The travel game                      

By John Grandits, Illustrated by R. W. Alley (Clarion Books ~ in 2009)

The youngest family member, Tad is growing up in Buffalo, East Cost where his family has a tailor shop and Tad is surrounded by Polish relatives. After work and a lunch, Aunt Hattie and Tad play their favorite Travel Game with a globe and the book “1001 pictures from around the world”. As they spin the globe, Tad’s finger lands near Hong Kong, and both of them read about their imaginary travel destination.



Those Shoes   

By Maribeth Boelts, Illustrated by Noah Z. Jones (Candlewick Press ~ in 2007)

Jeremy wants a par of those shoes which every school boy seems to be wearing and it looks so cool on the picture of the advertising poster. But his grandma keeps some money for his necessity, especially for his winter boots. Eventually Jeremy awakes the worth things more than just what he wants.

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Same, Same but Different

By Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw (Henry Holt and Company ~  in 2011)

Elliot lives in America and Kailash lives in India. Elliot and Kailash become good friends as exchanging their drawings.  After they gain their communications through pictures and compare the two, they find some similarity and difference between their daily lives, cultures and countries even themselves. >>> The author has experience to conduct children’s picture exchanging program between America and Nepal.

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The first bear in Africa

By Satomi Ichikawa ( Philomel Books ~ in 2001)

When a family of tourists from far away visits Meto’s village in African savanna, he is fascinated by the teddy bear which the little girl holds. Meto never see such kind of animal in his savanna. And then Meto finds the stuffed bear left behind the girl, as the family drives off from his village. Meto starts to run to catch the car, and chases it through the savanna. Finally Meto can hand the bear to the delighted girl, just about their departure within a small air plane.

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Gregory Cool                          

Story and Pictures by Caroline Binch                                                                                        (Dial Books for Young Readers ~ in 1994, 2012)

Gregory raised in American big city visits his grandparents in Tobago surrounded by Caribbean Ocean. Island lifestyle and environments are very boring for Gregory at first, however he discovers and learns different value of life by spending days with his grandparents and his cousin.

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Cocoa Ice                             

By Diana Appelbaum, Pictures by Holly Meade (Orchard Books ~ in 1997)

In the late 19th century, two girls living from faraway land are connected by a taste for iced chocolate. The Caribbean island of Santo Domingo is always summer and cacao trees thrive. A young girl in the tropical island helps her parents harvest cocoa beans and prepare to trade to a Yankee mariner who shows her his niece’s picture who lives in New England. In the northern land Maine, his niece’s family operates export business of ice and prepare ice to trade in Santo Domingo.

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For Every Child, A Better World

By Kermit the Frog, in cooperation with the United Nations, illustrated by Bruce McNally             ( A Muppet Press/Golden Book-Western Publishing Company Inc. ~ in 1993)

Presenting several UN organizations and its missions in easy way to make understand. The double-spread pages present a series of happy/sad contrasts that employ minimal text and cartoon-like illustration to depict the world’s haves and have-nots. >> >The book is dedicated  to the memory of Audrey Hepburn who worked as the first UNICEF goodwill ambassador for 1988 ~1992 and died in January 1993.



Liliana’s Grandmothers

By Leyla Torres  (Farrar Straus Giroux ~ in 1998)

Liliana has two grandmothers who came from different countries, who speak different languages and who have different interests.  Comparing North America and Latin American cultures through Liliana’s observation, Liliana loves happily to have two grandmothers.          >>> The same author with “Saturday Sancocho”.

Saturday Sancochoと同じ作者であるLeylaの作品。リリアナには二人の祖母がいる。一人は近くに住んでいるが、もう一人は遠く南米に住んでいる。二人の祖母を通して、少女リリアナは、異なる文化や考え方を学んでゆく。解り易い英文で、スペイン語の分には英訳がついている。~神奈川県海老名市立図書館に寄贈本あり

A country far away 

By Nigel Gray, illustrated by Philippe Dupasquier (Orchard Books – in 1991, 2012)

Presenting how children are alike the world over, while at the same time celebrating the rich and interesting diversity of their daily fives. Two different presenting goes on the upper/bottom of each page to help comparison easily and clearly.


Masai and I

By Virginia Kroll, illustrated by Nancy Carpenter (Four Winds Press ~ in 1997)

When a little girl learns in school about Masai, tall African people, she cannot stop to expand her images of comparing and sharing her life with them in Africa. >>>The author is the mother of 6 children, and a former school teacher.
