Our Favorite Day of the Year

By A. E. Ali, Illustrated by Rahele Jomepour Bell ( Salaam Reads – 2020 )

Musa’s feeling nervous about his first day of school. When he meets classmates Moises, Mo, and Kevin, he’s not sure they’ll have much in common. But over the course of the year, they learn all about one another and become the best of friends. In this charming story of friendship, family traditions, and sharing, children will see how celebrating our differences can bring us together. >>> On the last pages, additional information about four holidays presented in this book. >>>>Rahele Jomepour Bell’s books in SHI collection.

Musaは、幼稚園の最初の日が心配であった。クラスメイトのMoises, Moそして Kevinにあった時、どのような子なのか解らなかった。しかし一年が経つうちに、皆でお互いを学び合って良き友達となった。友情と家族の伝統と理解することを語るこの絵本は、子ども達が互いの違いを理解することによって連帯感が強まることを教えてくれる。>>>巻末にこの絵本で紹介された祝日の追加説明がある。>>>>SHIコレクションにあるRahele Jomepour Bellの作品

Sounds Like School Spirit

By Meg Fleming, Illustrated by Lucy Ruth Cummins ( Dial Books for Young Readers – 2021 )

From circle time to the lunch time, these kids are cheering, shouting, and chanting their way through the school day. Some students may be nervous in the beginning, while others jump right in, but one thing’s for sure : They are all in it together! Join in on this joyful, interactive celebration of school, friendship, and community.>>>Meg Fleming’s books and Lucy Ruth Cummins’s books in SHI collection.

サークルタイムからランチタイムまで学校での一日中、自分たちのやり方で生徒達は元気をはじかせ、叫び合い、連呼し合っている。ある生徒は初めは少し緊張しているかも知れないし、一方すぐに慣れてしまう生徒達もいる。でも、一つ確かなことは、皆が一体となっていること!これは、楽しくて、学校と友情とコミュニティーを謳歌する躍動的な絵本である。>>>SHIコレクションにある Meg Flemingの作品Lucy Ruth Cumminsの作品

I Can Help

By Reem Faruqi, Illustrated by Mikela Prevost ( Eerdmans Books for Young Readers – 2023 )

When Ms. Underwood asks if anyone wants to help Kyle, Zahra always volunteers. She loves spending time with Kyle – he’s creative and generous, and he makes the funniest jokes at lunch. But when some of Zahra’s classmates start teasing her for helping him, she ends making choices she regrets. This book is a gentle, sensitive portrait of reaching out, facing peer pressure, and learning from mistakes, and will open discussions about choosing kindness in the classroom and beyond.

Underwood先生がKyleを手助けする人を求めると、Zahraはいつでも快く引き受けた。Kyleは製作力が豊かだし、優しいし、それにランチタイムには最高のジョークを言うので、Zahraは彼との時間が楽しかった。ところが同じクラスの仲間が彼を手伝う彼女に嫌がらせを始めた時、Zahraは後で後悔するにも関わらず、Kyleを手助けしなくなった。 この絵本は、優しさ、繊細な生き生きとした描写、仲間達からの圧力への直面、そして間違いから学ぶ話であり、又、クラスルームの内外での親切心について語り合う良き機会を提供している。

Rock that Vote

By Meg Fleming, Illustrated by Lucy Ruth Cummins (Dial Books for young readers – 2022 )

Election Day has arrived and it’s time to vote for a new class pet! Will this class choose a hedgehog, lizard, hamster, or goat? They’re making their voices heard to ROCK THAT VOTE! Meg and Lucy have created an exuberant, interactive celebration of classroom election and power of voting, that also explores all the feelings that come along with the process.

選挙の日がやって来た。クラスのペットを選ぶ時だ!このクラスはハリネズミ、トカゲ、ハムスター、それともヤギを選ぶのかな?クラスメイト達は投票を呼び掛ける為に声を上げた。作者のMeg と イラストレーターのLucy は、クラス選挙が巻き起こす元気と対話と選挙の力を、さらには選挙運動中に起こる様々な感情も、上手にこの絵本で表現している。

A Sky-Blue Bench

By Bahram Rahman, Illustrated by Peggy Collins ( Pajama Press – 2021 )

It’s Aria’s first day back at school since her accident. She’s excited, but she’s also worried about sitting on the hard floor all day with her new prosthetic “helping-leg”. Just as Aria feared, sitting on the floor is so uncomfortable that she can’t think about learning at all. She knows that before the war changed many things in Afghanistan, school like hers had benches for students to sit at. If she had a bench, her leg would not hurt so much. The answer is obvious: she will gather materials, talk to the carpenter in the old city, and learn to build a bench for herself. >>>The author was born in Kabul, and studied at the university in Germany, and in 2012 he moved to Canada as a refugee. Bahram Rahman’s books in SHI collection. 

