Our Day of the Dead Celebration

By Ana Aranda (Nancy Paulsen Books – 2022 )

The Day of the Dead is a happy day! It is a day for families to come together to share stories and laughts. There are favoirte dishes to cook, poems to be written, and. most impolrtantly, memories to relive. No one in the family is forgotten, because this is the day when the dead come to visit the living – and for this holiday, it is almost as if they are sitting beside us as we take pleasure in celebrating the things that made them special. >>>In the last page, the author tells the background about this story of Mexican celebration.


Stone Soup : An Old Tale Retold

By Marcia Brown,1918-2015 ( Atheneum Books for Young Readers – 1975 )

Three soldiers came marching down the road towards a French village. The peasants seeing them coming, suddenly became very busy, for soldiers are often hungry. So all the food was hidden under mattresses or in barns. There followed a battle of wits, with the soldiers equal to the occasion. Sone soup? Why, of course, they could make a wonderfu soup of stones…but, of course, one must add a carrot or two……some meat….so it went. Marcia Brown has made of this old tale a very gay book, a carnival of activity, of dancing and laughter. >>>Originally published by Charles Scribner & sons in 1945, renewed 1975 by Marcia Brown. >>>> Check ‘Stone Soup’ in this URL, you will find different cultural versions in SHI collection.

三人の兵士がフランスの村に通じる道を歩いてきた。農民たちは彼等が村に近ずくのを見ると、兵士はたいてい空腹なので、突然忙しく動き出した。総ての食料品はマットレスの下や小屋に隠された。腹ペコだった兵士たちは、頭脳戦を展開した。石のスープである。実際に彼等は素晴らしい石のスープを作った、,、でも人参は必要であった、そして次に、、、肉もあれば良いし、、、と様々な具が農民たちから追加されていった。作者のMarcia Brown は、古い民話をダンスと笑いの溢れる楽しい本に書き直した。>>>原作は1945年にCharles Scribner & sons から出版された。>>>>当URLでStone Soupを検索すると、SHIコレクションにある異なるカルチャーのバージョンが見つかる。

Maple Syrup from the Sugarhouse

By Laurie Lazzaro Knowlton, Illustrated by Kathryn Mitter ( Albert Whitman & Company – 2017 )

As winter comes to an end and spring arrives, Kelsey looks forward to maple syrup season. She helps her daddy tap the sugar maple trees in the woods on their farm. After the buckets are filled with sap, Kelsey works with family and friends to collect the buckets and pour the sap into a holding tank. Then they’re off to the sugarhouse to boil the sap until it becomes syrup. When the first batch is bottled, it’s time to celebrate with a delicious breakfast – pancakes and maple syrup, of course! >>>”Marvelous Maple Syrup Facts” found on the last pages.


Red, White and Boom!

By Lee Wardlaw, Illustrated by Huy Voun Lee (Henry Holt and Company – 2012 )

It’s the Fourth of July! Travel across the country for a city parade, a beach picnic, and fireworks in the park in this celebration of the many cultures and traditions that make America’s birthday Boom!>>>Huy Voun Lee’s books in SHI collection.

アメリカ合衆国の建国記念日だ!国中を巡ってみると、街でのパレードがあり、ビーチでのピクニックがあり、公園での花火がある。多様なる文化と多彩なる伝統を祝福するアメリカ合衆国の誕生日が最高潮に盛り上がる!>>>SHIコレクションにあるHuy Voun Leeの作品

Plátanos Go with Everything

By Lissette Norman, Illustrated by Sara Palacios ( Harper – 2023 )

Yesenia lives in New York with her brother, Kendry, and the parents who moved from Dominican Republic. She helps Mami cook in the kitchen, and Mami peels the Plátanos. Plátanos are Yesenia’s favorite food. They can be sweet and sugary, or salty and savory. And they’re a part of almost every meal her Dominican family makes. Stop by her apartment and find out why plátanos go with everything—especially love!


Grandma’s Tipi : A Present-Day Lakota Story

By S. D. Nelson ( Abrams Books for Young Readers – 2023 )

Now that Clara is almost in third grade, she’s finally old enough to spend her first summer away from home visiting Grandma and her cousin Juniper on the Standing Rock Reservation. To welcome her visit, Uncle Louie brings an extra-special surprise in his pickup track: the family tipi that Grandma keeps, passed down for generations. The girls learn how to stack the poles and wrap the canvas covering around them, how to paint spirit pictures on its walls, and how the circle of the tipi reminds us all how to live in the great Circle of Life. During their summer days spent playing outside, doing beadwork together, telling stories, singing songs, and sleeping under the stars, the tipi brings the family closer together. >>> S. D. Nelson’s art style is inspired by 19 century Lakota ledger drawings. Author’s note is included.

