Hooray, a Piñata!

By Elisa Kleven (Puffin Books – 1996)

Clara wants a piñata for her birthday party, and picks one shaped like a dog. Clara pretends it is her pet and she doesn’t want it to get broken. But if she keeps the dog piñata, she will not have a piñata at her party. Luckily she gets another piñata as her birthday present. On the last page, ” A note about piñata ” is found.



Who stole Mona Lisa?

By Ruthie Knapp, Illustrated by Jill McElmurry (Bloomsbury-2010)

Tells the story of the famous Leonardo da Vinci portrait known as the Mona Lisa, including its 1911 theft from the Louvre in Paris, from the point of view of the subject of the painting. On the last page, includes an author’s note with facts about the painting.



The Story of Paper

By Ying Chang Compestine, Illustrated by YongSheng Xuan (Holiday House Inc.-2003)

Three brothers in China like to play at school instead of doing their math. The teacher writes note to Mama and Papa on their hands and demands that they hold them up for everyone to see. The boys wish they could invent something for the teacher to write on besides their hands – something small and private. >>> On the last pages, More detail history about Paper, and Instruction of Homemade Garden Paper are found.



The Umbrella Queen

By Shirin Yim Bridges, Illustrated by Taeeun Yoo (Greenwillow Books – 2008)

In a village in Thailand where everyone makes umbrellas, young Noot dreams of painting the most beautiful one and leading the annual parade as Umbrella Queen, but her unconventional umbrellas of painting elephants displease her parents. And then on the day of the parade, the King finds Noot’s umbrellas and likes them very much. >>>Shirin Yim Leos (Formerly Shirin Yim Bridges)’s books in SHI collection.


村中の人達が傘作りをしているタイにある村で、Noot少女は最も素敵な傘を作って、毎年恒例の「傘の女王」パレードの先頭を歩くことを夢見ていた。ところが伝統的な絵とは異なり像を描いたNootの傘に彼女の両親は不満であった。そしてパレードの日、Nootの作った傘に王様の目が留まり、大変に気に入ってもらった。>>>SHIコレクションにあるShirin Yim Leos ( 以前の名前はShirin Yim Bridges )の作品

The Paper Crane

By  Molly Bang  ( Greenwillow Books – 1985 )

The restaurant stood on a busy road, and people come and went, day and night. But a new highway replaced the old road, and now hardly anyone stopped there to rest and eat. One day a stranger entered the restaurant and paid for his dinner with a paper crane that magically came alive and danced. >>> Beautiful three-dimensional illustrations brings and ancient Japanese folktale magically to modern life.



The Legend of the Bluebonnet:An old tale of Texas

Retold and Illustrated by Tomie dePaola ( G. P. Putnam’s Sons – 1983 )

The lovely wild flowers, known by the name of bluebonnet, are the State flower of Texas. They cover the Texas hills in the springtime every year. This book is a retelling story of the Comanche People’s legend of how a little girl’s sacrifice brought the bluebonnet to Texas.



Sam and the Lucky Money

By Karen Chinn, Illustrated by Cornelius Van Wright & Ying-Hwa Hu                                       (Lee & Low Books Inc. – 1995 )

It’s Chinese New Year’s day, Sam receives the traditional gift of lucky money in the red envelop from his grandparents. Sam can hardly wait to go shopping with his mother in Chinatown, as he is finally old enough to spend it any way he choose. But Sam realizes that his grandparents’ gift in not enough to get the thing what he wants, his excitement turns to disappointment. And then Sam encounters a homeless man on the sidewalk of Chinatown. Finally Sam finds his way to use the lucky money meaningfully.



Pizza for the Queen

By Nancy Castaldo, Illustrated by Melisande Potter (Holiday House Book – 2005)

Raffaele makes the best pizza in all of Napoli, and even Queen Margherita wants to taste it. When a messenger from the palace orders a pizza for the queen on June 11, 1889, he collects all finest ingredients for the Queen, but as same as what the Napoli people love to eat. He plans to make 3 different pizzas, however a cat eats the anchovies for the 3rd pizza. Raffaele almost gives up the 3rd pizza, but the color of the Italian flag inspires him to create the Pizza Margherita in spite of missing anchovies. Pizza history and recipe are found on the last pages.



The real story of Stone Soup

By Ying Chang Compestine, Illustrated by Stephane Forisch                                              (Dutton Children’s Books – 2007)

The old folktale about Stone Soup (Stone Soup, Cactus Soup) seems popular all over the world, but this is the real story from China. A fisherman hired three Chang brothers to help his job. They were nice boys but lazy. One day the fisherman discovered these boys had forgotten a pot to provide lunch. And then the brothers started preparing lunch for the fisherman by using recycled, reproduced, recreated resources. The hungry fisherman mist to watch all what they had done, but he remembered the taste of most delicious soup as well as he watched the fire heated stones were put into the soup. The recipe of “Chang Brothers’ Egg Drop Stone Soup” is included.


石のスープの昔話は、世界各地で様々に語り継がれているようで、当コレクションの中にもStone Soup と Cactus Soup があるが、この絵本は中国で起こった本当の石のスープの話ととなっている。漁師がチャング3人兄弟を自分の仕事の手伝いに雇った。3人とも良き少年ではあったが、怠け者であった。ある日漁師は、3人が昼飯を用意する鍋を忘れているのに気ずいた。3人はあらゆる手に入るものを利用して、漁師の為の昼飯作りに取り掛かった。彼らの行動の一部始終を見ていなかった漁師ではあるが、腹ペコの漁師は、飛び切り美味しいスープの味と共に火で焼かれた石がスープに入れられたところを目撃したことは、しっかりと覚えていた。「チャング式石入り卵スープの作り方」も巻末にあり。

Popo’s Lucky Chinese New Year

By Virginia Loh-Hagan, Illustrated by Renne Benoit (Sleeping Bear Press – 2017)  

When her Chinese grandmother, Popo, comes to visit, a young Chinese-American girl learns of and participates in the customs and beliefs celebrating an authentic Chinese New Year. The little girl’s comments also help to understand her feeling toward the tradition.

