every step of the journey. >>> Alexandra Penfold’s books and Suzanne Kaufman’s books in SHI collection.

[あなたが何処に行こうとも、あなたが何をしようとも、覚えておいて欲しい、あなたをいつも誇りに思っている。] All Are Welcomeの絵本に登場した子ども達が、成長する過程をたどってゆく。人生で最初に歩いた一歩から自転車に乗れるようになり、どんなときにも諦めずに頑張った成長の日々を、この絵本は親達のゆるぎない愛情の記録をそれぞれの思い出と共に振り返っている。>>>SHIコレクションにあるAlexandra Penfoldの作品Suzanne Kaufmanの作品

Rulers of the Playground

By Joseph Kuefler ( Balzer + Bray – 2017 )

One morning, Jonah decided to become ruler of the playgroud. Everyone pinkie promised to obey king Jonah’s rules…. Everyone except for Lennox, because she wanted to rule the playground, too. This hilariously deadpan tale of playground politics is gloriously rendered by author and illustrator Joseph Kuefler.

ある朝、Jonahは遊び場の支配者になると宣言をした。遊び場にいた子ども達全員が、彼に従うと指切りをして誓ったのだが、、、一人だけ例外がいた。それはLennoxであった。彼女も遊び場を支配したかったのだ。この可笑しいほど真面目な遊び場の権力闘争は作者兼イラストレーターのJoseph Kuefler によって見事に展開している。

When Langston Dances

By Kaija Langley, Illustrated by Keith Mallett ( Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers – 2021 )

Langston likes basketball, but after Mama takes him to see the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, he realizes that what he loves is dance. He can dip, he can kick, and he can spin, but it takes more than dipping and kicking and spinning to dance center stage, and not everyone thinks that boys should do ballet. Can Langston become a true danseur?

Langstonはバスケットボールをするのが大好きであった。ところが母親にAlvin Ailey American Dance Theaterの鑑賞に連れて行ってもらって以来、自分がやりたいのはダンスであると悟った。彼はデイップ(シュートの前に一度ボールを下げるモーション)も出来るし、キックも出来るし、それに回転も出来る。しかし、中央のステージで踊るには、彼が知っているデイップやキックや回転以上の動きが必要であった。更には、男の子がバレーなど踊れるとは誰も思っていなかった。はたしてLangstonは本物のダンサーになれるのだろうか?

Henry and Bea

By Jessixa Bagley ( Neal Porter Books – 2019 )

Henry and Bea have always been inseparable…until one day Henry suddenly stops talking to Bea. He won’t chat with her in class, and he won’t sit with her at lunch. Bea can tell something’s going on, and she’s determined to find out what it is. Then, during a class field trip to a farm, Henry finds something…It’s an old cat collar that makes it impossible for him to keep his feelings inside anymore. And even though it’s hard for them both to accept the death of his cat, Bea is there for Henry, as his best friend, no matter what. The author and illustrator, Jessixa Bagley comes a realistic and ultimately uplifting portrayal of the challenges of childhood friendship.

HenryとBeaはいつも一緒にいるほど仲良しであった。しかしある日突然、Henry はBeaと話さなくなった。教室でのおしゃべりも、ランチタイムの同席も拒んだ。Beaには何かが起こったことが直ぐ解かり、その原因を知ろうとした。そして野外授業で農場へ出かけた時、Henryはある物を見つけた、、、それは猫の古い首輪だった。すると、もはや彼の感情を押し殺していることが出来なくなった。二人にはどうすることも出来ない彼の猫の死ではあったが、Henryの良き友としてどんな時にもBeaがそばにいた。作者兼イラストレーターのJessixa Bagleyが、子ども時代の友情の困難さを見事に詳細に描いて語っている。

The Thing About Bees : A Love Letter

By Shabazz Larkin ( Readers to Eaters – 2019 )

Sometimes bees can be a bit rude. They fly to your face and prance your food. And yet…without bees, we might not have strowberries for shortcakes or avocados for tacos! This playful and beautiful picture book is a love poem from a father to his two sons, and a tribute to the bees that polinate the foods we love to eat. >>> Information about bees and author’s words found on several parts in this book.


