Unfinished Sky

Directed by Peter Duncan(2007)

In a countryside of Australia, a farm owner who lost his wife lives alone with his dog. One day a barefooted and wounded Afghan female loses her way, and he finds her. Coming to Australia for searching her daughter, but the Afghan lady cannot speak any English.  >>> Remake story of Dutch film titled “The Polish Bride” in 1998.

オーストラリアの田舎に、一人で牧場を営む男性がいた。彼は妻を亡くした事故で、心が傷ついていたが、愛犬と共に一人の生活を静かにおくっていた。そこに、傷だらけで裸足で逃げてきた、言葉の通じぬ女性が、迷い込んできた。そのアフガニスタン女性は、別れた娘を追ってオーストラリアまで来たのだが、、、、。1998年度のオランダ映画「The Polish Bride」のリメイク版。お互いに心の傷を負った言葉も文化も異なる男女が、心を開いてゆく過程がここでも丁寧に描かれているが、オランダ映画とは異なるオーストラリアの味が演出されている。

David and Kamal

Directed by Kikuo Kawasaki(2011)

Nine years old American Jewish boy and nine years old street urchin of Arab descent meet accidentally in the old city of Jerusalem. They are different characters with different cultural and economical back ground, but become good friends.


A Foreign Field

Directed by Charles Sturridge(1993)

Two British war veterans meet an American veteran when they return to Normandy on the 50th anniversary of D-day. They find out they are searching for the same French lady once they loved. With the song of Lili Marleen and their memories, the band of survivors shares their not returning days.


Hopelessly in June

Directed by Vincent Brantley(2011)

 A black financial annalist meets a mixed-ethnic businesswoman in the cultural diversity city, Los Angeles. The charming career woman’s white father owns a flower shop, and he loves his daughter deeply. The Black annalist excited with her, and they set a family dinner with inviting both parents. And find out her parents is the same gender couple and they adapted their daughter when she was little.


Toe to Toe

Directed by Emily Abt(2009)

Two different girls from two different worlds join lacrosse club in a multiethnic school. Both girls start to share their time of lacrosse training and their teenage personal lives.


Bilal’s Stand

Directed by Sultan Sharrief(2011)

 A high school student Bilal works to keep up both his grades and his family long-owned taxi stand in Detroit, after his father passed away. Bilal plans to go to college, instead of spending his life in the Black community filled poverty and criminals, and his big decision comes.    >Bathed on a true story.


Monsieur Lazhar

Directed by Philippe Falardeau (2011)

In Montreal, a female homeroom teacher hangs herself in her class room of elementary school, and dies. Her tow class students get their mental trauma seriously as being the first finders of  overwhelming sight through the window of classroom door. Replaced class teacher is a male immigrant from Algeria. Despite his old teaching style, he awakes the two students’ deeply suffering even no other adults understand.



Hotel Rwanda

Directed by Terry George(2004)

Based on a true story in 1994 Rwanda. A million of people killed during the political conflict and civil war in Rwanda, a hotel manager opens the door of hotel for 1,200 refugees including his own family. The hotel becomes a hidden shelter as waiting for humanitarian group’s rescue.



The Intouchables

Directed by Oliver Nakache, Eric Toledano(2011)

Based on a true story in France. Driss, Senegalese young man living in Paris slum, applies a job just for his unemployment paper work. His applied job is to take care a wealthy quadriplegic, Phillippe on the wheelchair. Without any Driss’s expectation, eccentric aristocrat Philippe wants to hire Driss, as Driss’s character attracted Philippe somehow.  Driss experiences an unpredictable life style, and adventure while he inspires Philippe how to live a life with full enjoyment.



After the Wedding

Directed by Susanne Bier(2006)

Jacob, Danish humanitarian to helps street children in India, comes back to Denmark to search a possibility of financial aid for his humanitarian activities in India. One of his funds supporters, a Danish businessman, invites Jacob to his daughter’s wedding. And Jacob faces his unknown story and people needs him in Denmark more than in India. Starring: Mads Mikkelsen

インドの貧困地域で、救済活動にあたっているデンマーク人男性ヤコブは、資金難に直面する。デンマークの資産家から援助資金を募る為に、久しぶりで祖国に戻ったヤコブは、資産家の娘の結婚式に招かれた。そこで、意外な事実が明るみにされた。インドの子ども達が待つインドに一刻も早く帰りたいヤコブは、自分を必要といている人達が祖国にいる事実に目覚めさせられる。デンマークで人気の男優Mads Mikkelsenが、渋い役柄をこなしている、デンマーク映画。デンマークの光景とインドの光景が見事に対比して、世界の2極地を表現している。