My Mother’s Tongues : A Weaving of Languages

By Uma Menon , Illustrated by Rahele Jomepour Bell ( Candlewick Press – 2024 )

Sumi’s mother can speak two languages, and she can switch between them with lightning speed. Could it be that Sumi’s mother possesses a superpower? Does she have two tongues in her mouth? Sumi can see only one. Reveling in her mother’s abilities, young Sumi recalls the story of her mother’s migration from India and how it led her to grow two ‘tongues”. Sumi also shares that some family members have even more tongues than her mother does! And what about Sumi? Where might her language journey lead?


Nour’s Secret Library

By Wafa’ Tarnowska, Illustrated by Vali Mintzi ( Barefoot Books – 2022 )

Forced to take shelter when their Syrian city is plagued with bombings, young Nour and her cousin, Amir, begin to bravely build a secret underground library. Amir starts picking up books he found in the streets, and then his friends join them to collect books from their destroyed city. Nour’s Secret Library is about the power of books to heal, transport and create safe spaces during difficult times. Illustrations by Romanian artist Vali Mintzi superimpose the colorful world the children construct over black-and-white charcoal depictions of the battered city. >>>Based on the author’s own life experience and inspired by a true story in Daraya, Syria. In the last pages, found background stories of this book.>>>>Vali Mintzi’s books in SHI collection.

シリアで街が爆撃に襲われ地下のシェルターに住んだ時に、勇敢なるNour少女は従弟Amirと一緒に秘密の地下図書館を作り始めた。Amirが道で見つけた本を拾ってきたのが始まりであった。そしたら友達も協力して破壊された街から本を集めてきた。Nourの図書館は、本がもたらしてくれる癒しの場となり、困難な環境から抜け出して別世界に導いてくれる安らぎの場となった。ルーマニア人のイラストレータ-Vali Mintzi は、色彩のある子どもの世界に、チャコールで白黒に描いた破壊された街を重ねて、その対比効果を見事に描いている。>>>作者の実体験とシリアのDarayaでの実話を基にした絵本。>>>>SHIコレクションにあるVali Mintziの作品

The Babka Sisters

By Lesléa Newman, Illustrated by Tika and Tata Bobokhidze (Kar-Ben Publishing – 2013)

The great Babaka Bake-Off is on for sisters Esther and Hester. The two siters always compete each other especially about baking. Their new neighbor, Sylvester, will decide which sister makes the best Babka. Sylvester testes the both Babka, and the sisters want to know whose Babka is the best in the world. He declares ” Esther makes the best Chocolate babka in the world! and Hester makes the best Cinnamon babka in the world!” Now the sisters and Sylvester enjoy together delicious Shabbat. Then Sylvester wonders who can make the best Kugel for the next Shabbat. Now the Kugel Bake-Off is on. >>> The more information about Babka included. Lesléa Newman’s books in SHI collection.

EstherとEstherの姉妹の間で、バブカ(ユダヤ系のパン)焼きの競争が始まった。この二人姉妹は何かにつけ競い合ったが、とりわけベーキングに関しては熱が入った。新しく隣人となったSylvester氏は、どちらが一番おいしいバブカか決める羽目になってしまった。両方のバブカを味見した彼は、宣言をした。Estherのバブカは世界一美味しいチョコレートバブカであり、Estherのバブカは世界一美味しいシナモンバブカであると。お陰で、3人で一緒に美味しいバブカの安息日を楽しんだ。そして、Sylvester氏は次の安息日には世界一美味しいクーゲルを食べたいと言ったので、クーゲル焼き競争が姉妹の間で始まってしまった。>>>バブカについてのより詳しい情報が記載されている。SHIコレクションにあるLesléa Newmanの作品

A Concert in the Sand

By Tami Shem-Tov and Rachella Sandbank, Illustrated by Avi Ofer (Kar-Ben Publishing – 2017)

Uri’s parents are busy with lots of construction workers who come in their delicatessen to buy sandwiches for lunch, so Uri’s parents don’t have time for him. But his grandmother has time. The problem is that his grandmother only speaks German and Uri doesn’t. His grandmother invites him to take a walk with her. Uri follows to her, but no idea where she wants to go. They walk together along a Tel Aviv street and they can communicate anyhow as Uri guesses well. But Uri never imagine that they encounter the conductor and musicians of the orchestra that become the Israel Philharmonic. >>> Including historical background of Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.


