A Party in Ramadan

By Asma Mobin-Uddin, Illustrated by Laura Jacobsen.                                                          (Boyds Mills Press ­­–Pennsylvania in 2009)

Muslim girl Leena is happy to have an invitation for her friend’s birthday party, although it turns out the party is on a day during Ramadan when Leena will fast with her family. Leena joins the party and has a lot of fun, even though she does not eat nor drink.        It is not easy for Leena, but she has grownups’ lovely supports to learn the meaning of Ramadan through her experience.

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イスラム教徒の少女が、日の出前から日没後まで断食・断飲をするラマダンの時期に行われる友人の誕生日パーティ­­ーの招待状を受けた。パーティーでポニーに乗ることを楽しみにしながらも、初体験のラマダンも行うと、母親につげた。米国で生活するイスラム教徒の子ども達に、Asma Mobin-Uddinは意欲的に絵本を書いている。異なる信仰を持っていても、暖かく理解し受け入れようとする周囲の大人達の配慮が描かれているこの絵本は、大人達にこそ読んで欲しい絵本とも言えそうだ。

Lots of Grandparents

By Shelley Rotner and Sheila Kelly, Ed.D., Photographs by Shelley Rotner                             (The Millbrook Press  – Connecticut in 2001)

Presenting joyful moments of grandparents and grandchildren/great grandchildren. Lovely Pictures show the divers of people around the world, and they tell their  multigenerational bonds are unchangeable global-widely.


Azad’s Camel

Written and Illustrated by Erika Pal (Frances Lincoln ­­– London, GB in 2009)

In outside of town in Arabia, an orphan boy Azad demonstrates his balancing skill to his friends. A wealthy sheikh sees Azad’s demonstration, and arranges to have Azad trained as a camel rider. Camel racing is frightening and Azad dislikes it despite he is good at it. One day Azad and his camel decide not to stop at the finish line of the race, but run away to the desert. The next morning, some Bedouins discover them and offer them a safe home.

アラブのある国の孤児であったAzad少年が、町の隅で行っていた鉄棒が見初められ、競争ラクダのラクダ乗りにさせられる。しかし、この競争が嫌いであったAzad少年はラクダと共に逃げ出して、砂漠の民の人達から暖かく迎えられた。ブタペスト生まれの作者Erika Palは、幼少時代を冷戦中の東欧で過ごし、ロンドンでアニメーションを学んだ女性。シンプルなイラストながら、暖かさと力強さが出ている。

Standing on My Own Two Feet~A Child’s Affirmation of Love in the Midst of Divorce

Written and Illustrated by Tamara Schmitz (Penguin Group –New York, NY in 2008)

Addison’s parents get divorced, and he ends up with two homes and he feels safe in both of them.  He knows his mom and dad love him always, and nothing worry needed.



All Kinds of Children

By Norma Simon, Illustrated by Diane Paterson                                                                          (Albert Whitman & Company – Illinois in 1999)

Celebrating children in the neighborhood and the international stage. As presenting the diversity of people and culture on the earth,  each chosen examples and comparison helps to understand different children better.


Minnow and Rose -An Oregon Trail Story

By Judy Young, Illustrated by Bill Farnsworth (Sleeping Bear Press – Chelsea, MI in 2009)

In the mid-1800s, Rose, who is a pioneer girl traveling west with her family by covered wagon, comes to riverside to pick some berries. She discovers a village of Native American on the other side of the river, and sees a Native American girl who comes to get water from the river. She acknowledges Rose, but they keep their distance.

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My Friend John

By Charlotte Zolotow, Illustrated by Amanda Harvey                                                                     (A Doubleday Book for Young Readers – New York in 2000)

Two boys celebrate their friendship of spending most of time together to have fun, to have new experience, to share story, to care each other, and all others between tow friends can expect.

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1000Times NO

Story and Pictured by Mr. Warburton (Laura Geringer Books – New York, in 2009)

Noah’s mom informs to leave, but Noah doesn’t want to. He says “No” in different languages, in different manners, with different tools……..until hear the last word his mom said.

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母親に出かけると告げられた赤ちゃんのノラが、だだをこねてNOを言うのだが、その表現が様々な言語、サインと豊かなイラストで表されている。その発想のユーモアと真剣さが、最後の母親の一言でくつがえされる。日本でも大人気となったChris RaschkaのYo!Yes?の絵本からインスピレーションを得たような、大変ユニークで楽しい絵本。親子で見ながら、きっと笑いがこみ上がる絵本である。

Yoko’s Paper Cranes

Story and Pictured by Rosemary Wells   (Hyperion Books for Children – New York, in 2001)

Green-eyed kitten Yoko living in Japan moves to the United States on ship. Yoko thinks of her beloved grandmother in Japan, so she makes origami paper cranes to send to Japan.

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猫を擬人化したYokoシリーズの 絵本の一冊。千代紙の柄がそのままイラスト化したような、ユニークなデザインとなっている。話の内容は、日本で祖父母と暮らしていたYokoが船でアメリカに渡り、祖父母へのYokoの思いを折り鶴に託して日本に贈る、解りやすい内容。英語も短く解りやすいので英語を習い始めた低学年児童には、英文と内容共々に、お薦めの一冊である。

Angelina’s Island

Story and Pictured by Jeanette Winter (Frances Foster Books – New York, in 2007)

Angelina living in New York City is an immigrant child from Jamaica and she hardly switches her days of bright colorful Jamaican life to new one. One day, her mother arranges for Angelina to participate in Brooklyn’s Carnival Parade with putting on a beautiful costume. With excitement of music and dancing, Angelina feels at home and her homesickness is banished temporary.

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