Raise your Hand

By Alice Paul Tapper, Illustrated by Marta Kissi  ( Penguin Workshop – 2019 )

Based on eleven-year-old Alice Paul Tapper’s own experience. This inspiring story shows how Alice took an idea and turned it into a national movement to give girls more confidence. After noticing that girls at school weren’t participating as much as boys, she put a plan into action and use her vice to encourage others to use theirs.

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11歳のAlice Paul Tapperの実体験を基にした絵本。アリスは、学校で女生徒の方が男生徒よりも手を上げないことに気ずいた。自分自身その理由を分析し、女生徒達が自信をもつ為のアイデアを他の女生徒達と話し合いながら、行動を起こした。その行動は全国に広がる運動となった。

Natasha Wing’s The Night before Class Picture Day

By Natasha Wing, Illustrated by Amy Wummer ( Grosset & Dunlap – 2016)

It was the night before school picture day, the parents were fretting over unruly hair of their children. Showing all class children’s exciting and joyful and worry moments and things on the picture taking day. A week later came pictures of themselves to take home. Most families were happy with their photos, but some families were glad to have a do-over day.



And two boys booed              

 By Judith Viorst, Illustrated by Sophie Blackall (Margaret Ferguson Books-2014)

On the morning of the talent show, a boy is ready and waiting to sing his song, and he isn’t one bit scared because he has practiced a billion times. But all the other classmates have taken their turn, it’s time for him to sing – and now he definitely is a bit scared. (As turning pages of this book, we can feel his scary emotion.) Finally he starts to sing his song. Two boys boo……but all the other classmates and his teacher are clapping!



The Class     

By Boni Ashburn, Illustrated by Kimberly Gee (Beach Lane Books – 2016)

Twenty young students, some eager, some nervous, some grumpy, prepare for their very first day of kindergarten. The special morning, as showing racial diversity of them, as well as diversity of fashion and difference of daily habits, captures their happy smiles in the new class room.



Nile Crossing

By Katy Beebe, Illustrated by Sally Wern Comport                                                               (Eerdmans Books for Young Readers -2017)

Khepri lives in ancient Egypt, happily fishing alongside his father in the water of the Nile. But today Khepri is replacing his fishing pole with the reed pens of a scribe – a change he’s a bit uneasy about. As he and his father travel to Thebes, Khepri must face his anxieties about starting school.>>> On the last pages, found explanation about “Writing and School in Ancient Egypt” and Glossary.



All are Welcome

By Alexandra Penfold, Illustrated by Suzanne Kaufman (Alfred A. Knopf-2018)

Inspired by the illustrator, Suzanne Kaufman’s daughter’s elementary school in Brooklyn, NY. Follow a group of children through a day in their school, where everyone is welcomed with open arms no matter their race, religion, or background. With vividly detailed illustrations and a gently reassuring text, we can celebrate kindness, inclusivity and diversity through all pages.


イラストレーターSuzanne Kaufmanの娘が通うニューヨークのブルックリン地区にある小学校からインスパイヤーされて、制作された絵本。子ども達の集団に従いながら、人種、宗教、バックグランドの違いに関わらず誰もが歓迎される学校の一日を体験する。生き生きと詳細に描かれたイラストとやさしく力強いテキストによって、どのページからも、やさしさと仲間意識と多様性への祝福が伝わってくる。

My Special Day at Third Street School

By Eve Bunting, Illustrated by Suzanne Bloom (Boyds Mills Press – 2004)

Third Street School is buzzing with excitement as the students prepare for a visit from author Amanda Drake. The kids have read all her books. They’ve hung a welcome banner in the hall, and pinned drawings on the classroom walls. Then big day arrives and Amanda Drake is everything the kids hoped she’d be.


作家のAmanda Drakeを迎える準備の為に、Third Street学校は騒々しかった。生徒達は、彼女の本を全部読んだ。歓迎のバーナーを集会室に張り、クラスの壁には絵も飾った。そして、とうとうその日がやって来ると、Amanda Drake は皆の期待に応えるごとく、総てをこなしてくれた。

Two of a Kind

By Jacqui Robbins, Illustrated by Matt Phelan (Atheneum Books for Young Readers – 2009)

When Anna abandons her best friend, Julisa, to spend time with Kayla and Melanie, whose friendship is considered very special, Anna soon learns that she has little in common with her new friends. Sometimes a friend can bring out the worst in you…..but a real, true friend will always bring out the best! This is a good book to talk about friendship at school.


Annaが、親友だったJulisaよりも Kayla と Melanieと共に過ごす時間が長くなった。しかし、この似たもの同士の二人と一緒に過ごすのは、Annaにとって決して心地良くはなかった。友達とは、時に最悪の気持ちにさせられるが、、、、親友はいつでも最良の気分をもたらしてくれる。学校における友情について考えさせてくれる絵本。

How to get your Teacher Ready

By Jean Reagan, Illustrated by Lee Wildish (Alfred A. Knopf – 2017 )

This humorous book in the beloved HOW TO…series takes readers through a fun and busy school year. A class of adorable students gives tips and tricks for getting a teacher ready for the first day of school and all the school events. And along the way, children will see that getting their teacher ready is really getting themselves ready.


好評をうけている愉快なHOW TO…シリーズの一冊であるが、この絵本では楽しく多忙なる学校生活が背景となっている。あどけない生徒達の教室から、教諭と良い関係を築く為のヒントや知恵が、学校の始業日からそれぞれの学校行事に至るまでの場合ごとに、語られている。教諭を快く迎えることは、すなわち生徒達自身の心がまえであることに気ずかせてくれる。

The Biggest Test in the Universe      

By Nancy Poydar (Holiday House – 2005 )

Sam and his classmates dread Friday, the day the are to take the infamous Big Test. The author, a former elementary school teacher, writes and illustrates an amusing tale about test-taking hype gone awry.