Wait! It’s Friday

By Chris Barash, Illustrated by Christine Grove ( Apples and Honey Press – 2019 )

Today is Friday. On Fridays, I wait…and I wait…and I wait. A young child waits for something special as he plays with the cat, makes challah with Daddy, paints a picture with Nana, and takes a trip to the grocery store. Finally, the waiting is over. It’s Shabbat!


When I Found Grandma

By Saumiya Balasubramaniam, Illustrated by Qin Leng ( Groundwood Books – 2019 )

Maya longs to see her grandmother, but when Grandma arrives from far away for a visit, she is not quite what Maya expected. Grandma wears fancy clothes and she is really loud. Her prayer bells wake Maya up every morning, and she puts nuts in the rice! Still, Maya and Grandma try to get along… The story is an insightful and endearing portrayal of a grandparent and grandchild navigating cross-cultural contexts. The sweet and expressive illustrations illuminate Grandma and Maya’s growing closeness. >>> Qin Leng’s books in SHI collection.

Mayaは祖母に会うことを長い間楽しみにしていたが、実際に祖母が遠くの国から訪ねてくると、祖母はMayaの想像とはかけ離れていた。祖母はおかしな布の服を身にまとい声が大きかった。毎朝祖母の祈りのベルの音でMayaは起こされたし、祖母はご飯にナッツを乗せて食べた。でも、Mayaと祖母は何とか親しくなろうとしていた、、、異文化理解の内容を描いた祖父母と孫の間の洞察力があり愛らしいエピソードである。愛らしく表現豊かなイラストは、祖母とMayaの間で育まれる近親感を見事に照らし出している。>>>SHIコレクションにあるQin Leng の作品

12 Days of Kindness

By Irene Latham, Illustrated by Junghwa Park ( G.P.Putnam’s Sons – 2022 )

“On the first day of Kindness, I will give to you a hug that’s warm and true. ” Follow one girl as she express gratitude through kind deeds all her own – a smile or encouraging word or even shared snacks – and discover one act of kindness inspires another. This pietire book is set to the tune of “The twelve Days of Christmas” . Along with vibrant and warm illustrations, this joyous read-aloud celebrates how small acts of kindness can be practiced at any age.

[親切の一日目は、心からのハーグをあなたにあげること] 少女の表現する親切に従ってゆくと、、、笑顔であり、励ましの言葉であり、又はスナックを分け合うことでもあるのだが、、、一つの些細な親切が次々と伝播することに気ずかされる。この絵本は、”The twelve Days of Christmas” のメロディーに合わせて制作されている。明るい楽しいイラストと共に,声を出してページをめくると、どんな年齢の人達でも小さな親切をするのが楽しくなる。

Masala Chai, Fast and Slow

By Rajani LaRocca, Illustrated by Neha Rawat ( Candlewick Press – 2023 )

Aarav is fast, fast, fast…..and his grandfather, or thatha, is slow, slow, slow. Every day, Thatha makes masala chai for the family, and no matter how much Aarav urges him to hurry, Thatha insists on taking his time “Masala chai cannot be rushed, ” said Tahatha. “It must be made carefully.” When a minor accident leaves Thatha resting on the couch, Aarav wants to make the chai himself to help his grandfather feel better. But, no matter how hard he tries, everything turns into a big mess. Will Aarav be able to slow down and get the recipe right? >>> On the last pages, found Author’s note and the recipe of masala chai.


Eyes that Weave the World’s Wonders

By Joanna Ho with Liz Kleinrock, Illustrated by Dung Ho ( Harper – 2024 )

A young girl who is a transracial adoptee learns to love her Asian eyes and finds familial connection and meaning through them, even though they look different from her parents’. Her family bond is deep and their connection is filled with love. She wonders about her birth mom and comes to appreciate both her birth culture and her adopted family’s culture, for even though they may seem very different, they are both a part of her, and that is what makes her beautiful. She learns to appreciate the differences in her family and celebrate them.
