Ojiichan’s Gift

By Chieri Uegaki, Illustrated by Genevieve Simms (Kids Can Press – 2019)

When Mayumi was born, her grandfather built her a garden in his backyard. But not just any garden – a garden make of stones. And every summer during her visits to Japan, Mayumi and her grandfather work in the garden together. But one summer, everything changes. Ojiichan on wheelchair cannot live alone in his house, and he must leave their garden behind. Mayumi gets an idea of creating their garden in a lunch box and she presents it to Ojiichan. >>>Explanation of Japanese words in the story found in the last. 

Mayumiが生まれた時、お祖父さんは自分の家の裏庭に彼女の為の庭を作った。それは普通の庭ではなく、石の庭だった。毎夏日本にお祖父さんを訪れる度に、Mayumiはお祖父さんと一緒に庭つくりに励んだ。ところが、ある夏、総てが変わってしまった。車いすに乗ったお祖父さんは、もう一人で家に住むことが出来ず、二人で作った石庭とも別れなくてはならない。Mayumiha は、お弁当箱の中に二人の石庭を作って、お祖父さんにプレゼントすることを思いついた。>>>巻末に、絵本で使われた日本語の説明あり。

Ten Little Dumplings

By Larissa Fan, Illustrated by Cindy Wume ( tundra – 2021 )

In a very large house, at the top of a hill, lived a lucky family with ten sons. Ten little dumplings who did everything together, and who were celebrated in song. But another little dumpling was there too: listening, studying, learning. You just need to look more closely…>>>The story is inspired by the author’s father’s family who compared to an old and well-known Chinese folktale called ” Ten Brothers”. The author didn’t realized until she was older that her father also had a sister.

丘の上の大きな家に、10人の息子がいる家族が住んでいた。10個の小さなダンプリングは何をするにも一緒で、歌に歌われるほどよく知られていた。しかし、そこにはもう一つの小さなダンプリングもいた;よく話を聞いて、よく勉強して、よく学んだダンプリングなのだが、皆の目に入らなかっただけ、、、、>>>作者の父親の家族は中国の有名な昔話「10人の兄弟」と比較されるほど多くの兄弟がいた。作者Larissa Fanは成長するまで、父親に1人の妹がいたことを全く知らなかった。この事実を基に、誕生した絵本。

When Lola Visits

By Michelle Sterling, Illustrated by Aaron Asis (Katherine Tegen Books – 2021)

What does summer mean to you? For one young girl, summer is the season of no school, of days spent at the pool, and of picking golden limes off the trees. But summer doesn’t start until her Lola-her grandmother from the Philippines – comes for her annual visit. When Lola visits, the whole family gathers to cook and eat and share in the happiness of another season spent together.


Chandra’s Magic Light : A story in Nepal

By Theresa Heine, Illustrated by Judith Gueyfier ( Barefoot Books – 2014 )

Chandra and her sister, Deena, are at the market, and Chandra sees a group of people clustered around a man who holds a strange lamp. It’s a solar lamp as the first time Chandra learns about it. Chandra knows the solar lamp will light her family’s home on the foot of Himalayas, and help her brother breathe easily at night. But how can she earn enough money to buy one? >>>This picture book was developed with the help and advice of SolarAid in the UK and ECCA in Nepal. It includes notes about solar power and a DIY solar -energy project, as well as notes about Nepal.

Chandra と姉のDeenaは市場へ出かけた。Chandreはそこで、不思議なランプを持った人に人だかりができているの見た。そのランプはソーラーランプで、Chandraは初めてそれを知った。ヒマラヤ山脈の麓にある家族の家を明るくするのに、また夜になって弟が咳き込まないようにするのにも、そのランプは役立つはずである。しかし、どのようにしてそれを購入する資金を手に入れるのか、、、。>>>この絵本は英国ソーラーエイドとネパールのECCAの協力支援によって開発され、巻末には自分で出来るソーラーエネジーのプロジェクトや、ネパールの紹介が記載されている。

Two of Everything

By Lily Toy Hong (Albert Whitman & Company – 1993)

When a poor old Chines farmer is digging in his garden, he finds a magic brass pot that doubles or duplicates whatever is placed inside it. But his efforts to make himself wealthy lead to unexpected complications. This is a Chinese folktale with a good blend of humor and wisdom.


Red is a Dragon : A book of Colors

By Roseanne Thong, Illustrated by Grace Lin  ( Chronicle Books  – 2001 )

A Chinese American girl provides rhyming descriptions of the great variety of colors she sees around her from the red of a dragon, firecrackers, and lychees to the brown of her teddy bear. Many of the featured object are Asian in origin, but all are universal in appeal.>>>More details of some words related Chinese culture are found on the last pages.



Noodle Magic   

By Roseanne Greenfield Thong, Illustrated by Meilo So  ( Orchard Books – 2014 )

Grandpa Tu is famous for his special noodles and as the emperor’s birthday approaches, he encourages his granddaughter Mei, to find her own magic. This book is written in the style of a Chinese folk story, with engaging cultural, community, and family elements.


お祖父さんTu は特別な麺を作るので有名なのだが、皇帝の誕生日が近ずくにつれて、孫娘のMeiが自分の力で麺つくりを覚えることを励ました。この絵本は中国の民話のスタイルで、伝統文化と地域社会と家族のつながりの大切さを、楽しく微笑ましく再認識させくれる。

Chelsea’s Chinese New Year

By Lisa Bullard, Illustrated by Katie Saunders  ( Millbrook Press – 2012 )

Chelsea’s family is celebrating Chinese New Year. She and her family have a big feast. Find out the different ways people celebrate this special day!>>> One of the collection of Cloverleaf Books-Holidays and Special days.


Chelseaと家族にとって、中国の旧正月は大事な行であり盛大な祝いである。この特別な日をどのように祝うのか説明をしている。>>>これはCloverleaf Books-Holidays and Special daysコレクションの中の一作品。


By Susan Lendroth, Illustrated by Priscilla Burris (G.P. Putnam’s Sons – 2018)

The festival of traditional Japanese arts is coming up, and little Natsumi’s big personality is too much for her family’s quieter traditions, until her grandfather introduces her to taiko drumming. Natsumi performs taiko beating on the stage of the festival! Even Natsumi is the smallest on the stage, she will be the loudest drummer one day.



Yuki and the one thousand carriers  

By Gloria Whelan, Illustrated by Yan Nascimbene (Sleeping Bear Press – 2008)

Inspired on the nineteenth-century Japanese artist Utagawa Hiroshige and his series of “The Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido Road.” In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Japanese provincial governors had to travel to Edo (modern-day Tokyo) as making a long line with thousand attendants (carriers).Yuki’s father has been called to Edo, and she and her mother must accompany him in this royal procession. To ease her homesickness, Yuki capture her thoughts and impression in Haiku, one of Japanese forms of poetry.

19世紀の日本人芸術家の歌川広重と彼の作品 ”東海道五十三次” にインスパイアされて生まれた絵本。17世紀、18世紀の日本の大名は、江戸への旅に、千人もの付き人からなる長蛇の行列で出かけた。Yukiの父親が江戸に呼ばれ、Yukiと母親も同行する為に、この行列に加わった。望郷の念を和らげる為に、Yukiは旅での思い出や印象を俳句にしたためた。(注:著者による江戸時代の参勤交代の説明が、江戸と京都に半分ずつ出向くとした解釈は、江戸以前の制度との混乱があるかも知れない。-N.T.M.)