Smile, Sophia

By Skylaar Amann ( Feiwel and Friends – 2022 )

Sophia loves finding fussils and digging up dinosaur bones. But she doesn’t love the way all the grown-ups just want her to smile. What does smiling have to do with the very serious business of being a scientist?! She’ll smile when she has something to smile about! In this book, a young girl shows that being strong, and smart, and really good at what she does is more than enough-and if she smiles, it’s because she wants to! >>> In the last pages, found some explanation of words related with Sophia’s world and the paleontologist’s took kit.

Shophia は、化石を探したり恐竜の骨を見つけるのに土地を掘り起こすのが、大好きであった。しかし、大人達から、だだ笑いなさいと言われることは嫌いであった。真剣に仕事にとり組む科学者にとって、微笑みが何の役に立つのか?!嬉しくなる理由さえあれば、彼女は微笑むことが出来る。この絵本では、少女が意志の強さと知識欲と本当にやりたいことに熱中する喜びを描いて、心から嬉しい時に現れる笑顔を語っている。>>>巻末で、Sophiaの世界に関した言葉の説明と、古生物学者が持ち歩く道具が記載されている。

How to Code a Sandcastle

By Josh Funk, Illustrated by Sara Palacios ( Viking – 2018 )

All summer, Pearl has been trying to build the perfect sandcastle, but out-of control Frisbees and mis-chievour puppies keep getting in the way! PLearl and her robot friend Pascal have one last chance, and this time they’re going to use CODE to get the job done. Using fundamental computer coding concepts like sequences and loops, Pearl and Pascal are able to break down their sandcastle problem into small, manageable steps. If they can create working code, this could turn out to be the best beach day ever! >>> Foreword by Reshma Saujani, founder of Girls Who Code. In the last pages, found “Pearl and Pascal’s Guide to Coding” >>>> Sara Palacios’ books in SHI collection.

夏の間中Pearlは海岸で砂の城つくりを幾度も試みたが、フリスビーが飛んできたり悪戯な犬たちが来たりで、いつも邪魔され砂の城は完成しなかった。Pearlと彼女の友達であるロボットのPascalは、最後にもう一度挑戦することにした。しかし今度はコードを使うのだ。つまり、コンピューターのコーディングの概念である順序だてたり繰り返しを輪の中でつなげたりするのだ。Pearl と Pascal は砂の城の建設作業を、各段階に分けて操作しやすくすることが出来る。コードがうまく働けば、この夏最高の海岸での一日になるに違いない。>>>Girls Who Code の創設者であるReshma Saujaniからの序文がある。最後のページは、”Pearl と Pascalのコーディングへのガイド”。>>>>SHIコレクションにある Sara Palacios の作品

What can you do with a rock?

By Pat Zietlow Miller, Illustrated by Katie Kath (Sourcebooks Jabberwocky – 2021 )

Rocks are simple, but the things you can do with them are endless. You can skip them, and you can sort them. Rocks build, sparkle, and tell a story. They can be memories. They hold wonder. Best of all, you can share them and make a new friend. This ode to curiosity and creative play from the author and the illustrator is bound to inspire.>>> In the last pages, found more information about rocks. >>>>Pat Zietlow Miller’s books in SHI collection.

石・岩石は、単純な物に過ぎないが、その活用方法は無限にある。放り投げることも出来れば、集めて分類することも出来る。そそり立つ岩や輝く石、それぞれに独自の物語が存在している。石・岩石は、忘れられない思い出であり、それぞれに不思議を含んでいる。何よりも、それらを分かち合うことで、新しい友達が得られる。作者とイラストレーターによる遊び心と好奇心が詰まったこの絵本は,石・岩石への好奇心を高めてくれるに違いない。>>>巻末に、石・岩石の更なる情報があり。>>>>SHIコレクションにあるPat Zietlow Millerの作品

Bonnie’s Rocket

By Emeline Lee, Illustrated by Alina Chau (Lee & Low Books Inc. – 2022)

Inspired by the experiences of the author’s grandfather. Bonnie’s father is an engineer for the Apollo 11 mission. Bonnie is an engineer too, developing her own model rocket that she plans to launch high into the sky. While Baba works on the moon-landing module far away, Bonnie designs, builds, and tests her new project – with sometimes disastrous results! This book celebrates the diverse team that contributed to one of the United Sates’ greatest achievements. It’s also a heartwarming story about father and daughters, and a terrific gift for young space fans and future engineers. >>>On the last page, you can find the Author’s note and the instruction of how to built a rocket like Bonnie’s sky Voyager.


