I am Me

By Karla Kuskin, Illustrated by Dyanna Wolcott                                                                      (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers ~ in 2000)

On beach day with extended family members, a little girl gets tired to hear their voices as pointing out her body “her mother’s eyes, her father’s hair, and her aunt Jen’s funny little toe… so on”.  And then, she finally declares that “I am positively, absolutely, altogether no one else, but ME!”


“体のどこが母親似、そしてどこが父親似”の会話を、いやと言うほど聞かされて育つのは、子どもにとっては迷惑なこともあるかも知れない。この絵本の主人公である少女は異人種の父と母をもっているが、海辺で一緒に過ごした親戚達から、両親を引き合いにされるだけでなく祖母や叔母も引き合いにされて、、、とうとう少女は皆の前で宣言をした! 楽しいイラストは、少女のハッピーな気分をそのまま表現している。簡単明瞭なメッセージが、力強く伝わってくる絵本。

Boy, You’re Amazing!

 By Virginia Kroll, Illustrated by Sachiko Yoshikawa                                                                 (Albert Whitman & Company ~ in 2004)

This is to celebrate the talents, accomplishment and potential of boy!  The diversity of boys show all possibility positively with joyful rhymes. >>>The author is a mother of six children, and half of them are boys.  She published more than 50 children’s books.



Stone Age Boy

By Satoshi Kitamura (Candlewick Press ~ in 2007)

One day a boy falls down a hole, and an amazing thing happens-when he wakes, he’s in a camp full of people wearing animal skins! The modern boy enters a Stone Age village and learns about prehistoric lifestyle. >>>The author, who lives in London, also published Millie’s Marvelous Hat.


日本生まれでイギリスに渡り海外でも活躍している絵本作家の作品で、Millie’s Marvelous Hat と同 じ Satoshi Kitamura。石器時代に興味を抱いたKitamura氏が実際に南仏の洞窟を訪れて、洞窟画に感動した思いが、この絵本となった。まさに少年が石器時代にタイムスリップした話であるが、石器時代のライフスタイルが詳しく語られ、Kitamura氏らしいイマジネーションの世界に引き込まれる。

The skin you live in

By Michael Tyler, Illustrated by David Lee Csicsko                                                            (Chicago Children’s Museum ~ in  2005)

With rhyming verses, telling about the importance of human skin and it’s function. The skin is something that makes each of us different  and similar at the same time. >>>CCM published this unique book created by two residents in Chicago: the author and the illustrator.



Lily and the Paper Man

By Rebecca Upjohn, Illustrated by Renne Benoit (Second Story Press ~ in 2007)

One day when Lily is walking back to home with her mother after school, she runs straight into a gruff and untidy-looking man selling papers on the street. Frightened,   Lily insists on taking the bus home everyday for fear she will run into him again. But the weather turns cold, Lily start to see the Paper man differently….she comes up an idea and overcomes her fear.



We planted a tree               

By Diane Muldrow, Illustrated by Bob Staake (A Golden Book ~ in 2010)

Two young families in two very different parts of the world plant a tree.  As the trees flourish, so do the families…..while trees all over the world help clean the air, enrich the soil and give fruit and shade. As telling parallel stories of growing tree and of expanding family, it celebrates all lives on this planet.



The Earth Book               

By Todd Parr (Little, Brown and Company ~ in 2010)                                                         

The author explores the important, timely subject of environmental protection and conservation in this eco-friendly picture book. Featuring a circular die-cut Earth on the cover, and printed entirely with recycled materials and nontoxic soy inks, this book includes lot of easy and smart ideas on how we can all work together to make the Earth feel good.  >>>Todd Parr’s website: www.toddparr.com 


表紙の中央が丸く抉られていて、そこから地球が顔をだしている。タイトルどおり、まさに地球の絵本である。地理ではなく、いかに地球を大事にしたら良いか、その理由も語り、幼い子ども達にも解り易く具体例とイラストでまとめている。描かれている人物は、カラフルな色彩の人達。動物達や昆虫も鮮やかな色彩で楽しく描かれている。カリフォルニアのバークレーに住み、30冊以上の絵本を創作しているTedd Parrのウエブサイトは:www.toddparr.com


Once a Shepherd

By Glenda Millard, Illustrated by Phil Lesnie (Candlewick Press ~ in 2014)

This is the tale of Tom Shepherd, tending his lambs and sharing their fleece and wooing his sweetheart, who waves the sheep’s wool to make Tom a coat. But WWI comes, and Tom must leave his beloved wife and his unborn child and go off to fight. Latter, his wife receives the sad news of Tom’s death. Quietly, tenderly but strongly appeals to against the war.


反戦をテーマとした絵本である。オーストラリアのヴィクトリアに住むGlenda Millard とシドニーに住むPhil Lesnie コンビで、羊飼いを主人公にして静かに力強く反戦を訴えている。水彩画のイラストは、醜い戦場の場面さえも柔らかいトーンで醜さを包んでいる。Onceがページ毎に繰り返される文章は、詩のように韻を踏んでいる。平和的なイメージで始まり、平和的なイメージで終わるが、読後に戦争への怒りがずっしりとこみ上げてくる。

Be Polite and Kind                  

By Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed., Illustrated by Meredith Johnson                                                   (Free Spirit Publishing Inc. ~ in 2004)

The colorful picture book spotlights behaviors that help kids get along with others. This is one of the series of ” the Learning to Get Along” and this book shows examples of being polite and kind  from children’s daily life at home and at school. Each book of the series ends with pages of ideas that parents and teachers can use to reinforce the concepts.


コミュニケーションに関する絵本である。英語の言葉”Thank you”等を何時どのように使うのかを、丁寧に絵本で説明している。言葉を発することの大切さを、英語を学ぶ子に教えてくれる。この絵本はタイトルの通りPolite やKindがテーマであるが、The Free Spirit “Learning to Get Along”のシリーズでは、この本の他に5つの別のテーマも取り上げている。巻末にはこの絵本の活用方法が、詳しく解説されている。

Block Party Today!

By Marilyn Singer, Illustrated by Stephanie Roth (Alfred A. Knopf ~ in 2004)

On the first Saturday of June, everyone on Barkley Plaza is exciting with having a Block Party. Except a girl who breaks her friendship with other 2 girls, and she decides to spend all day in her bed. As hearing louder and joyful noise from out side, it’s getting harder for the silly girl to stay by herself in the bed. It’s a big marvelous annual event of the diversity community.

