When Grandma Gives You A Lemon Tree

By Jamie L. B. Deenihan, Illustrated by Lorraine Rocha ( Sterling Children’s Books – 2019 )

You asked for a new gadget for your birthday, but what do you do when Grandma gives you a Lemon tree instead? Definitely don’t drop it off a bridge. Try caring for the tree, and if you wait patiently through the seasons, you might be surprised at what blooms. This clever story subtly extolls the virtues of hard work, celebrating community and putting down electronic devices for a while.>>> Jamie L.B. Deenihan’s books in SHI Collection.


When Grandpa Gives You A Toolbox

By Jamie L. B. Deenihan, Illustrated by Lorraine Rocha ( Sterling Children’s Books – 2020 )

You asked for a special house for your dolls, so what do you do when Grandpa give youfi a toolbox for your birthday? Definitely don’t launch it into outer space. Instead, try asking for help getting started, and with guidance and lots of practice, you might be surprised at what you can build. This clever story celebrates the virtues of hard work, sharing kindness, and bringing community together.>>>Jamie L. B. Deenihan’s books in SHI Collection.


Dear Grandma

By Susanna Leonard Hill, Illustrated by John Joseph ( Sourcebooks – 2021 )

Nothing compare to the special bond between grandma and grandchildren! This book of love, adventure and fun, demonstrated by several different Grandmas, is to celebrates all of the magical reasons why Grandma truly is, one of kind. This is a love letter from grandchild to grandma.


Around the Table that Grandad Built

By Melanie Heuiser Hill, Illustrated by Jaime Kim ( Candlewick Press – 2019 )

“This is the table that Grandad built. There are the sunflowers picked by my cousins, set on the table that Grandad built.” In this inviting cumulative picture book, a family gathers with friends and neighbors to share a meal around a very special table. With a diverse array of dishes and faces, this warm and welcoming story is sure to become a favorite around dinner tables everywhere.

“これはお爺ちゃんが作ったテーブル。従弟達が持ってきたヒマワリを飾るのは、お爺ちゃんが作ったテーブルの上。” 言葉が楽しく繰り返されながら、どんどんと連なってゆくこの絵本は、家族が友人達や隣人達と特別なテーブルを囲んで食事を共にする。多彩なる料理と顔ぶれが並ぶ心暖まる話は、どこであれ大勢でする食事が楽しくなるに違いない。

That Book Woman

By Heather Henson, Illustrated by David Small ( Atheneum Books for Young Readers – 2008 )

Inspired by the true and courageous work of the Park Horse Librarians. Cal is not the readin’ type. Living way high up in the Appalachian Mountains, he’d rather help Pap plow or go out after wandering sheep than try some book learning. Cal does not want to sit stoney-still reading some chicken scratch. But that Book Women keeps coming just the same. She comes in the rain, and in the snow. She comes right up the side of the mountain, and Cal knows that’s not easy riding. And all just to lend his sister some books. >>> Author’s Note found in the last page, and she explains about the Park Horse Librarians who were known as “Book Women” in the Appalachian mountains of Kentucky.

パーク・ホース・ライブラリアンの勇気ある仕事の実話から制作された絵本。Calは、本を読むようなタイプではなかった。アパラチア山脈の高台に住み、父親の土地を耕す仕事や羊たちの世話をする仕事の方が、本を読むより好きであった。Calは、石のようにじっとして曲がりくねった文字を読むなんて興味なかった。”Book Woman”は、やって来た、雨の日も雪の日も、彼女は家に本を運んで来た。山の坂道を歩くのは大変なことだが、彼女は妹に本を届ける為にやって来た。>>>巻末の作者による、ケンタッキー州アパラチア山脈で”Book Woman”と呼ばれていたパーク・ホース・ライブラリアンの活動の説明がある。

You’ll Find Me

By Amanda Rawgon Hill, Illustrated by Joanne Lew-Vriethoff ( Magination Press – 2020 )

Absence becomes remembrance in this soothing book that offers tender ways to pay tribute throughout daily life to a loved one who is not around. Be it friends, family, pets, or others, memories can carry us beyond the precious moments we have together to keep the ones we love in mind always. The narration encourages thoughtful reflection on empty space, while the gentle scenes inspire recovery from sadness and honor those who are absent. This lyrical, heartful story provides comfort and gently encourages readers to remember.>>> Joanne Lew-Vriethoff’s books in SHI collection.

心地よさを与えてくれるこの絵本は、身近からいなくなった人への優しい思いを日々の生活の中に呼び起しながら、喪失感を記憶に変えてくれる。友達、家族、ペット又は他の人かも知れないが、彼らの思い出は一緒に過ごした楽しいひと時を常に心の中に存在する記憶となる。いなくなった人への悲しさや思いをつのらせる一方で、空っぽになった心をいたわるように語り掛け、軽快で心温まる言葉の数々は、読者に思い出への優しい励ましと心の安らぎを与えてくれる。>>>SHI コレクションにある同じイラストレーターの作品

A Hundred Thousand Welcomes

By Mary Lee Donovan, Illustrated by Lian Cho (Greenwillow Books – 2021)

Family, friends, and neighbors; travelers and strangers from near and far are greeted with hospitality, kindness, compassion, warmth, and fellowship in this timeless picture book about the universal birthright of all people. This book reminds readers about “Welcome” as introducing the word “welcome” in 13 different language and sigh language with heart warmed illustrations. >>>On the last pages, found the notes and pronunciations of “welcome” in 13 different languages.


And J.J. Slept

By Loretta Garbutt, Illustrated by Erika Rodriguez Medina (Kid Can Press – 2022 )

Baby J.J. is greeted by lots of new sounds when he arrives at his adoptive home. With four brothers and sisters and a pet dog, is it ever loud! How can J.J. sleep through all that noise? And what will happen when his new house gets a bit too quiet? It is a celebration of happiness of big family.


A New Kind of WILD

By Zara González Hoang ( Dial Books for Young Readers – 2020 )

For Ren, home is his grandmother’s little wooden house and the rainforest that surrounds it. For Ava, home is a brick apartment building and the hustle and bustle outside her front door. When Ren moves to Ava’s city, he doesn’t find anything homey about it. After all, there’s no room in the city for your imagination to run wild…or is there? Bursting with warmth and imagination, this book celebrates the magic of friendship and all the different things that make a new place feel like home.


Something Happened in Our Park : Standing Together after Gun Violence

By Ann Hazzard, Marianne Celano, and Marietta Collins, Illustrated by Keith Henry Browns ( Magination Press – 2021 )

When his cousin Keisha is injured in a shooting, Miles is frightened. With help from friends and family, he learns to use imagination and creativity to help him cope with his fears, and realizes people can work together to reduce the likelihood of violence in their community. >>> Includes an extensive Reader’s Note with guidelines for discussing community gun violence with children, helping children cope with anxiety, and sample dialogues. All 3 authors are psychologists obtained doctorates, and work for children, families and community.

Milesの従弟であるKeishaが、銃撃事件に巻き込まれて怪我をした時, Milesは恐怖に襲われた。友達や家族の助けのお陰で、Milesは想像力や創作力を使って自分の恐怖心への対処の仕方を学び、地域のみんなと協力しあえば、乱暴な事件を減らすことも出来ると解かった。>>>巻末に読者への助言が書かれ、地域の銃乱射事件の話し合いへのガイドライン、子どもの不安への対処の仕方、そして具体的な対話の例文が記載されている。3名の作者はみな博士号をもつ心理学者であり、子どもや家族、地域社会の為に働いている。