Lucy and The Dragonfly

By Lucie Papineau, Illustrated by Caroline Hamel ( Auzou – 2018 )

Lucy is a little girl who has a close relationship with nature. She loves to play in the fields of flowers and when she sings, the brook by her house sings along with her. But when fall comes, and the leaves are covered with dark spots insted of bright colors. Lucy knows that the Earth gets sick, and Lucy can feel it. Lucy’s tears travel from the wings of a dragonly all across the planet where a little boy finally understands what is going on. Her story then spreads across the globe and everyone makes their own little gesture to heal the Earth and Lucy. This book will be introduced to the subject of protection of nature in a poetic way with the soft illustrations.



By Mượn Thị Văn, Illustrated by Victor Ngai ( Orchard Books – 2021 )

In the middle of the night, a family quickly packes up what they can carry and leaves their entire world, traveling to a new and unknown place. The voyage is perilous, but the heart’s wishes prevail in this emotional journey of resilience, belonging, and hope. >>>On the last page, found Notes of the author and the illustrator.


And The People Stayed Home

By Kitty O’Meara, Illustrated by Stefano Di Cristofaro and Paul Pereda (tra.publishing – 2020)

In the early days of the global coronavirus pandemic, Kitty wrote a poem about what might happen during the pandemic and after it. She posted the poem on Facebook, and people all over the world loved it. Kitty’s words teach us the importance of spending time with ourselves and people closed to us, listening deeply, and doing what we love. She believe that when we are kind to ourselves and others, and when we use the special gifts we each have, we can make the world a better place. This book based on Kitty’s poem and added wonderful illustrations by Stefano and Paul. >>> On the last paged, sharing “Talking with Author”.


The pink hat

By Andrew Joyner (schwartz & wade books – 2017)

Inspired by the Women’s March the estimated 5 million women, men and children marched in 82 countries on January 2017. Once there was a pink hat which was knitted by an old woman. A cat played with it. A baby caught it. A dog swiped it. And a girl found it. And then she wore her pink hat, and everyone else wore one, too!>>> On the last page, found the note about Women’s March.

2017年1月に世界82カ国で約5百万人の女性、男性、子ども達が参加した”ウオーマンズ マーチ”に触発されて制作された絵本。ある日、高齢女性がピンク色の帽子を編んだ。猫がそれで遊んだ。赤ちゃんがそれを手にした。犬がそれを奪った。そして、一人の女の子がそれを手にした。それから、その女の子は他の人達と同じようにピンク色のその帽子を被ってマーチに参加した。>>>巻末に、ウオーマンズ マーチについての補足説明あり。

Raise your Hand

By Alice Paul Tapper, Illustrated by Marta Kissi  ( Penguin Workshop – 2019 )

Based on eleven-year-old Alice Paul Tapper’s own experience. This inspiring story shows how Alice took an idea and turned it into a national movement to give girls more confidence. After noticing that girls at school weren’t participating as much as boys, she put a plan into action and use her vice to encourage others to use theirs.

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11歳のAlice Paul Tapperの実体験を基にした絵本。アリスは、学校で女生徒の方が男生徒よりも手を上げないことに気ずいた。自分自身その理由を分析し、女生徒達が自信をもつ為のアイデアを他の女生徒達と話し合いながら、行動を起こした。その行動は全国に広がる運動となった。

The Water Princess

By Susan Verde, Illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds (G.P. Putnam’s Sons – 2016) 

 Based on the childhood experience of Georgie Badiel, a Burkinabé model and activist living and working in New York City. This is the story of one young girl’s quest to bring clean drinking water to her African village. With dynamic and beautiful illustrations and words, the book promotes the importance of clean drinking water for all human being.  




西アフリカのブルキナファソ共和国出身であり、現在はニューヨーク市在住のモデルであり活動家のGeorgie Badielの少女時代の体験を基にした絵本。アフリカの村に住む少女が、きれいな飲み水を得る為に、長い距離を歩かなくてはならない話である。ダイナミックで美しいイラストと言葉で、すべての人にきれいな飲み水の必要性をこの絵本は訴えてくる。>>>Georgie Badiel基金の詳細は上記URLにて。

I like, I don’t like

By Anna Baccelliere, Illustrated by Ale + Ale                      (Eerdmans Books for Young Readers – 2017)

Every child has the right to play – but in some parts of the world, children spend more time working than playing. This thought-provoking book, as comparing the same item, captures how different the world can look from the eyes of those less privileged.



Rose’s Garden

By Peter H. Reynolds ( Candlewick Press -2009 )                                                   

  After traveling the world in her fantastic teapot, Rose finds a neglected corner of bustling city where she can plant the flower seeds collected from her travel. And then she waits-through rain and cold and snow. Rose waits, never doubting that the garden she envisions will one day come to be. >>>The author wrote this book as a tribute to Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, a woman who planted her own perennial garden.



ローズは不思議なティーポットで世界中を旅した後、賑やかな街の一角に忘れられた土地を見つけた。ローズは旅の間に集めた花の種を、そこに植えた。そして、雨でも雪でも、花が芽を出すのを待った。いつの日かそこに素晴らしい花園が出来ることを信じて、ローズは毎日待っていた。 >>>作者は、ローズ・フィッツジェラルド・ケネディ(ケネディ米国大統領の母親)へささげる為に、この絵本を制作した。

If Kids Ran the World

By Leo & Diane Dillon  ( Scholastic – 2014 )

In simple words and fanciful illustrations, different children work together to make our global village a happier place. With their boundless imagination and enthusiasm, children know that anything is possible-including building a peaceful world where food, shelter, medicine and education can be had by all.



These seas count!

By Alison Formento, Illustrated by Sarah Snow (Albert Whitman & Company ~ in 2013)

Mr. Tate’s class helps clean up a local beach and listens to the sea as it tells them about all the wildlife that make it their home. The gentle story and the amazing collage combine for a powerful message about the environment and what we can do to preserve our oceans. With the diversity of class students, this message is presented for all our nations.

