Something Happened in Our Park : Standing Together after Gun Violence

By Ann Hazzard, Marianne Celano, and Marietta Collins, Illustrated by Keith Henry Browns ( Magination Press – 2021 )

When his cousin Keisha is injured in a shooting, Miles is frightened. With help from friends and family, he learns to use imagination and creativity to help him cope with his fears, and realizes people can work together to reduce the likelihood of violence in their community. >>> Includes an extensive Reader’s Note with guidelines for discussing community gun violence with children, helping children cope with anxiety, and sample dialogues. All 3 authors are psychologists obtained doctorates, and work for children, families and community.

Milesの従弟であるKeishaが、銃撃事件に巻き込まれて怪我をした時, Milesは恐怖に襲われた。友達や家族の助けのお陰で、Milesは想像力や創作力を使って自分の恐怖心への対処の仕方を学び、地域のみんなと協力しあえば、乱暴な事件を減らすことも出来ると解かった。>>>巻末に読者への助言が書かれ、地域の銃乱射事件の話し合いへのガイドライン、子どもの不安への対処の仕方、そして具体的な対話の例文が記載されている。3名の作者はみな博士号をもつ心理学者であり、子どもや家族、地域社会の為に働いている。