Squanto’s Journey

By Joseph Bruchac, Illustrated by Greg Shed (Harourt, Inc. – Orland, FL in 2000)

In 17th century middle, Squanto, Native American man is invited on a Spanish ship and taken away from his home land to Spain. Almost being sold as a slaver in Spain, Squanto escapes to England and he learns English language. As a translator, Squanto returns to the American continent and works with wishing to make a peaceful bridge between New Settlers and Native Americans. Telling an another history of the America from the Squanto’s point of view.

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New York is English, Chatta-Nooga is Creek

By Chris Raschka (Atheneum Books for Young Readers – New York, NY in 2005)

Representors of 39 cities in the United States come to attend the party, and each one has a head top with symbolic features of own city. A guest list at the beginning helps to learn the history of the names of 39 invitees and it’s an unique way to show the American diversity.

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Across America, I love You

By Christine Loomis, Illustrated by Kate Kiesler  (Hyperion Books for Children – New York in 2000)

Describing the diverse nature scenes on the American Continent as following to seasons go around, and celebrating the country’s natural phenomena especially for youngsters.

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The Tree That Would Not Die

By Ellen Levine, Illustrated by Ted Rand (Scholastic Inc. – New York in 1995)

 About 500 years ago, a baby oak sprouts and starts to grow to a big tree.  Under this oak tree Natives Americans and newly arrived settlers talk about their agreements, and the tree sees that people develop a small village to big city, simultaneously  observes all their histories. One day someone poisons over the tree, and almost die.  People pray for the tree and take care it to survive. And then, its life comes back again.  This is a story of the real Oak tree in Austin, Texas.

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By Yin, Illustrated by Chris Soentpiet (Philomel Books – New York in 2006)

 In the middle of 19th century, Ming arrives in San Francisco after long boat journey from China. His older brother is running a general store in the Chinatown, and Ming helps him. But not many customers comes in. One day when Ming explores outside of Chinatown, he meets a friendly Irish boy and he teaches Ming English.  Their remarkable friendship begins and brings their two different communities together. >>> Yin’s Book “Coolies” , and Chris Soentpiet’s books in SHI collection.

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19世紀半ばに大飢饉に襲われた祖国から、米国へ渡ったアイルランド人が多かった。当時米国では鉄道の時代を向かえ、ネブラスカから西に伸びる鉄道線路工事に多くのアイルランド系移民が従事した。一方カリフォルニアから東に伸びる鉄道線路工事には多くの中国系移民が従事し、ユタ州でこの2つの線路が接続して大陸横断鉄道が完成した。そんな時代背景を知り、この絵本を読むのは大変に興味深い。その後の中国系移民は、チャイナタウンを作って中国系移民達のコミュニティーを維持していたが、経済発展には顧客をひろげる必要があった。中国から兄を頼ってきた少年と、アイルランド系移民の少年が親交を深めて、兄弟と呼び合うようになる話の絵本だが、当時の少年同士の純粋な思いが生き生きと書かれ、イラストも芸術作品そのものである。>>>SHIコレクションにあるYinの”Coolies”Chris Soentopietの作品

Naming Liberty

By Jane Yolen, Illustrated by Jim Burke (Philomel Books –New York in 2008)

Two stories present at once, a story of a girl’s journey to America on the left side pages and a story of the Statue of Liberty on the right side pages. A young girl Gitl in Russia is leaving her homeland for far away America, wondering what name she will choose for her in the new country. Meanwhile a French artist Frederic Auguste Bartholdi is dreaming of a monument he wants to build to honor freedom. Two different stories in the same epoch, and connected with the keyword “Liberty”.

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