little brothers & little sisters

By Monica Arnaldo ( Owlkids Books – 2018 )

In nearly every neighborhood of almost every town, you will find little brothers and little sisters, all longing for the same thing. What do they long for? A turn at the wheel and a chance to shine… But also a helping hand and a partner in crime. By turns humorous and moving, this book explores the good, the bad, and the lovely of having – and being – a sibling.


Somewhere in the City

By J. B. Frank, Illustrated by Yu Leng ( Familius LLC – 2021 )

The sights and sounds of the city come alive in a magical way as Lucy waits eagerly for her father to return from work. Watching out the window, Lucy’s view of dogs, bakers, and buses is juxtaposed with her father’s journey through crowds, trains, and finally home to tuck her in.


Mama and Mommy and Me in the Middle

By Nina LaCour, Illustrated by Kaylani Juanita ( Candlewick Press – 2022 )

The best feeling in the world is fitting snugly between the people you love as high as the sky, who love you back as deep as the ocean. When one of them is gone, even for a short little while, the skies turn gray and it’s hard to know where you belong. And when they come back, it can take more than just a hug to fix the empty spot you felt all week – sometimes it takes an entire garden of flowers to turn the skies blue again and make things right.>>>Kaylani Juanita’s books in SHI collection.

この世で最も心地良いのは、空のように高く愛し海のように深く愛を返してくれる人達の間にぴったりとフィットすることだ。もし一人がいなくなったら、たとえ短い間でも、空は灰色に変わり自分が属する場所さえ解らなくなる。そしてその人が戻ってきたら、空っぽの心を満たしてくれるハグだけでなく、時としてそれ以上のこともある。まるで庭じゅうの花達が再度空を青く染めて、総てが順調になるように。>>>SHIコレクションにあるKaylani Juanitaの作品

Home is a Window

By Stephanie Parsley Ledyard, Illustrated by Chris Sasaki ( Holiday House – 2019 )

Home can be many things ; a window, a doorway, a rug…or a hug. At home, everything always feels the same : comfortable and safe. But sometimes things change, and a home must be left behind. Follow a family as they leave their beloved old home and learn to make a new one in this heartfelt book. >>>Stephanie Parsley Ledyard’s books in SHI collection.

我が家にかかわる物は沢山ある。例えば、窓や玄関、敷物や、、、又はハグ。 我が家では総ての物が安定してそこに存在し、心地よさと安心を与えてくれる。しかし時には、これらの物が変わり、住み慣れた我が家を立ち去らなくてはならない。古い住居から新しい住居に移る家族を追いながら、この絵本は新しい我が家が出来る過程を教えてくれる。 >>>SHIコレクションにあるStephanie Parsley Ledyardの作品

When Dad Was Away

By Liz Weir, Illustrated by Karin Littlewood ( Frances Lincoln Children’s Books – 2012 )

Milly’s Dad has been sent to prison, and at first Milly feels angry and confused. But soon she, Mum and her brother, Sam, go to visit Dad and afterwards a surprise package arrives at home. It’s a cd of all Milly’s favourite animal stories, read specially for her by Dad. At Christmas there’s a party at the prison, with Father Christmas, and in the spring comes the best surprise of all….>>>This story for younger children shows how one family comes through a difficult time of separation, by an author and illustrator with extensive experience of working with prisoners and their families.>>>>Karin Littlewood’s books in SHI collection.

Millyの父親が刑務所に送られた時、彼女ははじめ怒りと混乱に襲われた。しかし、母親と弟のSamと一緒に父親に会いに刑務所に行った後、予期せぬ小包が家に届いた。それは彼女が大好きな動物達の物語のCDで、父親が彼女の為に特別に読んでくれたのだ。クリスマスには刑務所でサンタクロースも参加したパーティーがあり、そして春には、皆が待っていた嬉しい驚きがあった。>>>この絵本は、幼い子ども達が家族の困難をどのように乗り越えるか語っているが、作者やイラストレータが多くの体験者達からの話を基に製作された。>>>>SHIのコレクションにあるKarin Littlewoodの作品


By Jessica Shepherd ( Child’s Play Inc – 2014 )

Oscar loves Grandma, and their time together is always lots of fun. As she becomes less able to take care of herself, she has to go into a nursing home. More and more chilren are encountering dementia and its effects on their families. This touching story, told in Oscar’s own words, is a positive and practical tale about the experience. The factual page about dementia helps children talk about their feelings and fine new way to enjoy the changing relationship.


