A Journey Toward HOPE

By Victor Hinojosa and Coert Voorhees, Illustrated by Susan Guevara ( Sixfoot Press – 2020 )

The story of four unaccompanied migrant children who come together along the arduous journey north through Mexico to the United States border, A Journey Toward Hope is an ode to the power of hope and connection in the face of uncertainty and fear. Every year, roughly 50, 000 unaccompanied minors arrive at the U.S.-Mexico border to present themselves for asylum of related visas. The majority of those children are non-Mexicans fleering the systemic violence of Central America’s “Northern Triangle” : Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. A Journey Toward Hope tells the story of Rodrigo, a 14-years-old escaping Honduran violence; Alessandra, a 10-years-old Guatemalan whose first language is Q’eqchi’; and Salvadoran siblings Laura, 13-years-old and Nando, 7-years-old. >>> On the last pages, found the notes from Baylor University and the illustrator, as well as more information of child migration.


Plátanos Go with Everything

By Lissette Norman, Illustrated by Sara Palacios ( Harper – 2023 )

Yesenia lives in New York with her brother, Kendry, and the parents who moved from Dominican Republic. She helps Mami cook in the kitchen, and Mami peels the Plátanos. Plátanos are Yesenia’s favorite food. They can be sweet and sugary, or salty and savory. And they’re a part of almost every meal her Dominican family makes. Stop by her apartment and find out why plátanos go with everything—especially love!


Our Story Starts in Africa

By Patrice Lawrence, Illustrated by Jeanetta Gonzales (Magic Cat Publishing – 2022 )

When Paloma visits her family in Trinidad, she doesn’t feel like like she fits in. But Paloma’s aunty, Tante Janet, has a story to tell her; an ancient story of Warrior Queens and talking drums, of treasures and tales that span thousands of years…Join Tante Janet and her inquisitive niece as they share the story of how her family came to the Caribbean, through the dark days of colonization and slavery, to the emergence of a thriving, contemporary Africa. >>>On the last pages, found the author’s note and Paloma’s Questions.

Palomaがトリニダード島の家族を訪ねた時、彼女はそこに属していない気がした。しかし叔母のTante Janetが話をしてくれた。例えば、アフリカの女性が支配していた国の古代の話をドラムの演奏で語り継いでいることや、宝石や物語が何千年にもわたって広め伝えられていたこと等、、、Tante Janetと好奇心旺盛な姪に加わって、アフリカから彼女たちの家族がカリブ諸国へ来て、植民政策や奴隷制度の暗い時代を乗り越えながらも、どのように本来のアフリカを維持し繁栄したかの物語に耳を傾けよう。>>>巻末に、イタリア人の父とトリニダード・トバゴ人の母をもち英国で生まれた著者の言葉と、絵本に登場するPalomaによる質問集がある。

Climb On !

By Baptiste Paul, Illustrated by Jacqueline Alcántara ( NorthSouth Books Inc. – 2022 )

When a young child reminds her dad about the hike they planned, her father hesitant. But as the two climb on , her enthusiasm is contegious. This book captures the wonder of the trail, the special relationship between a parent and a child, and the power of a shared experience.


To Carnival! : A Celebration in Saint Lucia

By Baptiste Paul, Illustrated by Jana Glatt ( Barefoot Books – 2021 )

Oh no! Melba missed her ride to the Carnival parade! As she makes her way from the countryside to the city, Melba is never alone. A steel pan drummer, a mannikou (Opossum in English), two jacquot (green parrot, national bird of Saint Lucia), a boy with a kite, a banana farmer, for boxes of bananas and a zanndoli ( a whiptail lizard) are following one by one after Melba, and they are hurry down the mountain to Carnival. >>> On the last pages, Creole pronunciation and glossary, map of Saint Lucia, and another information, are attached.


Bisa’s Carnaval

By Joana Pastro, Illustrated by Carolina Coroa ( Orchard Books – 2021 )

It’s time for Carnaval and Clara cannot wait to celebrate her favorite holiday with family, but especially with especially great-grandmother (Bisa-short for bisavô , greatl-grandma in Brazilian Portuguese). Even if Bisa can’t attend, Clara knows that Carnaval parade will still be special. Costumed lovingly by their Bisa, everyone takes to the street for the annual parade. But even among all the colors, costumes, music, and dancing something is missing….or is it someone? Clara decides ot bing Carnaval to Bisa! >>> On the last page, found the Glossary of some words in Brazilian Portuguese.


Ready to Dream

Donna Jo Napoli and Elena Furrow, Illustrated by Bronwyn Bancroft
(Bloomsbury U.S.A. Children’s Books – 2009)
Ally is so excited to be going on a trip with her mother, and she can’t wait to draw all the new animals that she’ll see. When she arrives in Australia she meets Pauline, and Aboriginal artist. The two soon become friends, and Pauline shows Ally that art isn’t always made with paint and paper-and that sometimes mistakes lead to the greatest discoveries.>>>Elena Furrow is Donna Jo’s daughter, and Bronwyn Bancroft is an Aboriginal artist and designer.

Allyは母親と共に旅行に行き、初めて見る動物達を描くのを楽しみにしていた。オーストラリアに到着すると、AllyはPaulineというアボリジニーの芸術家と知り合いになった。二人は直に親しくなり、そしてPaulineはAllyに絵の具と紙だけが芸術を現す方法ではないと教えてくれた。紙に描くことばかりに集中していると、時として大事な発見を見落とすことがあると、彼女は説明をしてくれた。>>>著者のlena Furrow は Donna Jo’s の娘であり, イラストレーターBronwyn Bancroft はアボリジニーの芸術家でありデザイナー。

Moana and the Ocean

By Heather Knowles, Illustrated by Annette Marnat (Disney Press – 2016)

Inspired by the film “Disney Moana”. The Ocean is Moana’s friend. It has seen her high and her lows, her joys and her sorrows. It has seen just how much she wants to explore the world and travel the seas. The Ocean knows Moana’s caring heart, her untiring spirit. And it knows, better than most, that Moana is special.


Eight Days : A story of Haiti

By Edwidge Danticat, Illustrated by Alix Delinois (Orchard Books – 2010)

This is the story of Junior, a seven-year-old boy tapped beneath his house after the Port-au-Prince earthquake in Haiti, and his joyous rescue. Junior’s sparkling imagination helps him find the strength to survive. And his courageous spirit will forever inspire readers of all ages.


Soccer Star

By Mina Javaherbin, Illustrated by Renato Alarcao (Candlewick Press – 2014)

An inspiring story of a Brazilian boy who dreams of being a soccer star. Paulo Marcelo Feliciano is a captain of soccer team in his favela. His mother has to work long hours, so he walks his little sister to her school every morning. He works all day on a fishing boat, and at day’s end, it’s time to play the game. This is an uplifting tale of transcending expectations and the power that comes from being brave enough to light up the world.


ブラジルのスラム街に住む少年達は、いつの日かサッカーのスター選手となることを夢見ている。Paulo Marcelo Felicianoも、そんな少年のひとりであった。家計を助けたり、妹の面倒をみたりしながらも、彼のサッカーチームのキャプテンである彼は練習に励んでいた。少年達のたくましさと夢を追いかける熱意が、ブラジルから伝わってくる。