The Firekeeper’s Son : A Tale rooted in Korean History about Family, Beauty, and Peace.

By Linda Sue Park, Illustrated by Julie Downing (HarperCollins Publishers – 2004)

In early-19th-century Korea, after Sang-hee’s father injures his ankle, Sang-hee attempts to take over the task of lighting the evening fire, which signals to the palace that all is well. If the king does not see a fire, that means touble, and he will send out his army. Sang-hee knows how important it is for the fire to be lit, but he wishes that he could see soldiers…just once.>>>Including historical notes. >>> Linda Sue Park’s books in SHI collection.

19世紀初めの韓国、Sang-heeの父親が足首を痛めて動けなくなった後、夜の明かりを灯す使命をSang-heeが果たさなければならなくなった。夜の明かりは総てが順調であることを宮殿に伝える手段である。もしも王が明かりを見なければ、何か問題が起きたことを意味し、王は彼の軍隊を送ってくるのだ。Sang-heeは自分の役割の重要性を理解していたが、たった一度で良いから、本物の軍人を見たい願望もあった。>>>歴史的情報も掲載されている。>>>SHIコレクションにあるLinda Sue Parkの作品

The Proudest Blue : A Story of Hijab and Family

By Ibtihaj Muhammad and S. K. All, Illustrated by Hatem Aly ( Little, Brown and Company – 2019 )

The first day of wearing Hijab is important. It makes being strong. With her new backpack and light-up shoes, Faizah knows the first day of school is going to be special. It’s the start of a brand-new year, and best of all, it’s her older sister Asiya’s first day of hijab-made of a fabric of beautiful blue, like the ocean waving to the sky. But not everyone sees hijab as beautiful, and in the face of hurtful, confusing words, Faizah will find new ways to be strong. >>> Ibtihaj Muhammad is a fencer and the first Muslim American woman in hijab to compete for the US in the Olympic Games. On the last page of the book, authors’ notes found.>>>>Hatem Aly’s books in SHI collection.

初めてヒジャブを被る日は、大切な日である。そして勇気がいる。新しいカバンとピカピカの靴で、Faizahは学校へ初登校する日が特別であることを知っていた。新しい学年の始まりの日であり、何よりも姉のAsiyaが始めて学校へ通うのにヒジャブを被る日でもあった。彼女の被るヒジャブは青い布で、まるで海が青空に溶け込んだように美しかった。しかし、誰にとってもヒジャブは美しいとは限らず、嫌な顔をする人や心ない言葉を投げかける人もいた。Faizahは、強い心のもち方を新たに学んでゆく。>>>作者のIbtihaj Muhammad はフェンシングの選手であり、初めてのヒジャブを被ったモスラム系米国人として、オリンピック競技で活躍した。巻末に作者たちからの言葉がある。>>>>SHIコレクションにあるHatem Alyの作品

Our Story Starts in Africa

By Patrice Lawrence, Illustrated by Jeanetta Gonzales (Magic Cat Publishing – 2022 )

When Paloma visits her family in Trinidad, she doesn’t feel like like she fits in. But Paloma’s aunty, Tante Janet, has a story to tell her; an ancient story of Warrior Queens and talking drums, of treasures and tales that span thousands of years…Join Tante Janet and her inquisitive niece as they share the story of how her family came to the Caribbean, through the dark days of colonization and slavery, to the emergence of a thriving, contemporary Africa. >>>On the last pages, found the author’s note and Paloma’s Questions.

Palomaがトリニダード島の家族を訪ねた時、彼女はそこに属していない気がした。しかし叔母のTante Janetが話をしてくれた。例えば、アフリカの女性が支配していた国の古代の話をドラムの演奏で語り継いでいることや、宝石や物語が何千年にもわたって広め伝えられていたこと等、、、Tante Janetと好奇心旺盛な姪に加わって、アフリカから彼女たちの家族がカリブ諸国へ来て、植民政策や奴隷制度の暗い時代を乗り越えながらも、どのように本来のアフリカを維持し繁栄したかの物語に耳を傾けよう。>>>巻末に、イタリア人の父とトリニダード・トバゴ人の母をもち英国で生まれた著者の言葉と、絵本に登場するPalomaによる質問集がある。

The Third Gift

By Linda Sue Park, Illustrated by Bagram Ibatoulline ( Clarion Books – 2011 )

A young boy is learning his father’s trade. HIs father gathers resin from cetain tree and sells it. After harvesting an especially large”Tear” of a resin known as myrrh, he and his father visit a spice marchant whose three customers are seeking a special gift to bring to a baby. With exquisite illustrations, the ordinary father-son’s tale involved in and extraordinary event brings new resonance to the Christomas traditional story; the three wisemen and 3 gifts – gold, frankincense and myrrh. >>> Includes biblical references and historical information about the Magi and myrrh. Linda Sue Park’s books and Bagram Ibatoulline’s books in SHI collection.

