Tomorrow is New Year’s Day : Seollal, a Korean Celebration of the Lunar New Year

By Aram Kim ( Farrar Straus Giroux – 2022 )

Mina can’t wait to share the customs of Korean Lunar New Year’s Day with all her friends at school. She will show her classmates her colorful hanbok (traditional Korean outfit) and demonstrate how to do sebae (New Year’s greeting to show respect for elders), and then everyone will make tasty tteokguk (rice cake soup for New Year’s Day) in the cafeteria. Yum! Her little brother may even join in on the fun…..if she can find a way out of his bad mood. >>> On the last pages, found a glossary of Korean terms, with pronunciation guide.


Festival of Colors

By Kabir Sehgal & Surishtha Sehgal, illustrated by Vashti Harrison ( Beach Lane Books – 2018 )

Spring is here, and it’s almost time for Holi, the Indian Festival of Colors. Siblings Chintoo and Mintoo are busy gathering flowers to make into colorful powders to toss during the festival. And when at last the big day comes, they gather with their friends, family, and neighbors for a vibrant celebration of fresh starts, friendship, forgiveness, and, of course, fun! >>> On the last page, found more explanation of Holi.>>>> Kabir Sehgal & Surishtha Sehgal are son and mother team. Kabir Sehgal & Surishtha Sehga’s books in SHI collection.

春がやって来る、そして色のお祭りHoliもやって来る。Chintoo と Mintoo の姉弟も、祭りに使う色の粉を準備する為に、花を摘むのに忙しくなった。そして、とうとうその日がやって来ると、友達や家族や近所の人達が集まり 新しい季節、友情、許し、などを祝う色鮮やかな粉を互いに浴びた。それは何よりも楽しい祭りであった。>>>巻末にHoliについてのより詳しい説明がある。>>>>Kabir Sehgal と Surishtha Sehgalは、息子と母親のチームである。SHIコレクションにあるKabir Sehgal & Surishtha Sehgalの作品

José Feliciano’s Feliz Navidad : Two Stories Celebrating Christmas

Song lyrics by José Feliciano, Illustrated by David Diaz ( Cartwheel Books – 2003 )

As presenting the lyrics of José Feliciano’s song “Feliz Navidad” and illustrated by Caldecott Medal winner David Diaz, this unique flip book features two different:José Feliciano came from Puerto Rico to New York, yet traditional, Christmas celebrations!>>>”Feliz Navidad” was born blind in Perto Rico and at age five moved to New York. He wrote “Feliz Navidad” one cold North American Christmas season, when at age twenty four, he was homesick for his native Puerto Rico.

José Feliciano(ホセ・フェリシアーノ)の有名なクリスマスソング”Feliz Navidad” (フェリス・ナビダッド:スペイン語のメリークリスマス)に、Caldecott Medal 受賞者のDavid Diazがイラストを描いたこの絵本は、二つの異なる文化を融合させながら伝統的なクリスマスを祝っている。>>>José Felicianoは生まれながらの全盲で、5歳の時にプエルトリコからニューヨークに移民した。彼が24歳の時、1969年の寒い北アメリカのクリスマスシーズンに故郷のプエルトリコを恋しがりながら “Feliz Navidad” を作詞作曲した。

The Runaway Rice Cake

By Ying Chang Compestine, Illustrated by Tungwai Chau (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers – 2001 )

It’s the Chinese New Year, and the Chang Family has only enough rice flour to make one nián-gão, a special New Year’s rice cake, for the entire family to eat. But this delicious little nián-gão has other ideas. “Ai yo! I don’t think so!” it cries, coming to life and escaping. Ming, Cong, little Da and their parents chase the nián-gão all over the village until it runs into a hungry, old woman and sends her tumbling to the ground. Though Da is a small boy, his heart is big enough to share the treat with her, even though that leaves Da’s family with nothing to eat for their own celebration. But the Changs’ generosity doesn’t go unnoticed. When they return home, they find the Kitchen God has left a wonderful surprise for them.>>> On the last pages, found about Celebrating Chinese New Year and instruction how to make nián-gão.>>>> Ying Chang Compestine’s books in SHI collection.

中国の旧正月である。しかしChang一家には、旧正月の餅を作るのに一つ分の粉しかなかった。しかし折角家族全員の為に作った小さな餅 nián-gão は、いきなり飛び上がり逃げ出してしまった。なんと生命を得て、「食べられるのなんかいやだよ!」と叫びながら走り回った。Ming, Cong, そして最年少の Da の3人兄弟と両親は、nián-gão を追いかけて村中を駆け巡った。空腹で弱弱しい老女にぶつかって、旧正月の餅はやっと捕まった。Daは家族のなかで一番小さかったが大きな心の持ち主であり、その餅を空腹な老女に提供することに同意した。結局家族は正月を祝う食べ物は何もなくなった。しかし、Chang一家の親切心は無駄にはならなかった。家に帰ると台所の神様は、予期せぬご馳走を用意してくれていた。>>>巻末に、中国の旧正月についての説明とnián-gão のつくり方がある。>>>>SHIコレクションにあるYing Chang Compestineの作品

First Laugh : Welcome, Baby!

