Round is a Tortilla: a Book of Shapes        

By Roseanne Greenfield Thong, Illustrated by John Parra                                                (Chronicle Books LLC ~ in 2013)

A Mexican girl asks to discover shapes all around us: rectangles are ice-cream carts and stone mutates, triangles are slices of watermelon and quesadillas… one. Many of the featured objects are Latino in origin, and Spanish words are translated at the end.



Dojo Daytrip

By Chris Tougas (Owlkids Books ~ in  2015)

The little ninjas of Dojo Daycare are taking a field trip to the farm. As their master has disaster after disaster, his students forget to help him. Eventually they come together to help the master, do all the farm chores, and even paint a barn.  >>>The author/illustrator published another 2 books of Dojo Series with six little ninja children ; Dojo Surprise and Dojo Daycare.


黒装束の可愛い忍者が、道場のスクールバスで農場へ出かけた。6人の子ども忍者は、目だけしか見えないが、肌の色や少々見える髪型から、子ども達の多様性が解る。農場では唯一の大人である師匠が、幾度も失敗を繰り返しドタバタ劇となるが、子ども忍者達はこの時とばかりに活躍する。忍者文化がすっかり子ども達の世界に浸透していることを伺わせる様な、実に楽しい絵本である。制作者のChris Tougasは、他にDojoシリーズを2冊出版している。

What can you do with a Rebozo?

By Carmen Tafolla, Illustrated by Amy Cordova (Tricycle Press  ~ in 2008)

A young girl introduces the traditional shawl called Rebozo, it’s also called Mexican shawl, found in many Mexican and Mexican-American households.  It’s used as a cradle for baby, a superhero’s cape, a warm blanket on a cool night…..there so many things you can do with Rebozo.  The more detail information is in the last page.



Here is the world

By Leslea Newman, Illustrated by Susan Gal                                                                    (Abrams Books for Young Readers ~ in 2014)

As showing the subtitle “A year of Jewish Holidays” , the book introduces young children to a joyous year of Jewish holidays and celebrations in the traditional way. With rhyming text and digitally collaged illustrations will help to gain the meaning of these special festivities of the life. At the last pages, you will find Hebrew words and the more explanation of each special holidays with traditional foods and crafts.


副題にA Year of Jewish Holidaysとあり、ユダヤ人の祝日を子どもの誕生を通してからの一年の歳月の中で紹介している。貼り絵のようなタッチのイラストは親しみ易く温かみが伝わってくる。家族のつながりと愛情が、それぞれの伝統的な祝いの中で生き生きとしている。文中の英文は短く詩のようではあるが、巻末で詳しくヘブライ語の言葉や意味を解説し、それぞれの祝日に関係する伝統的な食べ物の作り方やクラフトの作り方もある。ユダヤ人の子ども達の伝統継承のみならず、ユダヤ文化理解にも大いに役立つ絵本である。

Baseball Saved Us    

By Ken Mochizuki, Illustrated by Dom Lee (Lee & Low Books Inc. ~ in 1993)

Inspired by the experience of the author’s parents. Shortly after his family, along with thousands of Japanese Americans, are sent to an internment camp after the attack on Pearl Harbor. As having isolated life with fighting the heat  and dust of the desert, his father builds a baseball diamond and forms a league in order to boost the spirits of the internees. He and other boys learn to play the baseball game not only to win, but also  to gain dignity and self-respect.


米国シアトル生まれ育ちの日系米国人Ken Mochizukiが、韓国ソウル生まれ育ちで米国に住むDon Leeと制作した絵本であり、両者にとって共に処女作である。第二次世界大戦中、米国政府によって強制隔離キャンプに送られた両親をもつKen Mochizukiは、実話から影響を受けてこの絵本を制作した。キャンプ生活で兄が荒れた心になってゆく過程と、主人公の少年が野球をすることによってたくましく成長してゆく様子が、見事に描かれている。過酷な戦争体験の背景はあるが、それ以上に、少年の成長記録である。

Jingle Dancer          

By Cynthia Leitich Smith, Illustrated by Cornelius Van Wright & Ying-Hwa Hu                    (Morrow Junior Books ~ in 2000)

Jenna loves the tradition of jingle dancing that has been shared by generations of women in her family, and she hopes to dance at the next powwow (Native American’s gathering). She wants her dreaming dress will sing with jingles, and adults women surrounding her help to make her dream come true.



My Dadima wears a Sari                 

By Kashmira Sheth, Illustrated by Yoshiko Jaeggi (Peachtree ~ in 2007)

Everyday, Rupa’s grandmother, Dadima, wears a beautiful Indian traditional sari in America. Dadima shares with Rupa all the wonderful things that saris can do from an umbrella in a rainstorm to providing a deep pouch to carry seashells. Soon Rupa’s own imagination is sparked. A note from author and instructions for wrapping a sari are included.



Belinda in Paris

By Amy Young  (Viking, Penguin Group ~ in 2005)

Belinda has arrived in Paris to perform, but her ballet shoes went to Pago Pago. To add to her problem, she has very big feet. As she and a young dance, Gabrielle, race through the streets of the city looking for a replacement pair, help comes from some unexpected places.



One Leaf of Rides the Wind

By Celeste Davidson Mannis, Illustrated by Susan Kathleen Hartung  (VIKING – 2002)

This is a counting book with enjoyment of Japanese Garden and Haiku Poems.


Counting in a Japanese Gardenとのサブタイトルが付いているように、日本の神社にある庭園で、俳句を詠いながらページ毎に数を数えている大変にユニークな絵本。見開きのページ毎に、左側には着物を着た少女が数を数えているイラスト、そして右側には英語の俳句が書かれ、下のほうには丁寧にその俳句の英文説明も付いている。巻末には、日本庭園と俳句の説明もある。日本の伝統文化に関心のある人へ贈りたい絵本である。

Time to pray

By Maha Addashi, Arabic Translation by Nuha Albitar, Illustrated by Ned Gannon (Boyds Mills Press –Honesdale, Pennsylvania in 2010)

Yasmin visits her grandmother in the Middle East. During experience of traditional daily life, Yasmin learns how and when to pray.  Yasmin’s grandmother makes her prayer clothes, and buys her player rug. Written in English-Arabic Text.