事故にあった後、Ariaが学校へ戻る最初の日である。彼女は楽しみにしていたが、同時に彼女の新しく作った義足の足が一日中硬い床の上に座ることに耐えられるか心配でもあった。案の定、床に座るのは大変に心地悪く、勉強に全く集中できない。戦争がアフガニスタンの多くを変えてしまったが、以前は生徒達が座るベンチが学校にあったことをAriaは、知っていた。もしベンチがあれば、彼女の足はもっと楽になるはずである。答えは明瞭であった。彼女は材料を集め、古い街に住む大工と話し、自分用のベンチの作り方を学んだ。>>>作者は、カブール生まれでドイツの大学に学び、2012年に難民としてカナダに移住した。SHIのコレクションにあるBahram Rahmanの作品

Mission : Back to School

By Susan Hood, Illustrated by Mary Lundquist ( Random House – 2016 )

Imagined in the form of a secret agent’s set of instructions, Mason and other children negotiate the first day of school. Example : ” You’ll be informed about rendezvousing at the vehicle checkpoint ( meeting at the bus stop), building diplomatic relations (making new friends), conducting fieldwork (exploring outside during science class) and until #19. I know you’re up for the task. Let’s go!” This is an another way to encourage children for their first day of school.


The Blue Ribbon Day

By Katie Couric, Illustrated by Marjorie Priceman ( Doubleday – 2004 )

Ellie and Carrie decide to try out for the school team in their favorite sport, soccer. But when only one of the girls is selected, the inselparable pair face a challenge – what do you say when your best friend is terribly disappointed? But even though some disappointments can’t be avoided, Carrie learns ( with some help from her mother and her old friend Lazlo) that while she may not be good at everything, she has undiscovered talents waiting to bloom, if she has the courage to try something new.


Dear Earth… : From Your Friends in Room 5

By Erin Dealey, Illustrated by Luisa Uribe ( Harper – 2020 )

This picture book shows the monthly corresponding letters between the earth and elementary school children in class room 5. First of all, in January, the children write a thanks letter to the earth for all that the earth gives to our world, and ask what is their part to help the earth. Through corresponding letters, every month the children learn and awake to do new action to help the earth. >>> On the last page, the author explains more about Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Renew. Erin Dealey’s books in SHI collection.

この絵本は、5号室の教室で学ぶ小学生達と地球との毎月の手紙のやり取りである。まず初め1月に、子ども達は多くの物を提供してくれている地球に感謝の手紙を書き、地球を手伝う為に自分達の役目を尋ねた。毎月の手紙を通して、子ども達は学び新しい行動を起こすことに目覚めていった。>>>巻末で作者がさらに詳しく、Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Renewの説明をしている。SHIコレクションにある同じ作者の作品。 

Marsha is Magnetic

By Beth Ferry, Illustrated by Lorena Alvarez ( Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – 2021 )

Marsha is a scientist who has never met a problem she couldn’t solve. But when it comes to making friends to invite to her birthday party, she is stumped. Luckily, Marsha knows the solution to being stumped : the Scientific Method! With equal parts creativity, determination, and humor, Marsha sets out to attract as many friends as she can. >>> Beth Ferry’s books in SHI collection.

Marshaは、どんな問題でも解決出来る科学者であった。しかし、自分の誕生日パーティーに招待する友達を探すことは、簡単には解決が出来なかった。幸いにも、Marshaは解決方法を知っていた。それは科学的法則に従うのである。想像力と決断力とユーモアを同等に混ぜて、彼女は友達を引き付ける作戦を開始した。>>>SHIコレクションにあるBeth Ferryの作品

Planting Friendship : Peace, Salaam, Shalom

By Callie Metler, Shirin Rahman, Melissa Stoller, Illustrated by Kate Talbot          ( Clear Fork Publishing – 2021 )

When they meet on the first day of school, three girls realize they are different from each other – Molly is Christian, Savera is Muslim, and Hannah is Jewish. Through a class planning project, the girls’ friendship blossoms, and learn they are more alike than they thought. >>>Three women authors from the same faith traditions as the 3 girls in the story.
