Made in Manhattan

Directed by Wayne Wang (2002)

A struggling single mom, Marisa, works at a posh Manhattan hotel as dreaming of a better life for her and her young son. One fateful day, hotel guest and senatorial candidate Christopher meets Marias and mistakes her for a wealth socialite. After an enchanting evening together, Marisa and Christopher fall in love. But when Marisa’s true identity is revealed, issues of class and social status threaten to separate them. Luckily a cupid appears for help.

Jennifer Lopezが演じるホテルのヒスパニック系メイドは、一人息子のシングルマザーでもある。そして相手は、次期議会議員候補の有名な政治家。二人の異なる世界が交差して、ドタバタとユーモアたっぷりに盛り込みながらも、真実の愛に目覚めてゆく二人。マンハッタンを舞台にした現代版のシンデレラ物語ではあるが、聡明なる息子がキューピット役となる楽しい作品である。

Over the Border

Directed by Pam-suk Ahn (2006)

In the North Korea, a young lovers  decide to move to the South Korea, and first the man takes his act to find a job in the South. Latter his lover can successfully pass the border. They find their new lives in the other side.  Showing different lifestyle between the North and South and their life process moves very slowly but surely.


南北朝鮮の国境を越えて、男女の愛を描いた力作。政治的な意図の無い南北朝鮮の日常が描かれていて、大変に興味深い。撮影は総て南側で行われているので、北朝鮮の描写については北側からは不満もあるかもしれないが、このように南北朝鮮分断の現実を日常的に垣間見せてくれる映画は数少ないと思う。北朝鮮の若い恋人同士が、別々に南へ逃避して新しい生活を始めるのだが、男女の純愛のあり方に、もどかしさを感じる人も多いと思う。原題の国境(the Border)は、結局私達の心の中にこそ、あるものかも知れない。

Guess who’s coming to dinner

Directed by Stanley Kramer (1967)

Beloved beautiful daughter returns home with her new fiancé, but he is a black doctor. Her mother accepts patiently her daughter’s decision to marry him, but her father is shocked and struggles to see the reality of their interracial union. The doctor’s parents join this family gathering without knowing the details, and they are dismayed as well. Both families examine each other’s tolerance.


若い黒人男性と白人女性が恋に陥り、結婚を決意した。サンフランシスコの両親の家に、娘が突然連れてきたフィアンセに両親は驚くが、母親は娘の幸せを願い父親は結婚を納得しない。その日の夕食に招かれて、ロスアンジェルスから飛行機で飛んできた黒人夫婦は、息子のフィアンセが白人であることを到着した空港で知り唖然とする。夕食の席に着く前に夫々が思いを語りあうので、まるで劇のようでもあるが、言葉と感情の展開が見事である。白人父親役の Spence Tracy の遺作であり、白人母親役のKatharine Hepburn がアカデミー主演女優賞を受賞した作品。主役黒人男性を演じた Sidney Poitier は、ハリウッドの黒人俳優進出の道を拓いた一人である。異文化理解のテキストとも呼べそうな映画であり、名作中の名作である。

Mother of George

Directed by Andrew Dosunmu (2013)

Nigerian-American George, owner of African cuisine restaurant in New York, welcomes his new bride from Nigeria. Their wedding ceremony is filled with traditional manners, various colors, people’s joy, and it is a big celebration for wishing to have George’s next generation. One year and half passed, but George’s wife gets any sign of pregnancy. Day by day, she comes under pressure from people around her.


It could happen to you

Directed by Andrew Bergman (1994)

Inspired story by a real incident. In the multiethnic city New York, neighborhood cop Charlie recognizes no money in his pocket for paying his tip in a café-restaurant. Charlie makes a promise to waitress Yvonne to share the half amount if his holding lottery ticket in his hand comes up a winner. Charlie’s little sweet promise hits the big reality. He wins the jackpot, and his money hungry wife becomes more hungry and Yvonne’s husband as well. Charlie and Yvonne want to spend their money for more meaningful matters than egoistic personal agendas.

Nicolas Cage 扮する誠実で優しい警官は、ニューヨークの多民族社会住民達からも慕われていた。相棒の警官と入ったレストランでチップが払えなかった彼はウエイトレスに、宝くじが当ったら半分をチップ代わりにあげると約束した。ところが彼が買った宝くじが、当選してしまった。実話を基に面白おかしく脚色してはあるが、欲に走る警官の妻やウエイトレスの夫とは別に、みんなの喜ぶ為にお金を生かそうとする2人の間にお金では買えない愛情が芽生えてゆく、心温まる映画に仕上がっている。

Like Crazy

Directed by Drake Doremus (2011)

A British girl studies in a College in Los Angels,  and she falls for her American classmate. They are crazy with passionate time together and forget the time passed. Negligence of her study visa expired is caused of rejection her re-entry to the States and two lovers face to the realities of their separated love and their lives beyond their control.



Girl on a bicycle

Directed by Jeremy Leven (2013)

Love-comedy of European personalities who live in Paris. Paolo, an Italian tour bus driver as well as guide in Paris, and his fiancé Greta is a German flight attendance. Once Paolo sees a beautiful French girl on her bicycle, his English friend gives Paolo a bad advice and Paolo’s upside down life begins. Beyond language barrier everyone try to communicate each other.



Directed by Régis Roinsard (2013)

In 1950s countryside of France, Rose learns how to type by herself with using only two fingers, and she goes to the city to apply for a secretary for the insurance agent Louis. She impresses Louis typing at very high speed, and Louis hires her for a short period of experience.


Unfinished Sky

Directed by Peter Duncan(2007)

In a countryside of Australia, a farm owner who lost his wife lives alone with his dog. One day a barefooted and wounded Afghan female loses her way, and he finds her. Coming to Australia for searching her daughter, but the Afghan lady cannot speak any English.  >>> Remake story of Dutch film titled “The Polish Bride” in 1998.

オーストラリアの田舎に、一人で牧場を営む男性がいた。彼は妻を亡くした事故で、心が傷ついていたが、愛犬と共に一人の生活を静かにおくっていた。そこに、傷だらけで裸足で逃げてきた、言葉の通じぬ女性が、迷い込んできた。そのアフガニスタン女性は、別れた娘を追ってオーストラリアまで来たのだが、、、、。1998年度のオランダ映画「The Polish Bride」のリメイク版。お互いに心の傷を負った言葉も文化も異なる男女が、心を開いてゆく過程がここでも丁寧に描かれているが、オランダ映画とは異なるオーストラリアの味が演出されている。

The Polish Bride

Directed by Karim Traidia  (1998)

Polish female runs away from the town in Netherland, where she was forced to work as a prostitute and raped. In a countryside of Netherland, she loses her way to go and her consciousness as well. A farm owner living by himself finds her and takes care her. As speaking different language, they starts to live together.