少年は父親の商売を学んでいた。彼の父親は、特殊な木から樹脂を集め売っている。ミルラとして知られている樹脂の”涙”で、特別に大きな涙を収穫した後、彼と父親は香辛料の商人のところに出かけた。そこには3人の客が、生まれたばかりの赤ん坊への特別なギフトを探していた。見事なイラストと共に、普通の父と息子が特別な出来事に関わった物語は、クリスマスの伝統的な話である3人の賢者がキリスト生誕時に持って行った贈り物の黄金、フランキンセンス(乳香)、ミルラ(没薬)を、新しい角度から思い起こさせてくれる。>>>賢者とミルラに関する聖書や歴史上の情報が巻末にある。SHIコレクションにある、Linda Sue Parkの作品Bagram Ibatoullineの作品

Hair Story

By NoNieqa Ramos, Illustrated by Keisha Morris ( Carolrhoda Books – 2021 )

Preciosa, non-Black Puerto Rican, has hair that won’t stay straight, won’t be confined. Rudine, Black girl, has hair that resists roller, flat irons, and rulers. Together, the girls play hair salon! They take inspiration from their moms, their neighbors, their ancestors, and cultural icons. They discover that their hair holds roots of the past and threads of the future. >>> On the last pages, there are names of prominent Black, Afro-Latinx, and non-Black Latinx figures known both for their accomplishments and their notable hairstyle, and also a glossary of Spanish words.


Dia De Los Muertos

By Roseanne Greenfield Thong, Illustrated by Carles Ballesteros ( Albert Whitman & Company – 2015 )

El Dia de los Muertos, Day of the Dead, is here – a holiday for celebrating the lives of departed family and friends. Altas are decorated with sugar skulls and marigolds. Tamales and sweets are ready to eat. Soon it will be time for picnics, music, and a costume parade! Come join in these joyful and vibrant festivities that are tradition in Mexico and throughout Latin America. >>> On the last pages, found the information about Dia de los Muertos and Glossary.


Sitting Shiva

By Erin Silver, Illustrated by Michelle Theodore ( Orca Book Publishers – 2022 )

A little girl grieves the loss of her mother. Her friends, family and neighbors arrive at her house to sit shiva, the Jewish practice of mourning the death of a family member, but she refuses to come downstairs. Eventually, she comes out of hiding and finds solace with others. With introducing about Jewish Shiva, a beautiful, heartfelt story about grief, loss, comfort and the importance of community. >>> ” A note about grief” found in the last page.


To Carnival! : A Celebration in Saint Lucia

By Baptiste Paul, Illustrated by Jana Glatt ( Barefoot Books – 2021 )

Oh no! Melba missed her ride to the Carnival parade! As she makes her way from the countryside to the city, Melba is never alone. A steel pan drummer, a mannikou (Opossum in English), two jacquot (green parrot, national bird of Saint Lucia), a boy with a kite, a banana farmer, for boxes of bananas and a zanndoli ( a whiptail lizard) are following one by one after Melba, and they are hurry down the mountain to Carnival. >>> On the last pages, Creole pronunciation and glossary, map of Saint Lucia, and another information, are attached.


Bisa’s Carnaval

By Joana Pastro, Illustrated by Carolina Coroa ( Orchard Books – 2021 )

It’s time for Carnaval and Clara cannot wait to celebrate her favorite holiday with family, but especially with especially great-grandmother (Bisa-short for bisavô , greatl-grandma in Brazilian Portuguese). Even if Bisa can’t attend, Clara knows that Carnaval parade will still be special. Costumed lovingly by their Bisa, everyone takes to the street for the annual parade. But even among all the colors, costumes, music, and dancing something is missing….or is it someone? Clara decides ot bing Carnaval to Bisa! >>> On the last page, found the Glossary of some words in Brazilian Portuguese.



By Peter Oswald ( Candlewick Press – 2020 )

In the cool and quiet early light of morning, a father and child wake up. Today, they’re going on a hike. Follow the duo into the mountains as they experience the joys of nature, overcome challenges, and play a small role in the survival of the forest. And when they return home, there’s just one more way to hold the day in their hearts forever. >>> No text in this book, but the illustration tells a lot.
