Baby Face

By Cynthia Rylant, Illustrated by Diane Goode                                                                      (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers ~ in 2008)

The six babies present their daily life with gentle poems. As the sub-title ” A book of love for baby”, this is to celebrate all of the treasured moments in a baby’s life filled with love.


副題に A book of love for babyとあるように、赤ちゃんへの愛情溢れるリズミカルな言葉とイラストでいっぱいである。主役の赤ちゃんが代わる度に、赤ちゃんの生活にとって大事な単語が現われ一章を構成している。6人の赤ちゃんは外見の多様性をそれぞれに現してはいるが、赤ちゃんの共通性には変わりがない。新しく親となった人達を、兄や姉となった子ども達を、そして赤ちゃんが恋しくなった総べての人達をきっと満足させてくれるに違いない絵本である。

Lots of Feelings       

By Shelley Rotner (Millbrook Press Inc. ~ in 2003)

A face can tell you what someone is feeling. In this expressive photo-essay, simple text and photographs introduce basic emotions happy, grumpy, thoughtful and more and how people show them.



Look at You! : A baby body book

By Kathy Henderson, Illustrated by Paul Howard (Candlewick Press – 2006) Amazing development of many kinds abilities on the early stage of children as showing racial diversity babies with rhythmical words.



Feeding Friendsies

By Suzanne Bloom (Boyds Mills Press – Honesdale, Pennsylvania in 2011)

Child chefs are creating many dishes with their hand reachable nature recourses. Their imagination is endless and has a lot of fun.



Mama’s Day

By Linda Ashman, Illustrated by Jan Ormerod  (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers – New York, NY in 2006)

Cerebrating being a mother by appearing 12 different ethnic babies.  Each page presents one couple of mother and child from the 12 babies, and on the other side page found simple verse with  other 11 babies moving around.

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Peace, Baby!

By Linda Ashman, Illustrated by Joanne Lew-Vriethoff  (Chronicle Books LLC – San Francisco, CA in 2013)

When children get an intense feeling and conduct their negative behavior, the voice “Peace, Baby!” helps to deal with them. Showing different cases of the unpredictable emotion with multiethnic children,  it encourages everyone to say “Peace, Baby!”.

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子ども達に感情の表し方やコミュニケーションの方法を教える絵本が、米国で近年発行される絵本の中でも目立つようになったが、この絵本も今年発行されたばかりである。子ども達にネガティブな感情が起こったり衝突した時、一息つかせて冷静さを取り戻す呪文のごとくに“Peace, Baby”の言葉が繰り返される。大人にも是非読んで欲しい。米国の都市で普通に見かけるごとく、イラストには様々な人種の子ども達が自然に描かれている。

The way I feel

By Janan Cain (Parenting Press, Inc. – Seattle, Washington in 2000)

Describing children their emotions and understand that feeling is a normal part of life for every child.  Showing how to express their emotions verbally with images of multiethnic children.

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Say Hello!

By Rachel Isadora (G.P. Putnam’s Sons – New York in 2011)

 A girl wakes up and  takes a walk with her mother and her beloved dog.  As walking though her neighborhood, meets different languages speaking persons. She says Hello to each in their native languages. The list of Hello in 9 different languages is on the last page.

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少女が朝起きて、母親と愛犬と一緒に街の通りを歩いてゆく。様々な人達が住んでいる近所を歩くと、それぞれの言葉で挨拶を交わす。色彩と柄が豊かな紙を張ったようなイラストは、作者独特の個性ある表現が、楽しく語りかけてくる。巻末には、絵本で使った9ヶ国語のHello が、まとめて記載されている。英文は少なく、幼児向けの絵本。

My little planet – Little Seeds

By Charles Ghigna, Illustrated by Ag Jatkowska   ( Picture Window Books – Minnesota in 2012)

 In this poem, three different ethnic children discover that planning seeds is exciting adventure and that is good for the earth too.

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Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes

By Mem Fox, Illustrated by Helen Oxenbury (Harcourt, Inc. – in 2008)

 As comparing little fingers and little toes between multiethnic babies, celebrating heartfelt infant’s communication and their world.  Created each pages with full observing babies through the motherly eyes of the author and the illustrator.

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