Tea with Milk

By Allen Say (Houghton Mifflin Company ~ in 1999, 2009)

Inspired by a real story of the Author’s mother’s experience. A Japanese American girl, Masako raised near San Francisco is uprooted after high school when her parents return to their Japanese homeland. Independent minded Masako straggles to accept Japanese traditional way of living and thinking.



Dumpling Soup

By Jama Kim Rattigan, illustrated by Lillian Hsu-Flanders              (Little, Brown and Company-Toronto, Canada, ~ 1998)

Merisa living in Hawaii is exciting to celebrate the New Years’ Eve with her diversity family members mixed with racial and cultural background. This year Merisa gets to help make dumplings, one of their family traditional dishes for special day, and she loves the taste of dumplings mixed different cooking ingredients, just like as her own big mixed family.            >>>This book won the first prize of “New Voice, New World contest” in 1990.

ハワイに住むアジア系の少女が、新年の祝いに集まる家族や親戚のために始めてダンプリング(様々な具を餃子の皮で包んだもの)を作らせてもらう嬉しさを語る。ハワイに住む平凡なファミリーパーティーから,ハワイの多文化社会のダイナッミックさが語られている。この本を出版した会社はNY, Boston, London でも出版事業を行っているが、1990年に多民族社会の豊かさをテーマにした児童書の発掘を目的にNew Voice, New World Contestを主催した。世界中から集まった500以上の作品の中から第一位に選ばれたのがこの本である。国際語である英語の認識を深めるためにも、英語学習の児童用テキストとしてお薦めしたい。~神奈川県海老名市立図書館に寄贈本あり

Karate Girl

By Mary Leary  (Farrar Straus Giroux ~in 2003)

During summer holidays, Mary starts to learn Karate, martial arts, to fight back the bullies who bother her young brother at school. However Mary begins to understand Karate is more than mastering self-defense, and it helps individuals develop the inner confidence to avoid a fight.  At the same time with her learning at Karate class with her diverse group of boys and girls, Mary explains us more details of Karate.  Once summer holidays ends and everyone comes back to school, but no more bullies as they know Mary learned Karate. And then, Mary’s brother also joins the Karate class.



Father’s Chinese Opera

By Rich Lo   (Sky Pony Press ~ in  2014)

Inspired by the life story of the author’s father who moved with his family to Hong Kong from China in 1960’s. A young Chinese boy watches his father conduct opera in Hong Kong, and he enjoys watching the acrobats. He wants to become one and trains with his best. But it’s not easy for him, and his father explains his path to become a successful musician. One day when his family needs to immigrate to America, his father decides to seals up his musical career in Hong Kong. His father has worked as a cook for 25 years in America, even experienced struggling with discrimination.



The Origami Master

By Nathaniel Lachenmeyer, Illustrated by Aki Sogabe                                                           (Albert Whitman & Company ~ in 2008)

Shima the Origami Master lives alone on a mountain in Japan, but he isn’t lonely.  His beautiful Origami animals keep him company. One morning Shima finds a marvelous    new paper elephant on his desk. The elephant is well done, much better than one he made a day before. The mysterious thing is happened next day as well, and Shima is wondering who can make an Origami better than the Master……and he finds out .



Filipino Friends

By Liana Romulo, Illustrated by Corazon Dadan-Albano (Tittle Publishing ~ in 2007)

A Filipino-American boy visits the Philippines for the very first time.  Featuring soft watercolor illustrations, each picture is labeled with English words and their Filipino translations, and shows reader both the similarities and differences between Western and Philippine lifestyles.



Ruby’s Wish

By Shirin Yim Bridges, Illustrated by Sophie Blackall  (Chronicle Books – 2002)

Ruby is unlike most girls in old China. When she grows up, instead of getting married, she wants to attend university just like the boys in her big family.  Based upon the inspirational story of author’s grandmother who immigrated in the United States.>>> Shirin Yim Leos (Formerly Shirin Yim Bridges)’s books in SHI collection.


ゴールドラッシュの時代、ルビーの祖父は中国からカリフォルニアに渡って帰国し、大金持ちとなった。当時の中国の富豪同様に、祖父も複数の妻を持ち、息子達も複数の妻を持たので、孫は100人近くもいた。その孫の一人が、いつも赤い服を着ているルビーであった。ルビーは、当時の普通の女の子とは異なり、結婚するよりも男の子達のように大学に行きたかった。祖父はそんなルビーを理解してくれた。この絵本は、作者Shirin Y. Bridgesの祖母の実話を基にしている。オーストラリア人のイラストレーターが描いた水彩画も素晴らしい。>>>SHIコレクションにあるShirin Yim Leos (以前のShirin Yim Bridges)の作品

One Leaf of Rides the Wind

By Celeste Davidson Mannis, Illustrated by Susan Kathleen Hartung  (VIKING – 2002)

This is a counting book with enjoyment of Japanese Garden and Haiku Poems.


Counting in a Japanese Gardenとのサブタイトルが付いているように、日本の神社にある庭園で、俳句を詠いながらページ毎に数を数えている大変にユニークな絵本。見開きのページ毎に、左側には着物を着た少女が数を数えているイラスト、そして右側には英語の俳句が書かれ、下のほうには丁寧にその俳句の英文説明も付いている。巻末には、日本庭園と俳句の説明もある。日本の伝統文化に関心のある人へ贈りたい絵本である。

Big Jimmy’s KUM KAU-Chinese Take Out

By Ted Lewin (Harper Collins Publishers – New York in 2002)

Inspired by a Chinese Take Out family restaurant located in neighborhood of Ted Lewin, living in Brooklyn, New York.  A son of Chinese Take Out Restaurant’s owner observes his father’s job and he is proud of his father. Insides of the front and back covers, designed like as a menu of Chinese cousins with each price on.

作者兼イラストレイターのTed Lewinが住んでいるニューヨークのブルックリンにある、持ち帰りの中華料理店がモデルとなって生まれた絵本。表裏の表紙を開けると、まるで中華料理店のメニューを開くごとく、ビッシリと料理名と値段のリストが並んだメニューそのもの。内容は、中華料理店の息子 が、準備段階から料理店の仕事を観察したもので、彼の父親の仕事に対する誇りが感じられる。イラストはフィルムのコマのように連続で描かれているページもあり、実際に写真を撮って参考にした写実画は、どれも生き生きとしている。

Maggie’s Chopsticks

By Alan Woo, Illustrated by Isabelle Malenfant ( Kids Can Press –New York 2012)

Chinese descent girl Maggie straggles to use her new pair of chopsticks. Each family member willingly advice Maggie on how to use the chopsticks, and Maggie listens to all of them in turn. But everyone teaches Maggie differently, Maggie gets confused and frustrated to use her chopsticks. Finally her father suggests Maggie to be herself. Because of his encouragement, Maggie finds just what works for her.

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