Welcome to the Party

By Gabrielle Union, Illustrated by Ashley Evans ( Harper – 2020 )

There is a party happening for a sweet baby girl. Her parents roll out the red carpet, turn the music up high, and bring gifts of warmth and love. This book is a sweet love letter for parents everywhere who are excited to welcome their baby, bundle of joy, to the party that is a life. >>>The author is an award-winning actress, activist and a mother.


First Snow

By Nancy Viau, Illustrated by Talitha Shipman ( Albert Whitman & Company – 2018 )

The first big snow of the season is here. Enjoy all the fun activities the snow brings. Bundle up and race outside to build a snowman, make snow angels, and go slendding with friends. At the end of the day, head back inside and warm up with hot chocolate. A perfect rhyming read-aloud for anyone who delights in snow.


Round is a Mooncake : A Book of Shapes

By Roseanne Thong, Illustrated by Grace Lin (Chronicle Books – 2000)

A little girl’s urban neighborhood becomes a discovery ground of things round, square, and rectangular in this lyrical picture book. Most of the objects are Asian in origin, others universal: round rice bowls and a found pebble, square dim sum and the boxes that the pizzas come in, )rectangular Chinese lace and a very special pencil case. >>> On the last page, a short glossary add cultural significance to the objects featured in this book. Roseanne Thong’s books and Grace Lin’s books in SHI collection.

少女が円形、正方形、長方形の形を生活環境の中から探すリズミカルなテキストの絵本。多くの物はアジア系ではあるが、一般的なものもある。例えば、丸いご飯茶碗や小石、正方形のおやつやピザの箱、長方形の中国産レースや特別なエンピツ入れ。>>>巻末にある絵本に登場する幾つかの物の用語集では、文化的な意味も説明している。 SHIのコレクションにある、Roseanne Thongの作品と Grace Linの作品

Feathered Serpent and the Five Suns : A Mesoamerican Creation Myth

By Duncan Tonatiuh ( Abrams Books for Young Readers – 2020 )

Long ago, the gods of Mesoamerica set out to create humans. They tried many times during each sun, or age. When all their attempts failed and the gods grew tired, only one did not give up. It was Feathered Serpent, the god of knowledge. To continue, he first had to retrieve the sacred bones of creation guarded by the lord of the underworld. Gathering his staff, shield, cloak, and shell ornament for good luck, Feathered Serpent embarked on the dangerous quest to create humankind.>>>On the last pages, found the Author’s note and Glossary. Duncan Tonatiuh’s books in SHI collection.

大昔、メソアメリカ(メキシコ及び中央アメリカ北西部)の神々は、人間を創ろうと試みた。時代ごとに多くの試みを繰り返したが、すべて失敗であった。しかし、知識の神であるFeathered Serpent(「羽毛のある蛇」という名前)は、諦めなかった。作業を継続する為に、先ずは地下の神の支配から創作の為の神聖なる骨を収得しなくてはならない。 杖と、盾と、マントと、幸運を導く貝殻の飾りと共に、Feathered Serpentは人間創作を拒む多くの困難に立ち向かった。>>>巻末ページに、作者の解説と用語集がある。SHIのコレクションにあるDuncan Tonatiuhの作品

Dia De Los Muertos

By Roseanne Greenfield Thong, Illustrated by Carles Ballesteros ( Albert Whitman & Company – 2015 )

El Dia de los Muertos, Day of the Dead, is here – a holiday for celebrating the lives of departed family and friends. Altas are decorated with sugar skulls and marigolds. Tamales and sweets are ready to eat. Soon it will be time for picnics, music, and a costume parade! Come join in these joyful and vibrant festivities that are tradition in Mexico and throughout Latin America. >>> On the last pages, found the information about Dia de los Muertos and Glossary.


The Forgiveness Garden

By Lauren Thompson, Illustrated by Christy Hale ( Feiwel and Friends – 2012 )

Hate had happened. Revenge had happened. And that inspired more hate and more calls for revenge. But this time, a young girl decided to try something different….. This is a timeless parable for all ages that shows readers a better way to resolve conflicts and emphasizes the importance of moving forward together. >>> The author inspired by the original Garden of Forgiveness in Beirut, Lebanon.

憎しみが起こった。復習が始まる。そして、それは更なる憎しみと復習を求める声を大きくする。しかし、今回はある少女が異なる方法を選んだ、、、この絵本のいつの時代でも通用する例え話は、年齢に関わらず読者達に紛争の解決の為の良策を示し、共に前進する大切さを強調している。>>>レバノンのベイルートに実際ある「Garden of Forgiveness」(許しの庭園)から、作者がヒントを得た作品。

Unstoppable Me

By Susan Verde, Illustrated by Andrew Joyner ( Farrar Straus Giroux – 2019 )

Here is a boy who just can’t sit still. His body needs movement in order for him to learn, explore, and find joy in his life. >>> With experience of the author’s own son and a former school teacher, she is inspired to write this story as a way of approaching this amazing exuberance from a different perspective. Susan Verde’s book and Andrew Joyner’s book in SHI collection.

じっと座っていれない少年が登場する。彼の体は、学ぶために、冒険する為に、生きる楽しみを味わう為に、じっとしては要られなかった。>>>作者自身の息子との体験と元小学校教師としての体験から、非常に活発な子ども達を異なる角度から観察した話を絵本にした。SHIのコレクションにあるSusan Verdeの作品Andrew Joyerの作品

Music Class Today!

By David Weinstone, illustrated by Vin Vogel ( Farrar Straus Giroux – 2015 )

As soon as the teacher starts to play his guitar and sing, the kids are whirling and twirling and having a blast. But for one hesitant little music maker, it is all a bit overwhelming at first. With energetic and bright illustrations, this reassuring story about courage it sometimes takes to try something new will resonate with children everywhere. >>> The author founded an interactive music class for preschoolers in 1997. Details : musicforaardvarks.com


When Charley Met Emma

By Amy Webb, Illustrated by Merrilee Liddiard ( Beaming Books -2019 )

Five-year-old Charley gets teased for daydreaming and drawing more than his friends. but when he meets Emma, who is physically different, he needs help remmbering that being different is okay. >>> On the last pages, there are advice from the author how your children to relate with a child or person with special needs.


Mission : Back to School

By Susan Hood, Illustrated by Mary Lundquist ( Random House – 2016 )

Imagined in the form of a secret agent’s set of instructions, Mason and other children negotiate the first day of school. Example : ” You’ll be informed about rendezvousing at the vehicle checkpoint ( meeting at the bus stop), building diplomatic relations (making new friends), conducting fieldwork (exploring outside during science class) and until #19. I know you’re up for the task. Let’s go!” This is an another way to encourage children for their first day of school.