Feast of Peas

By Kashmira Sheth, Illustrated by Jeffrey Ebbeler (Peachtree – 2020)

Jiva looks forward to a feast of peas from his garden, but when they are stolen at harvest time. Jiva sets out to catch the thief, and not a single precaution, he takes – a fence, a scarecrow – prevents the next theft. Finally Jiva catches the thief and it’s his friend Ruvji! Jiva gives Ruvji the punichment to cook a feast for him, so Ruvji are carefully prepared several dishes with peas. They are delicious! and Jiva celebrates a feast of peas with Ruvji together. >>>kashmira sheth’s books in SHI collection.

Jivaは畑のエンドウマメのご馳走を楽しみにしていたが、収穫時になると、エンドウマメを盗む人がいた。Jivaは犯人を捕まえようと、柵を巡らしたり、案山子を立てたりして、更なる被害を予防した。そしてついにJivaが犯人を捕らえると、それは友人であるRuvji であった。罰として、JivaはRuvjiにエンドウマメのご馳走を作る仕事を与えたので、Ruvjiは注意深くエンドウマメの料理をいくつかJivaの為に用意した。それらは最高に美味しかった!JivaはRuvjiと一緒に、エンドウマメのご馳走を満喫した。>>>SHI コレクションにあるkashmira shethの作品

The Wheels on The Tuk Tuk

By Kabir Sehgal & Surishtha Sehgal, Illustrated by Jess Golden (Beach Lane Books – 2016)

Take a ride through an Indian town as the tuk tuk wheels go round and round! This delightful spin on “The Wheels on the Bus” brings a lively and colorful twist to a classic nursery rhyme. >>> In the last pages, found Authors’ Note and Glossary to help to learn Indian people and culture through this book and song.

Tuk Tuk (トークトーク)に乗ると、タイヤが回りながらインドの町を 走り回ってくれる!長年愛唱されている幼児用の歌”The Wheels on the Bus” (バスのタイヤ)の楽しいリズムに、生き生きとした色彩豊かなインドの町の光景や人々の様子がオリジナルの歌詞から置き換えられている。>>>巻末に著者達(母と息子のチーム)からの説明や語彙の解説があり、この絵本のインド版の歌を歌いながらインドの人々や文化を知るのに役立つ。

The Ghoul

By Taghreed Najjar, Illustrated by Hassan Manasra, Translated from Arabic by Michel Moushabeck ( Crocodile Books, USA – 2020, Originally published in Arabic by Al Salwa Publishers, Amman, Jordan in 2015)

A story about facing your fears and accepting differences, inspired by Arabic folk tales. Long time ago, there are the villagers who are afraid of the “Ghoul”. For years, they’ve tiptoed around the village for fear of disturbing it. The monster doesn’t look like them and it is believed to eat humans. One day, the brave Hasan embarks on a dangerous mission to face the long-feared Ghoul. When Husan finally meets the Ghoul living on top of the mountain, he discovers that the Ghoul is just as terrified of people as they are of him. Hasan and the Ghoul realize that they can still be friends, despite their differences.


The Proudest Blue : A Story of Hijab and Family

By Ibtihaj Muhammad and S. K. All, Illustrated by Hatem Aly ( Little, Brown and Company – 2019 )

The first day of wearing Hijab is important. It makes being strong. With her new backpack and light-up shoes, Faizah knows the first day of school is going to be special. It’s the start of a brand-new year, and best of all, it’s her older sister Asiya’s first day of hijab-made of a fabric of beautiful blue, like the ocean waving to the sky. But not everyone sees hijab as beautiful, and in the face of hurtful, confusing words, Faizah will find new ways to be strong. >>> Ibtihaj Muhammad is a fencer and the first Muslim American woman in hijab to compete for the US in the Olympic Games. On the last page of the book, authors’ notes found.>>>>Hatem Aly’s books in SHI collection.

