Made in America

Directed by Richard Benjamin (1993)                                                                            

An independent black woman conceives a child with the help of a sperm bank. When her daughter discovers the truth 18 years later and attempts to learn who her anonymous father is, he turns out to be a car dealer who also happens to be white. Hilarious family story with a ton of Love spices. >>>Starring: Whoopi Goldberg, Ted Danson, Will Smith, Nia Long

独立心旺盛な黒人女性が、子どもを産むことにし、精子銀行から精子を購入した。18年後に成長した娘が、自分の出生の事実を知ると、未知なる自分の父親を捜すことを企てた。その結果娘が見つけ出した父親は、自動車販売の仕事をしていて、しかも信じられないことに白人であった。滑稽な家族の物語であるが、愛情のスパイスが一杯つまっている。主演者達>>>: Whoopi Goldberg, Ted Danson, Will Smith, Nia Long

Dear Mr. Washington

By Lynn Cullen, Illustrated by Nancy Carpenter (Dial Books for Young Readers – 2015)

In April, 1796, young Charlotte Stuart writes a series of letter to George Washington, whose portrait is being painted by her father, reporting on her efforts and those of her brothers to follow the rules of good behavior in the book Mr. Washington gave them. Includes historical notes.



I lost my tooth in Africa

By Penda Diakité, Illustrated by Baba Wagué Diakité (Scholastic Press – 2006)  

Inspired by the author’s young sister’s experience. Amina lives in Portland, Oregon and she visits her father’s family in Mali, West Africa. While her visiting African relatives, Amina loses a tooth, places it under a calabash, and receives a hen and a rooster from the African Tooth Fairy. Illustrator is the author’s father and they create this picture book filled with the warmth and love of a close-knit family who lives on two countries.



Fandango Stew

By David Davis, Illustrated by Ben Galbraith (Sterling – 2011)

Penniless Slim and his grandson Luis ride into the unwelcoming western town of Skinflint, and manage to rustle up a delicious meal for all its citizens out of one lone bean. This funny western-style story is taken on the famous folktale “Stone Soup” and with some Spanish words.


一文無しのスリムと彼の孫は、西部の町にやって来たが歓迎されなかった。そこで、お腹を空かしていた二人は、一粒の豆から町中の人に振舞えるシチューを作ってしまうことに成功した。世界各地に類似の話がある有名な “Stone Soup” のウエスタン版であり、スペイン語も出てくる。タイトルのファンダンゴとは、スペイン・中南米の陽気なダンスの名前。

hello! hello!

By Matthew Cordell (Disney・Hyperion Books – 2012)

A child seeks a way to communicate with her parents and her brother who are busy with their electronic devices. She ventures outside, and there are so many things to say hello to! When she comes back home she decides to show her family what she has found, and it’s hello world and goodbye gadgets.



We the Kids; The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States

Illustrated and foreword by David Catrow (Dial Books for Young Readers – 2002)

Brush up on the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States with humorously illustrated pictures. Includes a glossary of terms and a foreword by the artist.



Hooray for Reading Day!

By Margery Cuyler, Illustrated by Arthur Howard                                                                        (Simon & Schuster Books for young readers – 2008)

First-grader Jessica, a big worrier, is especially afraid that she will make a mistake when she is reading in front of her class and parents on Reading Theater day, but after lots of practice reading to her dog Wiggles, she performs perfectly.



The Other Side

By Jacqueline Woodson, Illustrated by E. B. Lewis (G.P. Putnam’s Sons – 2001)

Clover’s mom says it isn’t safe to cross the fence that segregates their African-American side of town from the white side where Anna lives. But the two girls, Clover and Anna,  strike up a friendship, and get around the grown-up’s rules by sitting on top of the fence together.>>>Jacqueline Woodson’s books in SHI collection.



黒人少女のクローバーの母親は、人種分離政策で作られた町を分断している柵を越えないように、娘には言っていた。柵の向こうはアナが住んでいる白人居住区であった。しかし、クローバーとアナは柵越しの友情に導かれて、大人達の作った柵に一緒に座るようになった。いつの日かこの柵が無くなることを願いながら。>>>SHIコレクションにあるJacqueline Woodsonの作品

Shanghai Messenger

By Andrea Cheng, Illustrated by Ed Young (Lee & Low Books Inc. – 2005)

A free-verse novel about eleven-years-old Xiao Mei’s visit with her extended family in China, where the Chinese-American girl finds many differences but also the similarities that bind a family together.

