The World Belonged to Us

By Jacqueline Woodson, Illustrated by Leo Espinosa ( Nancy Paulsen Books – 2022 )

It’s summer in Brooklyn! Released from school and reveling in their freedom, the kids make the city streets their playground. From morning till evening, they create their own fun, let their imaginations soar, and learn how to work and play together. It’s world where anything is possible…at least till the grown-ups call them home. But not to worry- they know there’s always tomorrow to do it all over again, because the block belongs to them and they rule their world. >>>Jacqueline Woodson’s books in SHI collection.


Dear Grandma

By Susanna Leonard Hill, Illustrated by John Joseph ( Sourcebooks – 2021 )

Nothing compare to the special bond between grandma and grandchildren! This book of love, adventure and fun, demonstrated by several different Grandmas, is to celebrates all of the magical reasons why Grandma truly is, one of kind. This is a love letter from grandchild to grandma.


That Book Woman

By Heather Henson, Illustrated by David Small ( Atheneum Books for Young Readers – 2008 )

Inspired by the true and courageous work of the Park Horse Librarians. Cal is not the readin’ type. Living way high up in the Appalachian Mountains, he’d rather help Pap plow or go out after wandering sheep than try some book learning. Cal does not want to sit stoney-still reading some chicken scratch. But that Book Women keeps coming just the same. She comes in the rain, and in the snow. She comes right up the side of the mountain, and Cal knows that’s not easy riding. And all just to lend his sister some books. >>> Author’s Note found in the last page, and she explains about the Park Horse Librarians who were known as “Book Women” in the Appalachian mountains of Kentucky.

パーク・ホース・ライブラリアンの勇気ある仕事の実話から制作された絵本。Calは、本を読むようなタイプではなかった。アパラチア山脈の高台に住み、父親の土地を耕す仕事や羊たちの世話をする仕事の方が、本を読むより好きであった。Calは、石のようにじっとして曲がりくねった文字を読むなんて興味なかった。”Book Woman”は、やって来た、雨の日も雪の日も、彼女は家に本を運んで来た。山の坂道を歩くのは大変なことだが、彼女は妹に本を届ける為にやって来た。>>>巻末の作者による、ケンタッキー州アパラチア山脈で”Book Woman”と呼ばれていたパーク・ホース・ライブラリアンの活動の説明がある。

Tattered Sails

By Verla Kay, Illustrated by Dan Andreasen ( G. P Putnam’s sons-2001 )

Thomas, Edward, Mary Jane, and their parents leave crowded, dirty London behind for good. Groan with them through the long, miserable trip and cheer their first wobbly steps in the New World. This book let children of today experience the difficulties of ocean voyages of the 1600s, and transport them to a momentous period in America’s past.

Thomas, Edward, Mary Janeは両親と共に、混みあい汚れたロンドンを後にした。長い過酷な航海を経て、新世界におぼつかない一歩を踏み出した。この絵本は、現代の子ども達に、16世紀の海洋航海の過酷さを語り、アメリカの歴史の忘れられない時代に導いてくれる。

My Grandma and me

By Mina Javaherbin, Illustrated by Lindsey Yankey ( Candlewick Press – 2019 )

“When I was growing up in Iran, my grandma lived with us, I followed her everywhere.” Her grandmother’s friendship with her friend, Annette’s grandmother is beyond their difference faith. With following the memories of her beloved grandmother, this book is to celebrate all grandmothers as telling how they are kind, generous, and full of love.


A Taste of Colored Water

By Matt Faulkner ( Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers – 2008 )

When Abbey comes back from town with tale of a fountain bubbling forth with “colored” water, Lulu and Jelly want to go see it for themselves. It’s the early 1960’s and colored water isn’t the fruit-flavored. Technicolor wonder that Lulu and Jelly are expecting. And having a drink doesn’t come without a price. This is a story that the naïve and whimsical imagination of a child is confounded by the reality of intolerance. >>> The history of this story’s background is found on the last page. >>>> Related resource: White Water.

