Masala Chai, Fast and Slow

By Rajani LaRocca, Illustrated by Neha Rawat ( Candlewick Press – 2023 )

Aarav is fast, fast, fast…..and his grandfather, or thatha, is slow, slow, slow. Every day, Thatha makes masala chai for the family, and no matter how much Aarav urges him to hurry, Thatha insists on taking his time “Masala chai cannot be rushed, ” said Tahatha. “It must be made carefully.” When a minor accident leaves Thatha resting on the couch, Aarav wants to make the chai himself to help his grandfather feel better. But, no matter how hard he tries, everything turns into a big mess. Will Aarav be able to slow down and get the recipe right? >>> On the last pages, found Author’s note and the recipe of masala chai.


Eyes that Weave the World’s Wonders

By Joanna Ho with Liz Kleinrock, Illustrated by Dung Ho ( Harper – 2024 )

A young girl who is a transracial adoptee learns to love her Asian eyes and finds familial connection and meaning through them, even though they look different from her parents’. Her family bond is deep and their connection is filled with love. She wonders about her birth mom and comes to appreciate both her birth culture and her adopted family’s culture, for even though they may seem very different, they are both a part of her, and that is what makes her beautiful. She learns to appreciate the differences in her family and celebrate them.


The Feelings Book

By Todd Parr ( Little, Brown and Company – 2000 )

This picture book vibrantly illustrates the wide range of moods we all experience. For young children first beginning to read, this book will inspire kids to discuss their multitude of feelings in a kid-friendly, accessible format, told through Todd Parr’s trademark bold, bright colors and silly scenes. >>> Todd Parr’s books in SHI collection.

この絵本は、私達が日常経験する様々な感情を、生き生きとしたイラストで描いている。とりわけ本を読み始める幼児達にとっては、子どもに馴染みがあり解り易い形式そして作者Parr独特のはっきりした絵と色彩にユーモアを交えたスタイルで、多様なる感情について語り合うのに適している絵本である。>>>SHIコレクションにあるTodd Parr の作品

The Thankful Book

By Todd Parr ( Little, Brown and Company – 2012 )

This Thankful Book celebrates all the little things children can give thanks for. From everyday activities like reading and bath time to big family meals together and special alone time between parent and child, Todd inspires readers to remember all of life’s special moments. >>> Todd Parr’s books in SHI collection.

この感謝の本は、子ども達が感謝できる総ての些細なことを思い起こしてくれる。毎日の生活である読書やお風呂に入ることから、大家族が揃って食事をすることや親子で過ごす特別な時間まで、作者のToddはこの絵本を通して読者達に人生の総てが特別な瞬間であることを思い起こしてくれる。>>>SHIコレクションにあるTodd Parrの作品

Always Your Stepdad

By Stephanie Stansbie, Illustrated by Tatiana Kamshilina ( Doubleday Books for Young Readers – 2024 )

This Picture book is a sweet love letter from stepparent to their child. ” I’d missed your first steps and your wobbly walk, yet you took my whole heart in your hand.” The special relation of stepdads and stepkids is celebrated in this gentle and loving tribute to blended families. Kid’s drawings spotted in the illustration show how develop their exciting journey as a new family from the kid’s point of view. >>> “Always your stepmom” by the same author, and the same illustrator.

この絵本は、義理の親達から義理の子ども達への素敵なラブレターそのものである。”あなたが初めて一歩を踏み出し、よろめきながらも歩いた日を見てはいないが、それでもあなたは私の心をその小さな手でしっかり掴んでしまった。”義理の父親と義理の子どもの特別な関係を、異人種間家族への心こもった愛情深い賛辞で祝福している。イラストの中に点在する子どもの描いた絵が、子どもの立場から、新しい家族としての楽しい日々の過程を映し出している。>>>同じ作者と同じイラストレーターによる“Always your stepmom” もある。

Meatballs for Grandpa

By Jeanette Fazzari Jones, Illustrated by Jaclyn Sinquett ( Two Lions – 2024 )

For Felicia, the days spent making meatballs for grandpa are some of the best ever! Grandpa no longer remembers much, but he loves to help cook. Grandma and Felicia know just what to do so that they’ll get the perfect sizzle, tang, and magic in their mouths. But Felicia also knows that cooking together makes more than a meal – sometimes it even helps grandpa remember. Together they get their hands dirty and make a savory meal of spaghetti and meatballs in the family’s Italian tradition, and then they mangia(EAT in Italian)! Woven with vibrant sounds, smells, and flavors, this is a heartwarming story about food, family and heritage. >>>You will find Italian Glossary on the beginning page, and Author’s note and recipe of meatballs on the last pages. >>>> Jaclyn Sinquett’s books in SHI collection.

