Gran Torino

Directed by Clint Eastwood (2008)                                                                             

Clint Eastwood is a director, producer, and starring actor. When a new neighbor boy tries to steel an old man’s beloved car “Grand Torino”, he chases him away with his gun. And he finds his new neighbors are Tao people, Taiwanese aboriginal peoples, and they keep their original culture, but the boy has no father. Because of his stubbornness, the old man’s children keep distance from him, so he starts to take a role of a father for Tao boy.                             

邦題: グラン  トリノ                               クリント・イーストウッドが監督、プロデューサーおよび主演のこの映画は、異民族が隣り合わせの米国社会を浮き彫りにしている。父親のいないタオ族の少年が、頑固で自分の子どもも寄り付かない老人の愛車グラン トリノを、隣家から盗もうとする。それに銃で応戦する老人は、いつしか見知らぬ世界から来たこの少年の父親役を果たそうと、立ち上がる。何処にでもあるアメリカの日常が切なく、時にはユーモアに重なり合って、人間ドラマを繰り広げる。

Snow Falling on Cedars

Directed by Scott Hicks(1999)

Based on the award-winning best-selling novel. Just after WWII, a murder trial has upset the quiet community in Washington State, and now this tranquil village has become the center of controversy. For a local reporter, the trial strikes a deep emotional chord when he finds his ex-lover, Japanese-American, is linked to the case. As he investigates the killing, he uncovers some startling clues that lead him to a shocking discovery.