町から戻って来たAbbeyから色水の吹きあがる水飲み場の話を聞いたとたんに、LuluとJellyは自分達の目で確かめたくなった。1960年代初頭の色水は、フルーツの味が付いていた訳ではない。LuluとJellyは色の付いた水に、すっかり魅了された。しかも無料で飲めるのだ。ナイーブで気まぐれな子ども特有の想像力が、不寛容な現実によって混乱を起こした例の一つである。>>>>巻末にこの話の時代背景が記載されている。>>>>関連絵本::White Water.

The Welcome Chair

By Rosemary Wells, Illustrated by Jerry Pinkney ( Simon & Schuster Books for young readers – 2021 )

When Rosemary Wells was about ten years old, she heard a story about a rocking chair. It had been carved by her great-great-grandfather, Sam, more than a hundred years before. Sam had left his home in Germany and gone to America where he found work as a carpenter in a small family shop. When that family welcomed a son, Sam made a beautiful wooden chair for mother and child to rock in. He carved the German word ” Willkommen”, meaning “Welcome” in the chair. The chair’s real story inspired the author to create a wonderful historical book about the diversity immigrants in America. In this book, as following the real story, a treasured wooden chair is passed down from family to family with each new owner carving the word “Welcome” in a new language. >>> Rosemary Wells’s books in SHI collection, and Jerry Pinkney′s books in SHI collection.

著者のRosemary Wellsが10歳のころに、彼女はロッキングチェアの話を聞いた。それは、彼女の高祖父サムが百年以上も前に製作したものであった。サムは故郷のあるドイツを離れるとアメリカへ移り、小さな店の大工としての職を見つけた。サムに初めての子どもが生まれた時、母と子の為に美しい木製のロッキングチェアを作り、椅子の背に”ようこそ!”とドイツ語で彫った。この椅子の実話が著者に、アメリカにおける多様なる移民たちの歴史を語る本の創作に意欲を与えた。この絵本では実話に継続して、大事な木製の椅子が様々な家族に受け継がれ、所有者が変わる度に新しい言語の”ようこそ!”が椅子に彫られ増えていく。>>>SHIコレクションにあるRosemary Wellsの作品と Jerry Pinkneyの作品

America My Love America My Heart

By Daria Peoples-Riley (Greenwillow Books – 2021 ) Daria Peoples-Riley on this URL.

America, do you love me? Do you love my black? Do you love my brown? Do you love my pride? With a bold, poetic text and rich, extraordinary oil paintings, acclaimed author-artist Daria Peoples-Riley asks readers to timely – and timeless – questions. >>> Author’s Note is on the last pages.

アメリカよ、私を愛してくれますか?黒人としての私を愛してくれますか?褐色の私を愛してくれますか?私の誇りを愛してくれますか?力強く詩的なテキストと独特な技法の油絵で、高評価を得ている作者兼芸術家のDaria Peoples-Riley が読者達に時を得た、そして永遠に変わることのない、質問を投げかけてくる。>>>巻末で作者のバックグランドを紹介している。

Light for All

By Margarita Engle, Illustrated by Raúl Colón (Simon & Schuster books for Young Readers – 2021 )

For many years people have arrived on the shores of a country called America from all corners of the world all under the light of Lady Liberty’s radiant flame. Coming with hopes, dreams, and determination, generations of immigrants have made their new country diverse, vivid, and welcoming. With inspiring words are interpreted by glorious artwork, this book is to celebrate the diversity background of families ho built America. >>> In the Author’s note telling about Indigenous people and African American who were not immigrants.



By Mo Willems, Illustrated by Amber Ren (Hyperion Books for Children-2019)

A series of events, some seemingly very significant, lead to a young girl attending a life-changing concert. This book presents the power of music which is connected inter-generation and all human beings.
