All are Welcome

By Alexandra Penfold, Illustrated by Suzanne Kaufman (Alfred A. Knopf-2018)

Inspired by the illustrator, Suzanne Kaufman’s daughter’s elementary school in Brooklyn, NY. Follow a group of children through a day in their school, where everyone is welcomed with open arms no matter their race, religion, or background. With vividly detailed illustrations and a gently reassuring text, we can celebrate kindness, inclusivity and diversity through all pages.


イラストレーターSuzanne Kaufmanの娘が通うニューヨークのブルックリン地区にある小学校からインスパイヤーされて、制作された絵本。子ども達の集団に従いながら、人種、宗教、バックグランドの違いに関わらず誰もが歓迎される学校の一日を体験する。生き生きと詳細に描かれたイラストとやさしく力強いテキストによって、どのページからも、やさしさと仲間意識と多様性への祝福が伝わってくる。

When Sophie Thinks She Can’t…

By Molly Bang (The Blue Sky Press – 2018)

Sophie is frustrating to put together a puzzle at home on a ranny day, and she feels she is not smart when she can’t solve a math problem at school. Her school friends feel the same way. But their teacher gives them some simple tools, including the most important word. They all try harder-together , until…”We did it!”>>>The same author of “When Sophie’s feelings are really, really hurt“.


雨の日にSophie は家でパズルが出来ずにフラストレーションを抱き、学校では数学の問題が解けずに自分はスマートではないと感じた。他の仲間も問題が解けずに、同じように感じていた。そこで学校の教師がヒントを与え、大事な言葉も教えてくれた。皆でさらに努力をして、、、ついにやり遂げた!>>>”When Sophie’s feelings are really, really hurt“と同じ作者兼イラストレーター。

Dont’t Spill The Milk!

By Stephen Davies, Illustrated by Christopher Corr (Andersen Press USA- 2013)

Penda lives in a tiny village in Western Africa with her mum and her aunties. It’s rainy season , so Penda’s dad is up in the grasslands looking after the sheep. Penda wants to take a bowl of milk to her daddy, and starts to walk for her adventure journey. Enjoyable colored illustrations, their daily life and family love will fascinate all readers. >>>Author’s Note telling about Fulani tribe at the end of the book.




By Matt De La Pena, Illustrated by Loren Long ( G. P. Putnam’s Sons-2018 )

In this string celebration of love, the author and the illustrator depict the many ways we experience this universal bond. With heartfelt illustrations and a smoothing lyrical text, this tender tale brings us a needed comfort and a new classic that will resonate with readers of every age.>>>Meet the author: Matt De La Pena