Feliciaにとって祖父の為にミートボールを作る日は、最高の楽しみでもある。祖父は、今や多くの記憶を失っているが、料理を手伝うことは大好きであった。祖母とFeliciaは、完璧にジューシーで舌ずつみをさせる口の中でのマジックをどのように作り出すか、良く心得ていた。しかしFeliciaにとっては、料理を一緒に作ることは単に食事を用意するだけでなく、祖父の記憶を時々取り戻す効果もあった。一緒に手を使いながらイタリア人家族の伝統でもあるスパゲティーとミートボールの家庭の味を作り出し、そして一緒に食べるのだ!生き生きとした音と匂いと味を織り交ぜながら、この絵本は食事と家族と家伝について語る心暖まる物語である。>>>初めのページにこの絵本に使われているイタリア語集が、巻末ページに作者からの言葉とミートボールのレサピがある。>>>>SHIコレクションにあるJaclyn Sinquettの作品

Memory Garden

By Zohreh Ghahremani, Illustrated by Susie Ghahremani ( Henry Holt and Company – 2024 )

A lively afternoon together in Nana’s garden is full of laughter, discovery, and connection. In lyrical text that blends past and present, this book takes us to the place we leave behind but never forget. Written and illustrated by a loving mother and daughter duo, the nostalgic text and vibrant illustrations invite us to enjoy the beauty of Iranian garden – and culture – in an adventure that will resonate with readers of all backgrounds. >>> Author’s and Illustrator’s notes found on the last pages.

祖母の庭で活動的な午後を祖母と一緒に過ごすのは、笑いと発見と繋がりで満ちている。 現在と過去を織りませた抒情的な文章で、この絵本は過去に置いて来たけど決して忘れることのない場所に、読者を招いてくれる。作者である母親とイラストレーターである娘によるコンビで、懐かしさのこもったテキストと生き生きとしたイラストは、誰もが共鳴できるアドベンチャーの中で、イラン風庭園と文化の美しさを満喫させてくれる。>>>巻末に作者とイラストレーターからの言葉がある。

My Grandpa’s Chair

By Jiyeon Pak ( Alfred A. Knopf – 2017 )

Julie’s grandpa needs a new chair. One that’s not too hard, not too soft…and that won’t make him dizzy when he sits in it! So together, Julie and grandpa search high and low for the perfect chair. But finding a good chair isn’t easy. In fact, sometimes it’s not about the chair after all ; it’s about finding just the right person to sit beside you.


The Bright Side : When home is an old bus, optimism is your superpower!

By Chad Otis ( Rocky Pond Books – 2023 )

Sometimes it’s hard to stay positive. Like when you live in an old school bus instead of a normal house…Or when you have mostly just bread and ketchup to eat…And especially when you have to go to a new school where all the other kids already have friends. But the sweet and imaginative boy in this book discovers that he has a tremendous talent he can use : He knows how to look on the bright side! And when he does, he can accomplish just about anything. >>> Based on the author’s own experience when he was a young boy.


Draw The Line

By Kathryn Otoshi ( Roaring Brook Press – 2017 )

When two boys draw their own lines and realize they can connect them- magic happens! But then misstep causes their lines to get crossed. Push! Pull! Tug! Yank! Soon their line unravels into a tug-of-war. With a growing rift between them, will the boys ever find a way to come together again? Acclaimed author/illustrator Kathryn Otoshi pairs black-and-white illustrations with thoughtful splashes of color to create a powerful, multilayered statement about friendship, boundaries, and healing after conflict. This picture book has no words, but tells a lot.

二人の少年が自分の線を描いていると、思いがけずにそれぞれの線が繋がり喜んだ! しかし、ちょっとしたことから二つの線は交差してしまった。押したり、引いたり!強くひいたり、引っ張ったり!直に彼等の繋がった線は、綱引きの争いとなってしまった。激しさを増す二人の少年の間に、共に楽しむ方法が再度見つけられるのだろうか?評価の高い作者兼イラストレーターであるKathryn Otoshiは、白黒のイラストレーションに効果的に紫と黄色の色を配色して、友情と自分の領域と紛争後のヒーリングについて、力強い多層的ステイトメントを伝えてくれる。この絵本は文字がなくても、多くを語っている。