By Rose Ann Toha and Nancy Bo Flood, Illustrated by Jonathan Nelson ( Charlesbridge – 2018 )

A Navajo baby spends time with members of his family, each of whom tries to get him to laugh for the first time. Will it happen while eating dinner in the family’s city apartment? Or maybe it’ll be while riding horseback with Grandmother across the mesa. Brother and sister both try. Papa tickles baby’s toes. Mama sings. Grandfather holds the baby up high. In Navajo families, the first person to get a new baby to lough hosts the First Laugh Ceremony. Who will it be? >>>On the last pages, found Authors’ Notes and Illustrator’s Note as well as presenting several cerebrations for children in different cultures.


Wait! It’s Friday

By Chris Barash, Illustrated by Christine Grove ( Apples and Honey Press – 2019 )

Today is Friday. On Fridays, I wait…and I wait…and I wait. A young child waits for something special as he plays with the cat, makes challah with Daddy, paints a picture with Nana, and takes a trip to the grocery store. Finally, the waiting is over. It’s Shabbat!


Masala Chai, Fast and Slow

By Rajani LaRocca, Illustrated by Neha Rawat ( Candlewick Press – 2023 )

Aarav is fast, fast, fast…..and his grandfather, or thatha, is slow, slow, slow. Every day, Thatha makes masala chai for the family, and no matter how much Aarav urges him to hurry, Thatha insists on taking his time “Masala chai cannot be rushed, ” said Tahatha. “It must be made carefully.” When a minor accident leaves Thatha resting on the couch, Aarav wants to make the chai himself to help his grandfather feel better. But, no matter how hard he tries, everything turns into a big mess. Will Aarav be able to slow down and get the recipe right? >>> On the last pages, found Author’s note and the recipe of masala chai.


A Dupatta Is …

By Marzieh Abbas, Illustrated by Anu Chouhan ( Feiwel and Friends – 2023 )

A dupatta is so much more than a beautiful piece of fabric. These shawls – traditionally worn in various cultures of South Asia – are eye catching and colorful, of course. But they are also fun and functional, and they carry the sounds and smells of family and identity. >>> On the last pages, found more information and glossary.>>>>Anu Chouhan’s books in SHI collection.

ドゥパタは、一枚の美しい布以上の意味がある。南アジアの多くの文化の中で伝統的に身に付けられてきたこのショールは、もちろん色鮮やかで、人目を引く。そして楽しく、機能的でもある。更にドゥパタは、家族やアイデンティティに繋がる音や匂いさえも含んでいるのだ。>>> 巻末に更なる説明と言葉の解説あり。>>>>SHIコレクションにあるAnu Chouhanの作品

Dear Muslim Child

By Rahma Rodaah, Illustrated by Aya Ghanameh ( Balzer + Bray – 2024 )

In this lyrical ode to Islam, Muslim children all over the world are encouraged to celebrate their faith and traditions. This book is not just a religious guidance, but tells how build self-esteem and resilience. And it will be very helpful for non-Muslim readers to understand their faith better, without influence from radical groups/persons.


Black-eyed Peas and Hoghead Cheese : A Story of Food, Family, and Freedom

By Glenda Armand, Illustrated by Steffi Walthall ( Crown Books for Young Readers – 2022 )

While visiting her grandma in Louisana, nine-year-old Frances is excited to help prepare the New Year’s Day meal. She listens as Grandma tells stories – dating back to the Atlantic Slave Trade – about the food for their feast. While learning about the ingredients and the dishes they are making, Frances learns about her ancestors and their history as well. This book traces the origins of African American foodways, or eating habits, with the loving story of one family preparing a holiday dinner. >>> Inspired by author Glenda Armand’s childhood, and her note and more information found in the last pages. >>>> Glenda Armand’s books in SHI collection.

ルイジアナの祖母の家を訪ねている間、9歳のFrancesは新年の料理を作る手伝いをするのが楽しみであった。祖母の話は”大西洋奴隷貿易”の時代にまでさかのぼり、奴隷になった人達が祝いの料理を作る話に耳を傾けた。当時の人達が入手できた材料や料理について学ぶと同時に、祖先の歴史も学んだ。この絵本は、ある家族の祝いの食事の支度から、アフリカ系アメリカ人達の食文化や食習慣の起源を語っている。>>>作者の幼年期の体験に基ずいて制作された。巻末に更なる情報と作者の言葉がある。>>>>SHIコレクションにある Glenda Armandの作品