Red Kite, Blue Kite

By Ji-li Jiang, Illustrated by Greg Ruth (Disney/Hyperion Books – 2013)

When Tai Shan and his father, Baba, fly kites from their roof and look down at the crowded city street below, they feel free, like the kites. Then, a bad time comes. People wearing red armband shut down the school, smash store signs, and search houses. Baba is sent away, and Tai Shan goes to live with Granny Wang. Though father and son are far apart, every day they greet each other by flying their kites-one red and one blue-until Baba can be free again, like the kites.>>> Historical note is included.


Tai Shanと父親のBabaは、屋根の上から街の人混みを見下ろしながら、いつも一緒に凧あげを楽しんだ。ところが暗い時代がやって来た。赤い腕章をつけた人達が、学校を閉鎖し、店の看板を壊し、家家を捜査して回った。Babaも遠くに連れてゆかれ、Tai Shanは祖母と暮らした。父と離れ離れになった息子だが、彼等は赤と青の凧を交互にあげては、お互いを確認し合っていた。そして、それはBabaが自由の身になるまで継続した。歴史に翻弄されながらも、父と子の変わらぬ絆が伝わってくる。>>>時代背景の説明も記載されている。

Cora cooks Pancit  

By Dorina K. Lazo Gilmore, Illustrated by Kristi Valiant (Shen’s Books – 2009)

Cora loves being in the kitchen, but she always gets stuck doing the kid jobs like licking the spoon. One day, however, when all her older siblings are away, Cora’s mother finally lets her help make Pancit, a Filipino noodle dish. The delightful text and charming illustrations captures the warmth between mother and daughter as they share a piece of their Filipino heritage. Includes recipe for Pancit, and glossary of Tagalog words.



Shanghai Messenger

By Andrea Cheng, Illustrated by Ed Young (Lee & Low Books Inc. – 2005)

A free-verse novel about eleven-years-old Xiao Mei’s visit with her extended family in China, where the Chinese-American girl finds many differences but also the similarities that bind a family together.



In the Leaves

By Huy Voun Lee (Henry Holt and Company – 2005)

One beautiful autumn day, Xiao Ming and his friends take a trip to a farm. Xiao Ming can’t wait to show his friends the new Chinese characters he has learned, and his friends are just as excited to see them >>>The author was born in Phnom Penn, Cambodia and moved to the United Sates in 1975, and she has illustrated 3 other books about Chinese characters.


美しい秋の日に農場に出かけた時に、Xiao Mingは、新しく覚えた漢字を友達に教えたかった。そして彼の友達も、漢字を大いに楽しんだ。>>>作者はカンボジアのプノンペン生まれで、1975年に米国に移民した。彼女は他に3冊の漢字に関する本のイラストを担当している。

Fortune Cookie Fortunes

By Grace Lin  ( Alfred A. Knopf – 2004 )

After a young Chinese American girl opens fortune cookies with her family, she notices that the fortunes seem to come true.  Includes brief notes on the history of the fortune cookie. >>>Grace Lin is also the author/illustrator of Lissy’s Friends. Please meet Grace Lin in here. 


フォーチュンクッキー(中国系レストランで食後サービスされる、占い言葉が書かれた紙が入っている菓子)を、家族と一緒に食後あけた中国系アメリカ人の少女が、占い言葉が現実となることに気ずいた。巻末にフォーチュンクッキーの解説がある。>>>Lissy’s Friends も同じ作者であり、こちらのページで作者を紹介。


By Dori Kleber, Illustrated by G. Brain Karas (Candlewick Press – 2016)

Joey loves things that fold: maps, beds, accordions….When a classmate’s mother turns a plain piece of paper into a beautiful origami crane, his eyes pop. Maybe he can learn origami, too. If he wants to be an origami master, he needs practice and patience. After his practice and patience as folding many napkins of his neighborhood Mexican Restaurants and repeating so many times, finally he can fold a crane!



The Story of Paper

By Ying Chang Compestine, Illustrated by YongSheng Xuan (Holiday House Inc.-2003)

Three brothers in China like to play at school instead of doing their math. The teacher writes note to Mama and Papa on their hands and demands that they hold them up for everyone to see. The boys wish they could invent something for the teacher to write on besides their hands – something small and private. >>> On the last pages, More detail history about Paper, and Instruction of Homemade Garden Paper are found.



The Umbrella Queen

By Shirin Yim Bridges, Illustrated by Taeeun Yoo (Greenwillow Books – 2008)

In a village in Thailand where everyone makes umbrellas, young Noot dreams of painting the most beautiful one and leading the annual parade as Umbrella Queen, but her unconventional umbrellas of painting elephants displease her parents. And then on the day of the parade, the King finds Noot’s umbrellas and likes them very much. >>>Shirin Yim Leos (Formerly Shirin Yim Bridges)’s books in SHI collection.


村中の人達が傘作りをしているタイにある村で、Noot少女は最も素敵な傘を作って、毎年恒例の「傘の女王」パレードの先頭を歩くことを夢見ていた。ところが伝統的な絵とは異なり像を描いたNootの傘に彼女の両親は不満であった。そしてパレードの日、Nootの作った傘に王様の目が留まり、大変に気に入ってもらった。>>>SHIコレクションにあるShirin Yim Leos ( 以前の名前はShirin Yim Bridges )の作品

Sam and the Lucky Money

By Karen Chinn, Illustrated by Cornelius Van Wright & Ying-Hwa Hu                                       (Lee & Low Books Inc. – 1995 )

It’s Chinese New Year’s day, Sam receives the traditional gift of lucky money in the red envelop from his grandparents. Sam can hardly wait to go shopping with his mother in Chinatown, as he is finally old enough to spend it any way he choose. But Sam realizes that his grandparents’ gift in not enough to get the thing what he wants, his excitement turns to disappointment. And then Sam encounters a homeless man on the sidewalk of Chinatown. Finally Sam finds his way to use the lucky money meaningfully.



Peach Heaven

By Yangsook Choi  ( Frances Foster Books – 2005 )

Based on an incident from the author’s childhood, and the story is set in Puchon, South Korea, in the summer of 1976. The mountain behind Yangsook’s house is covered with peach orchards, but she never gets to eat a peach as it is so expensive. One day during a heavy rainstorm, peaches begins to fall from the sky, and the girl and her family feast on the delicious peaches. And then she begins to think about the orchard owner who must be worried about the loss of their crop. The same author with The Name Jar.


1976年の夏に韓国のプーチョンで起こった物語であるが、制作者の子供時代の体験が基になっている絵本。少女が住む裏山は、桃の木が植えてある果樹園が広がっていた。少女は高級品である桃は食べたことがなかった。豪雨が襲ったある日、桃が空から降り始めた。お陰で少女や彼女の家族たちは、美味しい桃を味わうことが出来た。そして、多くの桃を失った果樹園主のことが、少女は心配になってきた。The Name Jar と 同じ制作者。