The Blue Ribbon Day

By Katie Couric, Illustrated by Marjorie Priceman ( Doubleday – 2004 )

Ellie and Carrie decide to try out for the school team in their favorite sport, soccer. But when only one of the girls is selected, the inselparable pair face a challenge – what do you say when your best friend is terribly disappointed? But even though some disappointments can’t be avoided, Carrie learns ( with some help from her mother and her old friend Lazlo) that while she may not be good at everything, she has undiscovered talents waiting to bloom, if she has the courage to try something new.



By Sacha Cotter. Illustrated by Josh Morgan ( Sourcebooks – 2020 in USA, Original book : Huia Press – 2018 in New Zealand )

He is ready to make a splash! He is ready to pull off the perfect cannonball, but everyone has advice. “Need more weigt!”. ” Bigger shorts!”. “More musscles!” All it really takes is listening to his own voice and finding the courage to make the perfect cannonball.>>> Glossary is on the last page.


Being You

By Alexs Pate, Illustrated by Soud ( Capstone Editions – 2019 )

When you’re a kid, it can be hard to be who you really are. In this book, tow kids learn that they have a choice about how the world sees them. They can accept the labels that others put on them, or they can let their inner selves shine. Together, these kids find people who see their value and help them face the world on their own terms. >>>The author launched Innocent Classroom in 2012.

子どもの時は、自分自身を知るのは大変に難しい。この絵本では、二人の子どもが、他の人達がどのように自分を見るかには選択があることを学んでゆく。一つは相手から勝手に張られるラベル(先入観)を受け入れること、又は内なる自分自身を輝かせて自分を表現する方法もある。一緒になって、子ども達は自分の価値を認め自分自身のやり方で世界に向き合うことを応援してくれる人達に出合う。>>>作者は、2012年にInnocent Classroomの活動を始めた人である。


By Peter Oswald ( Candlewick Press – 2020 )

In the cool and quiet early light of morning, a father and child wake up. Today, they’re going on a hike. Follow the duo into the mountains as they experience the joys of nature, overcome challenges, and play a small role in the survival of the forest. And when they return home, there’s just one more way to hold the day in their hearts forever. >>> No text in this book, but the illustration tells a lot.


This LOVE : A celebration of harmony around the world

By Isabel Otter, Illustrated by Harriet Lynas ( Tiger Tales – 2019 )

Love is a language that is understood and shared by people all around the world. Whether we’re reading quietly with a loved one or playing on the beach with friends, all across the globe, the love we feel for one another is the same. >>> In the front cover, there is a rainbow shaped cut, and the cut goes through several pages as a part of it’s illustration describing different life all over the earth.


A Sled for Gabo

By Emma Otheguy, Illustrated by Ana Ramirez González ( Atheneum Books for Young Readers – 2021 )

It’s snowing! So put on your toasties socks, lace up those boots, and don’t forget your hat, because we ‘re going sledding. But wait, oh no. Gabo doesn’t have a sled! What’s he to do? With some help from his warm and welcoming neighbors, Gabo figures out just how to resolve the problem. >>> Emma Otheguy is the author of the award-winning bilingual picture book, and there are some Spanish words in ” A Sled for Gabo”.

雪が降って来た!さあ暖かい靴下を履いて、ブーツの紐を結んで、帽子も忘れずに、ソリ滑りに出かけよう。しかし、困ったことに、Gaboはソリを持っていなかった。彼はどうするのかな?近所の親切な人達からの助けを得られたお陰で、Gaboはこの問題を解決してゆく。>>>Emma Otheguyは、バイリンガル絵本の賞を受賞した作者であり、この絵本にもスペイン語が散りばめられている。

Ten Little Fingers, Two Small Hands

By Kristy Dempsey, Illustrated by Jane Massey ( little bee books – 2016 )

The group of multiracial toddlers is ready to enjoy some delicious treats! Count one by one as one little finger points to cake, two little fingers tap a plate, three little fingers pinch a bite, and four little fingers squish it tight. But one piece just isn’t enough – they want more! Parents and little ones will love counting along with this sweet story!>>> Kristy Dempsey’s books in SHI collection.


How High is Heaven?

By Linsey Davis, Illustrated by Luch Fleming ( Zonder Kids – 2022 )

A boy is badly missing his grandma who went to heaven. How high in the sky is heaven? Could I go in a hot air balloon? If I float off today, past the big Milky Way, will I get to see Grandma real soon? Then one day at church with his family, the pastor tells there’s only one way to bet to heaven. It’s all about faith and the grace of God. Come along on a child’s imaginative journey to find heaven, the boy awakes to keep his best life and enjoy heaven here on earth. >>> The author, Linsey Davis, is an Emmy Award winning journalist , an anchor for ABC News Live Prime and a mother of a son.

天国へ行ってしまった祖母を、その少年は大変に恋しがった。空のどれほど高かくに天国があるの?気球で行ける?きょう出発して、天の川も通り過ぎたら、すぐにお祖母ちゃんに会えるの?そしてある日家族と一緒に教会へ行った時、天国へ行く唯一の方法は信ずる力と神の恵みであると牧師から言われた。天国を探す子どもの想像力豊かな疑問に従いながら、その少年は自分の人生を最良にして地球にある天国を楽しむことに目覚めてゆく。>>>作者のLinsey Davisは、エミー賞を受賞したジャーナリストであり、ABC全国ネットニュースの主要キャスターであり、そして息子が一人いる母親でもある。

The Uncorker of Ocean Bottles

By Michells Cuevas, Illustrated by Erin E. Stead ( Dial Books for Young Readers – 2016 )

The Uncorker of Ocean Bottles has a job of the utmost importance. It is his task to open any bottle found at sea and make sure that the message is delivered. He loves his job, although he always wishes that one of the letters would someday be addressed to him. Then one day he finds a bottle with the most intriguing note inside, and no name attached. As he devotes himself to solving the mystery, he ends up finding what his heart wanted all along. This lovely and fantastic story leads to be his community together.



By Mattew Cordell ( Feiwel and Friends – 2019 )

Museums brings history, knowledge, and understanding to people of all kinds the world over. One family’s visit to a museum leads to an unexpected adventure when a boy loses something important. With the help of a stranger, and act of forgiveness and kindness brings two families – and two new friends – together. The author takes a family outing from ordinary to extraordinary in this story of friendship, compassion, and exploration of the world around us.