Ordinary Mary’s Extraordinary Deed

By Emily Pearson, Illustrated by Fumi Kusaka ( Gibbs Smith – 2002 )

Mary, an ordinary girl, from ordinary school stumbles upon ordinary blueberries on her way to her ordinary house. When she decides to pick them for her neighbor, Mrs. Bishop, she starts a chain reaction that multiplies around the world. When Mrs. Bishop made muffins from Mary’s blueberries, Mrs. Bishop shared them with five people and made them smile, and those five did, too, and after a while – in only sixteen days -love was sent to every person everywhere! How it went? The page of mathematical proof will help to understand.


You are a Star!

By Michael Parker, Illustrated by Judith Rossell ( Walker & Company – 2010 )

When it’s time to sleep, the night sky might seem scary. But if you take a journey out of this world, past the moon, and throught the universe, you ‘ll discover millions of stars. Once bright fires in space, those stars grew so hot they exploded into tiny pieces that flew around and came to rest in the place where Earth began, where animals, trees, and fruits would someday grow. All living things have a little bit of stardust inside them, and so do you!>>> Found “Star Facts” on the last page.


Dig Those Dinosaurs

By Lori Haskins Houran, Illustrated by Francisca Marquez ( Albert Whitman & Company – 2013 )

Discover the journey a dinosaur bone takes from the ground to a museum exhibit! Follow a paleontologist and his crew as they dig and rig those big dinosaur bones, and also can enjoy the repeating sound of main word on each process. >>> On the last pages, included up-to-date facts on fossils and how paleontologists work.


Cleonardo : The little Inventor

By Mary GrandPré ( Arthur A. Levine Books – 2016 )

With the town’s annual Grand Festival of Inventions coming up, Cleonard is determined to invent something impressive to enter, something that will impress her inventor father Geonardo. It is the story that the father and his daughter become wonderful inventors with working together even using different materials.


Goodnight, Astronaut

By Scott Kelly with Emily Easton, Illustrated by Izzy Burton (Crown Books for Yung Readers – 2021 )

NASA astronaut, Scott Kelly was born for adventure. But exploring takes a lot of energy – and sleep is the super fuel to turbocharge dreams. Scott has fallen asleep at the bottom of the ocean, in the cockpit of an F-14 fighter jet, in a yurt on Mount Everest, and of course in space! As joining Scott on his many adventures, he encourages the reader to keep own dream.>>> The photo images of Scott’ adventure are on the last pages.

NASAの宇宙飛行士Scott Kelly は、生まれながらの冒険家であった。その為には膨大なエネルギーが必要であり、睡眠はエネルギーを蓄え、次なる夢への挑戦を助けてくれる。Scottは海底で寝たこともあるし、F-14戦闘機のコックピットで寝たこともあり、エベレストのテントの中でも寝たし、もちろん宇宙空間でも寝た。Scottの冒険を共有しながら、彼は読者達が自分の夢を持つことを勇気ずけている。>>>巻末に、彼がたどった冒険の写真の数々が掲載されている。

Rafa Counts on Papá

By Joe Cepeda (Little, Brown and Company – 2022 )

Rafa and his papá love to count and measure together. They know how many branches to climb to their favorite spot, they know how high their dog, Euclid, can jump, and they know how far they can run. But there’s something even Rafa can’t count nor measure because it is so big: the love he and his papá shares. This book celebrates curiosity and shows the tender and playful relationship between father and son on every inch of the page. >>> Joe Cepeda’s books in SHI collection. 
