Thanksgiving at OBAACHAN’S

By Janet Mitsui Brown (Polychrome Pub Corp-1994)

A young Japanese American girl who cannot speak Japanese and her OBAACHAN (grandmother) who cannot speak English, celebrate their unique thanksgiving together. This American holiday is expanded as mild with Japanese cultural heritage, and the girl remembers beautifully the uniqueness of her family event at OBAACHAN’s house.

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Yoon and the Christmas Mitten

By Helen Recorvits, Illustrated by Gabi Swiatkowska                                                 (Farrar, Straus and Giroux – 2006)

Yoon is a Korian girl who moved from Korea to America with her family, and the same heroine of “My name is Yoon”. She learns about Christmas and Santa Claus at school, and is captivated by this seasonal event. But Yoon parents insists they should follow to Korean traditional event, and Christmas celebration is not for them.  And then, Yoon and her parents figure out a way to meld a Christmas tradition and their own New Year’s event.

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2003年に出版され多くの賞を受賞したMy Name is Yoonと同じ作者とイラストレーター。アメリカに住む韓国人親子の異文化融合への過程は、多くの米国児童とその周辺の大人たちを引きつけているようだ。この作品では、学校でクリスマスやサンタクロースことを知り興奮するYoonが、韓国人の習慣でないと親から言われ、異文化の間で文化的妥協点を見つけてゆく。その発想が、ユニークであり愉快でもある。Yoonシリーズは、3作目も出版されている。

Mama’s Saris

By Pooja Makhijani, Illustrated by Eleomez (Little, Brown and Company~ in 2007)

Every girl world widely experiences to get some impression of her mother’s dressing up in traditional way. A seven-years-old Indian descent girl finds her mother’s suitcase full of gorgeous silk, cotton and embroidered saris. Her mother wears a sari only for special events, while her grandmother dresses in one everyday. The girl is fascinated with beautiful traditional outfits, and her mother decides to dress up her daughter with a sari for celebrating her seventh birthday. >>> On the last page, a glossary of the Hindi words is provided.

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娘が母親のおしゃれな衣装に憧れるのは、万国共通のようだ。インド人の少女が、母親のサリーを着ることをねだる母と娘の対話に、ほのぼのとした愛情が語られている。 サリーの見事な色合いを楽しませてくれるイラストも、素晴らしい。絵本の始めには、言葉の解説もあり、民族文化伝承のみならず異文化理解にも楽しみながら導いてくれる。英文も内容も解りやすいので、小学校低学年から親しめる。

Circle Unbroken

By Margot Theis Raven, illustrated by E.B. Lewis (Melanie Kroupa Books ~in 2007)

A grandmother teaches her granddaughter to weaves a traditional sweet grass basket as telling young girl about their ancestors. A boy in a African village learned to make basket very tightly woven they could hold the rain. Even after he stolen away from Africa and sold in America as a slave, he remembers what he learned and passes the weaving skill on his next generation as wishing to pass on his future generations.


Saturday Sancocho  

By Leyla Torres  (Farrar Straus Giroux – in 1995)

Maria Lili spends every Saturday preparing chicken sancocho, popular South American stew, with her grandparents. But this Saturday, they have only a dozen eggs, and none of the necessary ingredients. Her grandmother gets a marvelous idea to trade with the market venders to get their ingredients.


King for a Day            

By Rukhsana Khan, Illustrated by Christiane Kromer (Lee & Low Books Inc. ~ in 2013)

In the city of Lahore, Pakistan, all children are exciting with annual and traditional Kite-flying festival. Malik, boy in a wheelchair, prepares his kite to fly and move very first for competing other boy’s kites. At the end of the day, actually Malik has a big pile of captured kites. But then the neighborhood bully comes and tries to take a kite from a girl. Malik finds the way to help the girl.


パキスタンのラホールの街で行われる Basant (Kite Festival)は、子ども達が楽しみにしている伝統的な行事である。特に、Kiteを空で戦わせるのに、子ども達は夢中になる。車椅子の少年は、最も早く動くKiteを作って、その日に備えた。その日の王者を自称していたこの少年は、意地悪な子への挑戦心と弱い子へのいたわりも示した。貼り絵を活用したイラストは、親しみと暖か味を含んでいる。ラホール生まれでカナダに住む著者は、多くの児童書を著作し受賞作品もあり、Big Red Lolipop も彼女の作品である。

Karate Girl

By Mary Leary  (Farrar Straus Giroux ~in 2003)

During summer holidays, Mary starts to learn Karate, martial arts, to fight back the bullies who bother her young brother at school. However Mary begins to understand Karate is more than mastering self-defense, and it helps individuals develop the inner confidence to avoid a fight.  At the same time with her learning at Karate class with her diverse group of boys and girls, Mary explains us more details of Karate.  Once summer holidays ends and everyone comes back to school, but no more bullies as they know Mary learned Karate. And then, Mary’s brother also joins the Karate class.



The Origami Master

By Nathaniel Lachenmeyer, Illustrated by Aki Sogabe                                                           (Albert Whitman & Company ~ in 2008)

Shima the Origami Master lives alone on a mountain in Japan, but he isn’t lonely.  His beautiful Origami animals keep him company. One morning Shima finds a marvelous    new paper elephant on his desk. The elephant is well done, much better than one he made a day before. The mysterious thing is happened next day as well, and Shima is wondering who can make an Origami better than the Master……and he finds out .



Chik Chak Shabbat

By Mara Rockliff, Illustrated by Kyrsten Brooker (Candlewick Press ~ in 2014)

Every Friday afternoon, Goldie Simcha is busy to follow her grandmothers weekly tradition of  cooking cholent. And she always invites the families in the same apartment for celebrating Shabbat with her cholent meal. But one day, they have no invitation from Goldie neither any wonderful smell of cholent, and they find out Goldie is sick. The different ethnical neighbors decide to save the day. They come to Goldie’s home with their foods and celebrate Goldie’s tradition as well as the diversity of tastes.>>> Mara Rockliff’s books in SHI collection.


Shabbatとは、ユダヤ教の安息日。毎週土曜日にアパートの5階から、素敵な匂いが漂って、各階の住民を魅了する。匂いの主は、ユダヤ教の習慣で金曜日の午後から煮込んでいる特別なCholentと言う安息日に食べる料理。祖母から教わった料理を自分なりにアレンジしてゴルディアは、毎週土曜日に住民にCholentを振舞った。多彩なる文化背景の7人の住民達は、いつも土曜日を楽しみにするようになったが、ある日Cholentの匂いが全くしなかった。ゴルディアが病気であることを知ると、住民達は自分達の料理を持ち寄った。ユダヤ教の紹介絵本ではあるが、料理を通した多文化融合の視点に拍手喝采を贈りたい。>>>SHIコレクションにあるMara Rockliffの作品

Ramadan Moon

By Nafima B Robert, Illustrated by Shirin Adl                                                                   (Frances Lincoln Childrenfs Books~ in 2009)

Muslims all over the world celebrate Ramadan, the month of fasting, and joyful days of Eid at the end of the Ramadan as the most special time of year. This lyrical and inspiring picture book captures the wonder and joy of this special annual event, from the perspective of a child. And this book not only for all children who celebrate Ramadan but also for children in the wider communities who want to understand why this is such a special experience for Muslims.


