Dig Those Dinosaurs

By Lori Haskins Houran, Illustrated by Francisca Marquez ( Albert Whitman & Company – 2013 )

Discover the journey a dinosaur bone takes from the ground to a museum exhibit! Follow a paleontologist and his crew as they dig and rig those big dinosaur bones, and also can enjoy the repeating sound of main word on each process. >>> On the last pages, included up-to-date facts on fossils and how paleontologists work.



By Jess Hong ( Creston Books – 2017 )

The book explains the word LOVELY with showing the visual diversity of humans in out world. It is a lovely book that presents the lovely in all of us.

私達の世界に住む多様なる人間を描きながら、Lovelyの言葉を説明している絵本。総ての人、一人一人が持つLovely を示しているLovelyな絵本である。

I Am Smart, I Am Blessed, I Can Do Anything!

By Alissa Holder & Zulekha Holder-Young, Illustrated by Nneka Myers ( Flamingo Books – 2020 )

It’s a new day, and Ayaan was woken up o the wrong side of the bed, where nothing feels quite right. What if he doesn’t know the answer at school? What if he messes up? But as he sets out that morning, all it takes is a few reminders from his mom and some friends in the neighborhood to show him that a new day is a good day because he is smart, he is blessed, and he can do anything!


When We Are Kind

By Monique Gray Smith, Illustrated by Nicole Neidhardt ( Orca Book Publisher – 2020 )

This beautiful picture book looks at how the simple act of being kind, to others and oneself, affects all aspects of a child’s life. >>>The author, Monique Gray Smith is a mixed heritage woman of Cree, Lakota and Scottish ancestry. Monique Gray Smith’s books in SHI collection.

素晴らしいこの絵本は、周囲の人達や自分自身への優しい心からの些細な行為が、子ども達の生活の色々な場面で大きな役割を果たすことを語っている。>>>著者Moniquen Gray Smithは、クリー族、ラコタ族(またはスー族とも呼ばれる)そしてスコットランド人の祖先をもつ混血女性である。SHIコレクションにあるMoniquen Gray Smithの作品

Pass It On

By Sophy Henn ( Philomel Books – 2017 )

When something happens that’s terrific – a smile, a chuckle, a hum, or a hug – you cant’t help but feel a sense of happpiness and wonder. And isn’t the world a little nicer and your smile a little brighter when you share that feeling with someone else? In this jubilant picture book, the excitement of giving joy to others is on full display.



By Norton Juster, Illustrated G. Brian Karas (Schwartz & Wade Books – 2011)

A new block, a new house, and a new boy who doesn’t know anyone at all. The boy wonders along the street, deep in thought, until he makes a deccision, stop, and at the top of his voice calles out NEVILL, again and again. Soon all the neigborhood kids have gathered to join in. But who is Neville? Does he live there? What’s he like? Everyone wants to know. The sun is getting low and the boy cames back to his new home. As the result, he thinks that’s the very good way to have new friends. Because everyone knows his name now.


The Good for Nothing Tree

By Amy-Jill Levine. Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, Illustrated by Annie Bowler (Flyaway books – 2022 )

A tiny fig tree needs time to grow. But how much time? All four seasons go by…and there are no figs. The seasons pass again. Still no figs! Is the fig tree good for nothing? Or will extra time, care and love help the sweetest figs (and perhaps also a reluctant child ) grow and flourish? >>> In the Authors’ note on the last page, tells they inspired a parable from the Gospel of Luke (13:6-9), and they describe in this book about the value of giving all children time to grow at their own paces. 


Intersection Allies : We make room for all

By Chelsea Johnson, LaToya Council, Carolyn Choi, Illustrated by Ashley Seil Smith ( Dottir Press – 2019 )

Introducing the stories of nine kids from diverse backgrounds. And each character’s story explain how children’s safety concerns are shaped by their intersecting identities, such as class, sexuality, dis/ability, race, religion, and citizenship. As featuring introducing the term “intersectionality”, kids of all genders, races, sexualities, abilities, cultures, and origins can see their whole selves reflected, respected, and celebrated. >>>Law professor Dr. Kimberlé Crenshaw coined the term “intersectionality” , and on the last pages, found the Page-By-Page Discussion Guide.

9人の異なる子どもを紹介しながら、それぞれの子どもが気になることは、生まれや性別、人種や宗教、障害や市民権の有無などによる周囲の固定概念から起こる。「交差性」という造語を紹介しながら、様々な要素を持っている子ども達がすべての自分を理解し、尊敬し、祝福出来るように励ましている絵本である。>>>法律博士である Kimberlé Crenshaw は「交差性」の概念を説いている。そして巻末には、各ページごとの話し合いの指導が記載されている。

The Wall

By Jessie James, Illustrated by Catalina Echeverri ( New Frontier Publishing – 2021 )

Tom is a little boy who loves to explore. But one day, he hears the grown-ups talking about the monsters that live in the big wide world and he is too scared to explore anymore. Soon they build a giant wall to keep the monsters out. But life becomes dreary when you are cut off from the wonders of the world and Tom soon realizes there is a need to change…..


Goodnight, Astronaut

By Scott Kelly with Emily Easton, Illustrated by Izzy Burton (Crown Books for Yung Readers – 2021 )

NASA astronaut, Scott Kelly was born for adventure. But exploring takes a lot of energy – and sleep is the super fuel to turbocharge dreams. Scott has fallen asleep at the bottom of the ocean, in the cockpit of an F-14 fighter jet, in a yurt on Mount Everest, and of course in space! As joining Scott on his many adventures, he encourages the reader to keep own dream.>>> The photo images of Scott’ adventure are on the last pages.

NASAの宇宙飛行士Scott Kelly は、生まれながらの冒険家であった。その為には膨大なエネルギーが必要であり、睡眠はエネルギーを蓄え、次なる夢への挑戦を助けてくれる。Scottは海底で寝たこともあるし、F-14戦闘機のコックピットで寝たこともあり、エベレストのテントの中でも寝たし、もちろん宇宙空間でも寝た。Scottの冒険を共有しながら、彼は読者達が自分の夢を持つことを勇気ずけている。>>>巻末に、彼がたどった冒険の写真の数々が掲載されている。