The Water Princess

By Susan Verde, Illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds (G.P. Putnam’s Sons – 2016) 

 Based on the childhood experience of Georgie Badiel, a Burkinabé model and activist living and working in New York City. This is the story of one young girl’s quest to bring clean drinking water to her African village. With dynamic and beautiful illustrations and words, the book promotes the importance of clean drinking water for all human being.  




西アフリカのブルキナファソ共和国出身であり、現在はニューヨーク市在住のモデルであり活動家のGeorgie Badielの少女時代の体験を基にした絵本。アフリカの村に住む少女が、きれいな飲み水を得る為に、長い距離を歩かなくてはならない話である。ダイナミックで美しいイラストと言葉で、すべての人にきれいな飲み水の必要性をこの絵本は訴えてくる。>>>Georgie Badiel基金の詳細は上記URLにて。

And two boys booed              

 By Judith Viorst, Illustrated by Sophie Blackall (Margaret Ferguson Books-2014)

On the morning of the talent show, a boy is ready and waiting to sing his song, and he isn’t one bit scared because he has practiced a billion times. But all the other classmates have taken their turn, it’s time for him to sing – and now he definitely is a bit scared. (As turning pages of this book, we can feel his scary emotion.) Finally he starts to sing his song. Two boys boo……but all the other classmates and his teacher are clapping!




By Christelle Vallat, Illustrated by Stephanie Augusseau (First published in Belgium in 2012. English translation: Peter pauper press, Inc.-2014)

Celia is the town listener. She listens to people’s little problems, big problems and the in-between problems. Once they have shared their troubles with Celia and let them go – giving Celia their seed of sorrow – they feel lighter and happier. One day Julian, a young boy, loses his seed on the way to see Celia, he is unable to let go his sadness. But Celia knows how to solve Julian’s problem.



Everywhere Babies           

By Susan Meyers, Illustrated by Marla Frazee (Harcourt, Inc. -2001)

Describes babies and the things they do from the time they are born until their first birthday. They ‘re kissed and dressed and rocked and fed – and completely adored by the family who love them. >>>The author found herself noticing babies everywhere after her first grandchild was born.



The Can Man

By Laura E. Williams, Illustrated by Craig Orback (Lee & Low Books Inc. – 2010)

After watching a homeless man collect empty soft drink cans for the redemption money, Tim decides to collect cans himself for buying his own skateboard. Tim works hard in early morning to collect cans before the homeless man comes. By the end of the week, Tim has almost reached his goal…..and finds out the real reason why the homeless man collects cans. This story is to celebrate the simple act of kindness and sharing that make a difference in people’s lives.

