Paradise Road

Directed by Bruce Beresford (1997)

During World War II, a group of women held prisoner by the Japanese Military in the South Asia. These diverse women from different countries, speaking different languages, united to form a vocal orchestra-creating a life affirming symphony of human voice.



Directed by Tony Gatlif (2009)

In Europe, several migrate ethnics live and one of them is the Roma (or Rom or Gypsy) who experienced, like as the Jewish,  of being persecuted by German Nazi during WWII. The movie is based on the real story of Roma family written after WWII by a former resistance-fighter. “Korkoko” means freedom in their language, and the director Gatif’s father is French and his mother is Roma.


Rabbit-Proof Fence

Directed by Phillip Noyce (2002)

Until 1970, Australian Government adapted the policy that educating and training Aborigine-White mixed children to help being integrated into white society.  Based on the novel about a person experienced days in a governmental segregated camp.  >>> In 1931 Outback of Western Australia, three mixed blood girls are kidnapped from their family by white people driven car, and they are sent to the segregated camp in near Perth, the city closed to Indian Ocean, far far away from their homeland. They miss their mother very badly and escape from the camp. They start incredible journey, crossing almost 1500 miles on foot, taking 9 weeks, until the reunion with their mother.


オーストラリアでは 1970年まで、先住民であるアボリジニで白人との混血児を白人社会に適応させる為、アボリジニ集落から隔離して白人化教育を強要する政策をとっていた。隔離された施設に入れられた実体験者の話が小説となり、その映画化である。1931年の西オーストラリア奥地に住むアボリジニ親子達の前に、突如白人が車で現れ、3人の混血少女が強制的に連れ去られた。故郷からはるかに離れたインド洋に近いパース近郊の隔離寄宿舎に入れられた3人は、母親達に会いたくてそこから脱走し、過酷なオーストラリアの大自然の中を、追っ手に脅えながら 2400キロの距離を9週間かかって逃げ延びた。世界の少数民族・先住民達への力強い励ましとなった映画でもある。

Golden Door

Directed by Emanuel Crialese (2007)

In early of 20th century, Sicilian peasant widow Salvatore decides to immigrate to the new world, America, with his sons and elderly mother and sells everything he own. With expecting better lives for all his family, they take a perilous steamship to cross the Atlantic ocean, but at Ellis Island, in New York, they challenge to overcome several difficulties for reaching the American soil as immigrants.



Directed by Peter Webber (2012)

Inspired by the true event after WWII in Japan. General Douglas MacArthur arrives in Japan with an important mission to work for the American occupation. He assigns General Bonner Fellers to investigate the Japanese Emperor’s responsibility for the war within 10 days.

邦題: <終戦のエンペラー>



Directed by Eran Riklis (2012)

In 1982 during the Lebanese Civil War, Israeli pilot Yoni is shot down over Beirut and is taken prisoner by inhabitants of Palestinian refugee camp. Yoni talks to Fahed, one of captors, and tries to use Fahed for escape to return to Israel. Ten years old Fahed who lost his father wishes to plant his father’s olive tree in their ancestral land. Despite animosity against each other, Yoni and Fahed cooperate to take dangerous journey together to get past the border.

邦題:<ゼロ タウン 始まりの地>

内戦の続いていたレバノンでは、1982年6月にイスラエル軍が侵攻し9月にはパレスチナ難民キャンプで大虐殺が起きた。そんな荒れ狂う歴史の狭間のベイルートで、墜落したイスラエル軍機のパイロットとテロリストの訓練を受けるパレスチナ難民の少年が出会った。敵対心をむき出しにしながらも、2人には国境を越えたいとの共通の目的があった。イスラエル兵には家族のいる祖国へ戻る為、パレスチナ少年にはかつて家族が住んでいた土地に、亡き父の願いであったオリーブの苗を植える為に。2人の間の憎しみや、恐怖、不安がお互いの信頼と思いやりに変わるのには多くの試練があったが、最後の別れには感動がこみ上げてくる。David and Kamalでパレスチナ人少年Kamalを演じたAbdallah El Akalが、年齢と演技の成長振りを披露している。


Directed by Steven Spielberg (1997)

Based on a historical event in 1839 about repellence West Africans on a slave ship headed to Cuba. They attempt to sail back to Africa, but be fooled the direction and sail along the east coast of American continent.  American Navy arrest them, and they are on the trial for their bloody rebellion aboard the slave ship.


Floating City

Directed by Yim Ho(2012)

Based on a true story in the history of Hong Kong. Bo Wah Chuen attracts great attention as a successful business man in Honk Kong in the early 1990s.  His rise to prominence has much to do with British’s imminent return of Hong Kong to China, as it has to do with his considerable ability. However his childhood was not easy, as his feature was different from his younger six siblings and other neighbor’s kids. Despite being bullied, Bo worked for his big family as fighting their poverty.


Twin Sisters / De Tweeling

Directed by Ben Sombogaart (2002)

Inspired by true events in 1920s Germany. Six years old twin sisters become orphans, and one is sent to live with wealthy relatives in the Netherlands, while the other stays in Germany to face a hard life on her uncle’s farm. Several years passed since the end of the World War II, they reconnect and find out true life story of each.


The Inn of the sixth happiness

Directed by Mark Robson  (1958 )

Based on a story of English missionary in 1930s China. English missionary Gladys Aylward  guides 100 Chinese orphans under threat of Japanese attack. Starring: Ingrid Bergman

1930年代アジアに不穏な戦争の足音が聞こえる中、中国の村に渡った英国人女性宣教師の話の映画化。長編ではあるが、当時の異文化の出会いを衝撃と賞賛で、丁寧に描いている。主役のIngrid Bergmanが、実力派女優の演技を披露してくれるが、どことなく舞台での芝居を思わせるのは、50年以上も前の映画の特徴かもしれない。中国の村を作って英国でのオープンセットで撮影したそうだが、100人もの中国人弧児を日本軍の戦火をぬって連れ出すシーンは、風景、演技、演出ともども圧巻である。