初めてヒジャブを被る日は、大切な日である。そして勇気がいる。新しいカバンとピカピカの靴で、Faizahは学校へ初登校する日が特別であることを知っていた。新しい学年の始まりの日であり、何よりも姉のAsiyaが始めて学校へ通うのにヒジャブを被る日でもあった。彼女の被るヒジャブは青い布で、まるで海が青空に溶け込んだように美しかった。しかし、誰にとってもヒジャブは美しいとは限らず、嫌な顔をする人や心ない言葉を投げかける人もいた。Faizahは、強い心のもち方を新たに学んでゆく。>>>作者のIbtihaj Muhammad はフェンシングの選手であり、初めてのヒジャブを被ったモスラム系米国人として、オリンピック競技で活躍した。巻末に作者たちからの言葉がある。>>>>SHIコレクションにあるHatem Alyの作品

The Third Gift

By Linda Sue Park, Illustrated by Bagram Ibatoulline ( Clarion Books – 2011 )

A young boy is learning his father’s trade. HIs father gathers resin from cetain tree and sells it. After harvesting an especially large”Tear” of a resin known as myrrh, he and his father visit a spice marchant whose three customers are seeking a special gift to bring to a baby. With exquisite illustrations, the ordinary father-son’s tale involved in and extraordinary event brings new resonance to the Christomas traditional story; the three wisemen and 3 gifts – gold, frankincense and myrrh. >>> Includes biblical references and historical information about the Magi and myrrh. Linda Sue Park’s books and Bagram Ibatoulline’s books in SHI collection.

少年は父親の商売を学んでいた。彼の父親は、特殊な木から樹脂を集め売っている。ミルラとして知られている樹脂の”涙”で、特別に大きな涙を収穫した後、彼と父親は香辛料の商人のところに出かけた。そこには3人の客が、生まれたばかりの赤ん坊への特別なギフトを探していた。見事なイラストと共に、普通の父と息子が特別な出来事に関わった物語は、クリスマスの伝統的な話である3人の賢者がキリスト生誕時に持って行った贈り物の黄金、フランキンセンス(乳香)、ミルラ(没薬)を、新しい角度から思い起こさせてくれる。>>>賢者とミルラに関する聖書や歴史上の情報が巻末にある。SHIコレクションにある、Linda Sue Parkの作品Bagram Ibatoullineの作品

A Sky-Blue Bench

By Bahram Rahman, Illustrated by Peggy Collins ( Pajama Press – 2021 )

It’s Aria’s first day back at school since her accident. She’s excited, but she’s also worried about sitting on the hard floor all day with her new prosthetic “helping-leg”. Just as Aria feared, sitting on the floor is so uncomfortable that she can’t think about learning at all. She knows that before the war changed many things in Afghanistan, school like hers had benches for students to sit at. If she had a bench, her leg would not hurt so much. The answer is obvious: she will gather materials, talk to the carpenter in the old city, and learn to build a bench for herself. >>>The author was born in Kabul, and studied at the university in Germany, and in 2012 he moved to Canada as a refugee. Bahram Rahman’s books in SHI collection. 

事故にあった後、Ariaが学校へ戻る最初の日である。彼女は楽しみにしていたが、同時に彼女の新しく作った義足の足が一日中硬い床の上に座ることに耐えられるか心配でもあった。案の定、床に座るのは大変に心地悪く、勉強に全く集中できない。戦争がアフガニスタンの多くを変えてしまったが、以前は生徒達が座るベンチが学校にあったことをAriaは、知っていた。もしベンチがあれば、彼女の足はもっと楽になるはずである。答えは明瞭であった。彼女は材料を集め、古い街に住む大工と話し、自分用のベンチの作り方を学んだ。>>>作者は、カブール生まれでドイツの大学に学び、2012年に難民としてカナダに移住した。SHIのコレクションにあるBahram Rahmanの作品