Soccer Star

By Mina Javaherbin, Illustrated by Renato Alarcao (Candlewick Press – 2014)

An inspiring story of a Brazilian boy who dreams of being a soccer star. Paulo Marcelo Feliciano is a captain of soccer team in his favela. His mother has to work long hours, so he walks his little sister to her school every morning. He works all day on a fishing boat, and at day’s end, it’s time to play the game. This is an uplifting tale of transcending expectations and the power that comes from being brave enough to light up the world.


ブラジルのスラム街に住む少年達は、いつの日かサッカーのスター選手となることを夢見ている。Paulo Marcelo Felicianoも、そんな少年のひとりであった。家計を助けたり、妹の面倒をみたりしながらも、彼のサッカーチームのキャプテンである彼は練習に励んでいた。少年達のたくましさと夢を追いかける熱意が、ブラジルから伝わってくる。

Are we there yet? : A Journey around Australia

By Alison Lester  ( Penguin Books Australia – 2004 )

We, readers, can join Grace and her family on a three-months adventure as they hit the road, camping, experiencing and meeting all the people and places that make up Australia. Based on the author’s real life travels, it’s a journey, a family, and a country you’ll never forget.



Running the Road to ABC

By Denize Lauture, Illustrated by Reynold Ruffins                                                               (Simon & Schuster Books for young readers – 1996)

Three boys and three girls go up and down steep hills everyday to school. They start to run at daybreak, and run not only over the hills but also through the fields and across the city square to arrive the school before it starts. With poetic text and bright-colored vibrancies of Haitian fold art, the book captures the happiness of learning.



Kunu’s Basket: a story from Indian Island    

By Lee DeCora Francis, Illustrated by Susan Drucker                                                (Tilbury House, Publishers ~ in 2011)

Kunu wants to make a traditional basket, just like the other men on Indian Island. But making the basket is not easy, and Kunu gets frustrated. His grandfather intervenes, and Kunu learns to be patient and techniques from his grandfather. Finally Kunu can make a basket by himself.



Gregory Cool                          

Story and Pictures by Caroline Binch                                                                                        (Dial Books for Young Readers ~ in 1994, 2012)

Gregory raised in American big city visits his grandparents in Tobago surrounded by Caribbean Ocean. Island lifestyle and environments are very boring for Gregory at first, however he discovers and learns different value of life by spending days with his grandparents and his cousin.

9-28-10 Las Vegas 011


Fish for the Grand Lady

he By Colin Bootman (Holiday House, Inc.–2006)

In the early island’s morning, two brothers in Trinidad go to catch fish for their grandmother to cook for dinner. This is a recalled story of the author who was inspired by the island rich and diverse culture during his young ages.

