Night Sounds, Morning Colors

By Rosemary Wells, Illustrated by David McPhail ( Dial Books for Young Readers – 1994 )

Look. Listen. Open all your senses. Spring violets grow bright in the deep black earth. Summer rain patters on the leaves. Autumn brings the tastes and smells of a bakery shop. Winter’s icy wind is soferned by the warmth of an afternoon nap. Night Sounds, Morning Colors moves through the seasons of a child’s year to vividly evoke each of the senses. >>>Rosemary Wells’s books in SHI collection.

観て。聞いて。総ての感覚を全開にして。春にはスミレの花が、黒い大地の上で明るく輝く。夏には雨が、木の葉を優しく打ち付ける。秋にはパン屋さんに、秋の味と香りを運んでくる。冷たい冬の風は、午後の昼寝のぬくもりが心地良くしてくれる。「夜の音に朝の色」のこの絵本は、子どもの一年の季節を、子どものそれぞれの感覚を目覚めさせながら語ってくれる。>>>SHIコレクションにあるRosemary Wellsの作品

Ani’s Light

By Tanu Shree Singh, Illustrated by Sandhya Prabhat ( Maginatin Press, an imprint of the American Psychological Association. – 2020 )

Ani’s stuck in a dark cloud because his mother hasn’t been home. His friends and family try to brighten his mood, but nothing helps. When Mama finally comes back, but with her hair missing, Ani’s light gets brighter and brighter, chasing away his darkness. The unconditional love between Ani and his mother shines through as the two enjoy their precious time together, whether it’s forever, or just for now. >>>The original version published in India in 2019. Includes a note from the author explaining way to help a child through a family crisis.

Aniの母親が家にいなくなってから、彼には黒い雲が付きまとった。彼の友達や家族が、Ani’を明るくしようと努めたが役に立たなかった。母親が家に戻った時、彼女の髪の毛がなかったけれども、Aniの暗さは消えて徐々に明るくなっていった。Aniと母親との無条件の愛情は、一緒の時間を楽しみながら、輝きを増していった。たとえその時間が永遠であろうとその時だけであろうと、輝きの素晴らしさに変わりはない。>>>原作は2019年にインドで出版された。記載されている作者からの解説は、家庭内の危機に対応する子どもを助ける方法のアドバイスである。(注:米国における出版社のMaginatin Pressは、米国心理学会傘下の出版社)

The Wheels on The Tuk Tuk

By Kabir Sehgal & Surishtha Sehgal, Illustrated by Jess Golden (Beach Lane Books – 2016)

Take a ride through an Indian town as the tuk tuk wheels go round and round! This delightful spin on “The Wheels on the Bus” brings a lively and colorful twist to a classic nursery rhyme. >>> In the last pages, found Authors’ Note and Glossary to help to learn Indian people and culture through this book and song.

Tuk Tuk (トークトーク)に乗ると、タイヤが回りながらインドの町を 走り回ってくれる!長年愛唱されている幼児用の歌”The Wheels on the Bus” (バスのタイヤ)の楽しいリズムに、生き生きとした色彩豊かなインドの町の光景や人々の様子がオリジナルの歌詞から置き換えられている。>>>巻末に著者達(母と息子のチーム)からの説明や語彙の解説があり、この絵本のインド版の歌を歌いながらインドの人々や文化を知るのに役立つ。


By Fred Parqnuzzi, Illustrated by Mariana Ruiz Johnson ( Schiffer Kids – 2021 )

The book is almost wordless, but filled with many sounds of day. Each illustration, page after page, is crowded with all the noises and activity happening during a little kid’s daily routine. It’s a very unique picture book which toddlers will delight in recognizing the onomatopoeia.


Give Thank You A Try

By James Patterson, Illustrated by Elizabet Vukovic, Jeff Ebbeler, Louise Forshaw, Tracy Dockray, Cori Doerrfeld, Jennifer Zivoin, Jordan Wray, Ryan Wheatcroft, Kate Babok, John Nez, Donald Wu, Chelen Ecija, Bao Luu, Luck Flowers, Ruth Galloway, Julia Kuo, Jomike Tejido, Julie Robine, Alejandro O’Kif, Cori Doerrfeld. (Jimmy Partterson Books-2017)

Saying “Thank you” can be something that children do automatically without thinking much about what it means. This book shows how we can feel gratitude for so many things – not just for birthday presents, but even for the simplest things in our lives. Kids know when to say thank you – this book will tell them why with presenting different illustrator’s art works on page to page.


Be Who You Are

By Todd Parr ( Hachette Book Group Inc. -2016 )

“Be who you are! Be proud of where you ‘re from. Be a different color. Speak your language. Wear everything you need to be you. ” Todd Parr’s bold messages and bright pictures encourage readers to embrace all their unique qualities. >>>Todd Parr’s books in SHI collection.

<自分自身でいいんだ。自分がどこの出身であれ誇りに思おう。色が違っていも良い。言葉が異なっても良いんだ。自分の好きな服を着れば良い。>作者からの力強いメッセージと鮮やかな色彩の絵が、一人一人の異質性を祝福したくなるように導いてくれる。>>>SHIのコレクションにあるTodd Parrの作品

Welcome to the Party

By Gabrielle Union, Illustrated by Ashley Evans ( Harper – 2020 )

There is a party happening for a sweet baby girl. Her parents roll out the red carpet, turn the music up high, and bring gifts of warmth and love. This book is a sweet love letter for parents everywhere who are excited to welcome their baby, bundle of joy, to the party that is a life. >>>The author is an award-winning actress, activist and a mother.


First Snow

By Nancy Viau, Illustrated by Talitha Shipman ( Albert Whitman & Company – 2018 )

The first big snow of the season is here. Enjoy all the fun activities the snow brings. Bundle up and race outside to build a snowman, make snow angels, and go slendding with friends. At the end of the day, head back inside and warm up with hot chocolate. A perfect rhyming read-aloud for anyone who delights in snow.


Round is a Mooncake : A Book of Shapes

By Roseanne Thong, Illustrated by Grace Lin (Chronicle Books – 2000)

A little girl’s urban neighborhood becomes a discovery ground of things round, square, and rectangular in this lyrical picture book. Most of the objects are Asian in origin, others universal: round rice bowls and a found pebble, square dim sum and the boxes that the pizzas come in, )rectangular Chinese lace and a very special pencil case. >>> On the last page, a short glossary add cultural significance to the objects featured in this book. Roseanne Thong’s books and Grace Lin’s books in SHI collection.

少女が円形、正方形、長方形の形を生活環境の中から探すリズミカルなテキストの絵本。多くの物はアジア系ではあるが、一般的なものもある。例えば、丸いご飯茶碗や小石、正方形のおやつやピザの箱、長方形の中国産レースや特別なエンピツ入れ。>>>巻末にある絵本に登場する幾つかの物の用語集では、文化的な意味も説明している。 SHIのコレクションにある、Roseanne Thongの作品と Grace Linの作品

Music Class Today!

By David Weinstone, illustrated by Vin Vogel ( Farrar Straus Giroux – 2015 )

As soon as the teacher starts to play his guitar and sing, the kids are whirling and twirling and having a blast. But for one hesitant little music maker, it is all a bit overwhelming at first. With energetic and bright illustrations, this reassuring story about courage it sometimes takes to try something new will resonate with children everywhere. >>> The author founded an interactive music class for preschoolers in 1997. Details :