All Kinds of Families

By Norma Simon, Illustrated by Sarah S. Brannen ( Albert Whitman & Company – 2016 )

Families come in all sizes, with all kinds of peoplel. Every family is different. And every family is special. But what makes a family special? It’s the feelings they have about each other – sharing good times and bad times, growing together. People who live together, love together. fight together and make up, work and play with each other, laugh, and cry…together…they are a family. The book reminds you how mch you mean to your family and how much your family means to you. >>> This is the 40th anniversary edition with fresh illustrations and updated text. Norman Simon’s books in SHI collection.

家族には色々なサイズがあり、色々な人がいる。それぞれの家族は異なるし、特別でもある。何が特別か知っているかい?それは互いにもっている感情であり、良い時も困難な時も共有し一緒に成長している。一緒に生活をしている人達、愛し合っている人達、争い仲直りする人達、そげぞれが働き楽しみを持ち、笑い合ったり泣き合ったり、皆で一緒にするのが家族である。この絵本は、あなたにとっての家族の意義と、家族にとってのあなたの意義を再認識させてくれる。>>>1976年に出版された初版に新たなイラストとアップデイトしたテキストを加えた、40周年記念の絵本である。SHI コレクションにあるNorman Simonの作品

Brick by Brick

By Heidi Woodward Sheffield ( Nancy Paulsen Books – 2020 )

Papi is a bricklayer. He works hard every day to help build the city, brick by brick. Luis is proud of his Papi, and he works hard, too – in school, book by book. And Luis like to create things – molding clay into tiny bricks to make buildings, just like Papi. Together, they dream big about their future. Their dream is to build a house of their own. >>>Heidi Woodward Sheffield’s books in SHI collection.

Luisの父親はレンガを積み上げる仕事をしている。町を建設する為に、一つ一つレンガを積み上げて、毎日一生懸命に仕事をしている。 Luis は、そんな父親を大変に誇りに思い、彼も学校で本から本へと一生懸命に勉強している。そして彼は、物を作るのが大好きであった。父親みたいに、粘土を小さなレンガにして建物を建てた。そして、Luisと父親は、一生に将来の大きな夢をもっていた。彼等の夢は、自分達の家を建てることであった。>>>SHI コレクションにあるHeidi Woodward Sheffieldの作品

Ani’s Light

By Tanu Shree Singh, Illustrated by Sandhya Prabhat ( Maginatin Press, an imprint of the American Psychological Association. – 2020 )

Ani’s stuck in a dark cloud because his mother hasn’t been home. His friends and family try to brighten his mood, but nothing helps. When Mama finally comes back, but with her hair missing, Ani’s light gets brighter and brighter, chasing away his darkness. The unconditional love between Ani and his mother shines through as the two enjoy their precious time together, whether it’s forever, or just for now. >>>The original version published in India in 2019. Includes a note from the author explaining way to help a child through a family crisis.

Aniの母親が家にいなくなってから、彼には黒い雲が付きまとった。彼の友達や家族が、Ani’を明るくしようと努めたが役に立たなかった。母親が家に戻った時、彼女の髪の毛がなかったけれども、Aniの暗さは消えて徐々に明るくなっていった。Aniと母親との無条件の愛情は、一緒の時間を楽しみながら、輝きを増していった。たとえその時間が永遠であろうとその時だけであろうと、輝きの素晴らしさに変わりはない。>>>原作は2019年にインドで出版された。記載されている作者からの解説は、家庭内の危機に対応する子どもを助ける方法のアドバイスである。(注:米国における出版社のMaginatin Pressは、米国心理学会傘下の出版社)

Beautiful You, Beautiful Me

By Tasha Spillett-Summer, Illustrated by Slini Perera (Owlkids Books – 2022 )

Why does Izzy’s skin look different from her mama’s ? And why does hair Izzy’s have swirls and curls that jump out from her braids, while her mama’s hair is smooth and straight with a braid that hanging right down the middle of her back? “You are part of me, and I am part of you. I am beautiful like me, and you are beautiful like you.” A timeless story celebrating how beauty and belonging come in all shapes and sizes.