Clara は3年生になるので、祖母や従弟のJuniperが住んでいるスタンデング・ロック居留地に滞在して、初めて家族と離れて一人で過ごす夏を体験できる歳となった。Louie叔父さんは、彼女を歓迎する為に、予期しなかった素晴らしいものをトラックの荷台に積んできた。それは祖母が保存していた、先代から数代も受け継がれてきたtipiであった。少女達は骨組みの立て方やその周りにキャンパズ地の布張りを教わり、壁にスピリチュアルな絵を描く方法を学び、tipiにぐるりと描かれた絵から偉大なる生命の循環を教えられた。夏の日々を外で遊び、ベットで寛ぎ、色々な話を楽しみ、歌を歌い、星空の下で眠り、遠く離れていた家族と一緒に過ごすことにより、家族の絆がより強まった。>>>S. D. Nelsonの絵のスタイルは、19世紀のLakota部族の伝統的な絵に影響を受けている。作者でもある彼の言葉も記載されている。

Powwow Day

By Traci Sorell, Illustrated by Madelyn Goodnight ( Charlesbridge – 2022 )

Because she has been ill and very weak, River cannot join in dancing at this year’s tribal Powwow, she can only watch from the sidelines as her sister and cousins dance the celebration – but as the drum beats she finds the faith to believe that she will recover and dance again. >>> Including information about Powwows.


Feast of Peas

By Kashmira Sheth, Illustrated by Jeffrey Ebbeler (Peachtree – 2020)

Jiva looks forward to a feast of peas from his garden, but when they are stolen at harvest time. Jiva sets out to catch the thief, and not a single precaution, he takes – a fence, a scarecrow – prevents the next theft. Finally Jiva catches the thief and it’s his friend Ruvji! Jiva gives Ruvji the punichment to cook a feast for him, so Ruvji are carefully prepared several dishes with peas. They are delicious! and Jiva celebrates a feast of peas with Ruvji together. >>>kashmira sheth’s books in SHI collection.

Jivaは畑のエンドウマメのご馳走を楽しみにしていたが、収穫時になると、エンドウマメを盗む人がいた。Jivaは犯人を捕まえようと、柵を巡らしたり、案山子を立てたりして、更なる被害を予防した。そしてついにJivaが犯人を捕らえると、それは友人であるRuvji であった。罰として、JivaはRuvjiにエンドウマメのご馳走を作る仕事を与えたので、Ruvjiは注意深くエンドウマメの料理をいくつかJivaの為に用意した。それらは最高に美味しかった!JivaはRuvjiと一緒に、エンドウマメのご馳走を満喫した。>>>SHI コレクションにあるkashmira shethの作品

The Wheels on The Tuk Tuk

By Kabir Sehgal & Surishtha Sehgal, Illustrated by Jess Golden (Beach Lane Books – 2016)

Take a ride through an Indian town as the tuk tuk wheels go round and round! This delightful spin on “The Wheels on the Bus” brings a lively and colorful twist to a classic nursery rhyme. >>> In the last pages, found Authors’ Note and Glossary to help to learn Indian people and culture through this book and song.

Tuk Tuk (トークトーク)に乗ると、タイヤが回りながらインドの町を 走り回ってくれる!長年愛唱されている幼児用の歌”The Wheels on the Bus” (バスのタイヤ)の楽しいリズムに、生き生きとした色彩豊かなインドの町の光景や人々の様子がオリジナルの歌詞から置き換えられている。>>>巻末に著者達(母と息子のチーム)からの説明や語彙の解説があり、この絵本のインド版の歌を歌いながらインドの人々や文化を知るのに役立つ。

Red Butterfly : How a Princess Smuggled the Secret of Silk out of China

By Deborah Noyes, Illustrated by Sophie Blackall ( Candlewick Press – 2007 )

Flowing silk flies along behind a young Chinese princess as she lovingly says good-bye to the many splendors of her father’s kingdom. “Good-bye, pink peach petals. Good-bye, yellow moon.” At summer end, she must venture to an oasis far away in the dry, hot desert, because she will marry the king of Khotan. But secretly, boldly, she’ll carry a little piece of her adored home with her. This book reimagines the legend of how a gently defiant princess revealed to the world a secret the Chinese had guarded for two thousand years – the secret of silk. >>> On the last pages, the author’s Note helps to understand the historical background of the story. >>>>Sophie Blackall’s books in SHI collection.

中国の幼い王女が、父親の王国にある数々の愛おしきものに別れを告げる時、彼女の背後で絹の布が揺れた。「さよなら、ピンク色の桃の花びらよ。さよなら、黄色い月よ。」夏の終わりには、ホータン国王と結婚する為に、未知なる世界である乾燥した熱い砂漠の遥か彼方のオアシスに、彼女は旅立たなくてはならない。しかし、内緒で、しかも大胆にも彼女の故郷のひとかけらを彼女と共に連れ出すつもりだ。この絵本は、中国が二千年にも及んで厳守してきた絹の秘密が、穏やかにも大胆な王女によって、世界に知られた伝説を再現している。>>>巻末に、作者によるこの絵本の歴史的背景の解説あり。>>>>SHIコレクションにあるSophie Blackallの作品。