Lottie Paris and the best place

By Angela Johnson, Illustrated by Scott M. Fischer (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers – New York, NY in 2013)

Lottie Paris likes to read about stars and space, and Carl likes to read about dinosaurs. They are interested in different topics, but their favorite place is the same, Library!  Two enthusiastic readers crash in the library and they become friends instantly. Now Lottie Paris starts to read a book about dinosaurs, and Carl choses a book about space as his first time.

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The road to Mumbai

By Ruth Jeyaveeran (Houghton Mifflin Company – New York, NY in 2004)

Shoba and her friend Fuzzy, stuffed monkey, live in East India, and Shoba and Fuzzy leave to Mumbai to attend Fuzzy’s cousins’ wedding in the following day. On the way to Mumbai, Shoba and Fuzzy meet different persons and animals and ask them the direction, with wishing nobody follow to them.

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By Ginger Foglesong Guy, Illustrated by Rene King Moreno                                       (Greenwillow Books – New York, NY in 1996)

This is a counting and vocabulary book written in English and Spanish. Children  go shopping to prepare for their party as counting different objects.

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A Blue So Blue

By Jean-Francois Dumont (Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. –New York, NY in 2005)

Boy who loves painting deeply lives in a grayish town. He is a different boy from others and thinks of painting consistently. He dreams about a certain color of blue, and starts to search his beloved blue everywhere, even taking a trip around the world.

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Dad and Pop

By Kelly Bennett, Illustrated by Paul Meisel (Candlewick Press – Massachusetts in 2010)

 A cheerful girl who has tow fathers, biological father and stepfather, and she explains differences between them, including called them differently Dad and Pop.  After all her observation of two fathers, she is happy for being beloved by two different fathers.

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My heart will not sit down

By Mara Rockliff, Illustrated by Ann Tanksley (Alfred A. Knopf – New York. in 2012)

Inspired of true story in 1931.  When Kedi,a village girl in Cameroon, learns about American’s Great Depression in1929 from her American teacher, and knows no food even for children in her teacher’s village called New York, Kedi’s heart hardly sits down. Kadi asks her village people to donate their contribution for American children.   In 1931, the donation of $3.77 arrives in New York City from Cameroon, it’s a big amount for village people in Cameroon.>>>Mara Rockliff’s books in SHI collection.

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1929年にアメリカの経済が大暴落した時、ニューヨークの子ども達は食べる物も食べれなかった。その話をアフリカの村の学校で、米国人の教師から聞いた少女の心は落ち着かなかった。(少女の表現では、心が座ることが出来なかった。)アメリカの子ども達が食べるものを買えるように、少女は村人達に呼びかけてお金を集めた。1931年にアフリカのカメルーンからニューヨーク市に$3.77の寄付金が届いた実際にあった話を絵本化している。当時でも小額の寄付金ではあったが、カメルーンの村人達にとっては大金であった。価値観の異なる二つの世界を結んだ少女の心は、読者の心も温めてくれる。>>>SHIコレクションにあるMara Rockliff の作品

Hello Night * Hola Noche

By Amy Costales, Illustrated by Mercedes McDonald (Luna Rising – Arizona in 2007)

After the sun setting till the time to sleep, mom and her son share the peaceful moment as taking a walk to say hello to everything who passes the stroller on their way and even to his bed in his room. The text written in English and in Spanish.

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By Jeannie Baker (Candlewick Press – Massachusetts in 2010)

Comparing two different boys, two different cultures, and two different worlds without text  but still connect somehow each other. A boy in Australia and a boy in Morocco present their own lives from the morning till the night.  >>>Designed to be read side by side: one from left to right in English and the other from right to left in Arabic. Created unique collaged arts.



Let’s play rough!

By Lynne Jonell, Illustrated by Ted Rand  (G.P .Putnam’s Sons – New York in 1988)

Tossing and tickling and tumbling follow as a boy turns into a wild animal and Daddy becomes a growling bear. But when the bear gets too scary, the boy turn back into a boy and wants the bear to be his Daddy again.  Awesome time with Daddy and his son.

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The Girl who loved Wild Horses

By Paul Goble (Simon & Schuster – New York in 1979)

 A young Native American girl loved to care of her tribe’s horses. One heavy stormy day, the horses were frightening and run away from the tribe’s land, and the girl as well. The tribes searched for the girl, but nobody found her. One year latter, the tribes saw a girl with wild horses and she belonged to the world of wild horses.

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米国原住民の文化を良く理解している、Paul Gobleの数多くある作品の一つ。野生の馬をこよなく愛する少女が、ある日、雷雲におののく野生の馬の群れと消えてしまう。人々は少女を探したが、一年後に立派な野生の馬の群れと一緒にいる少女を見つける。人間の両親を慕いながらも、野生の馬の仲間になってしまう話が、独特の美しいイラストで力強く描かれている。