41 Uses for a GRANDMA

By Harriet Ziefert, Illustrated by Amanda Haley (Blue Apple Books – Maplewood, N.J. in 2005)

With memories of the author’s grandmother and the author’s experiences of being a grandmother, demonstrates beautiful and enjoyable time with grandmothers in this book. Various image of grandmothers verifies the bond between grandmother and grand children is universal.

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40Uses for a GRANDPA と同じ作者、イラストレーターであるが、こちらお婆さんのバージョンは、41となっているところが作者自身祖母である微笑ましさか。「この本を、アップルパイをいつも持ってきてくれた祖母に捧げます」と、こちらの冒頭には書いてある。お爺さんバージョンと同様に、ページを開けるごとに楽しくて微笑ましい、お婆さんと孫達の関わりが描かれている。絵本は親子で読むだけでなく、祖父母と孫でも楽しめれることを再確認出来る内容である。

40 Uses for a GRANDPA

By Harriet Ziefert, Illustrated by Amanda Haley (Blue Apple Books – Maplewood, N.J. in 2005)

By diversity of grandfather’s images, describes how important to relate with them, and beautiful bond between grandfathers and grand children is universal. Grandparents are a delightful bridge between the generations.

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Africa Dream

By Eloise Greenfield, Illustrated by Carole Byard  (Harper Collins Publishers in 1977)

The cover is painted with some colored,  but all pages inside are black-white only to present a girl’s dream of African nature, town, culture and thoughts of her ancestors in Africa. The author and the illustrator are both origin of Africa.

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Annie and the Old One

By Miska Miles, Illustrated by Peter Parnall (Little, Brown and Company – New York in 1971)

Native American Annie is a young girl of the Navajo tribe and she refuses to believe her grandmother, the Old One, will return to Earth once their weaving is completed. Annie hesitates to continue to weave as wishing her beloved Old One’s longer life. When the grandmother explains her beliefs, Annie understands and bravely continues to wave with her mother and her grandmother.

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The Granddaughter Necklace

By Sharon Dennis Wyeth, Illustrated by Bagram Ibatoulline              (Arthur A. Levine Books – New York in 2013)

A girl receives a necklace from her mother, and then the story of the necklace moves backward as telling how passed the necklace from the previous generation. It connect several generations of women through the passing down of the necklace. Wherever the old owners lived in, whenever epoch they belong to, and whatever life they had, the gifted necklace love between mother and daughter is never changed. Inspired by the author’s own experience.

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By Yin, Illustrated by Chris Soentpiet (Philomel Books – New York in 2006)

 In the middle of 19th century, Ming arrives in San Francisco after long boat journey from China. His older brother is running a general store in the Chinatown, and Ming helps him. But not many customers comes in. One day when Ming explores outside of Chinatown, he meets a friendly Irish boy and he teaches Ming English.  Their remarkable friendship begins and brings their two different communities together. >>> Yin’s Book “Coolies” , and Chris Soentpiet’s books in SHI collection.

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19世紀半ばに大飢饉に襲われた祖国から、米国へ渡ったアイルランド人が多かった。当時米国では鉄道の時代を向かえ、ネブラスカから西に伸びる鉄道線路工事に多くのアイルランド系移民が従事した。一方カリフォルニアから東に伸びる鉄道線路工事には多くの中国系移民が従事し、ユタ州でこの2つの線路が接続して大陸横断鉄道が完成した。そんな時代背景を知り、この絵本を読むのは大変に興味深い。その後の中国系移民は、チャイナタウンを作って中国系移民達のコミュニティーを維持していたが、経済発展には顧客をひろげる必要があった。中国から兄を頼ってきた少年と、アイルランド系移民の少年が親交を深めて、兄弟と呼び合うようになる話の絵本だが、当時の少年同士の純粋な思いが生き生きと書かれ、イラストも芸術作品そのものである。>>>SHIコレクションにあるYinの”Coolies”Chris Soentopietの作品

Desmond and the very mean word

By Archbishop Desmond Tutu & Douglas Carlton Abrams, Illustrated by A.G.Ford      (Candlewick Press – Massachusetts in 2013)

Young Desmond happily rides his new bike through the street, but a group of boys shout a very mean word at him to make his feeling hurt and angry. Instantly Desmond shouts back to them with mean words, but that does not make him feel any better. With the help of Father Trevor, Desmond understands his conflicted feelings and see everyone deserve compassion, whether or not they say they are sorry.   >>>Inspired by a childhood experience of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Novel Peace Prize winner in 1984, living in South Africa, and told about “Forgiveness”.

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南アフリカのデズモンド・ムピロ・ツツ元大主教が、自分の体験を通して「許し」について子ども向けに語った絵本。副題はA story of forgiveness。ネルソン・マンデラが大統領に選出された時、ツツ元大主教は「真実と調和委員会」議長に任命され、南アフリカに渦巻いていた憎しみの根源を絶つために、許し合うことの大切さを説き多くの感動を呼んだ。数々の平和賞を受賞し、人権の重要性を説きながら世界中を回ったツツ元大主教が、公職を離れてから次世代の子ども達のために書いたこの絵本は、ツツ元大主教の生涯にわたるメッセージを美しく力強く伝えてくれる。

The Bracelet

By Yoshiko Uchida, Illustrated by Joanna Yardley (Philomel Books –New York in 1993)

Inspired by a childhood experience of the author.  In 1942, seven years old Emi is sent to an internment camp with her family and with other Japanese-American. Suddenly Emi realizes she lost a bracelet which her best friend, Laurie, gave her as a parting keepsake.

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Sitti’s Secrets

By Naomi Shihab Nye, Illustrated by Nancy Carpenter (Four Winds Press ­­–New York in 1994)

American girl Sitti travels with her father to visit her grandmother who lives in small Palestinian village on the West Bank. Sitti and her grandmother speak different language, but they can communicate each other. They don’t need words to understand each other’s heart. After Sitti’s returning to America, she writes a letter addressed to the President for describing her wish of world peace.


Lots of Grandparents

By Shelley Rotner and Sheila Kelly, Ed.D., Photographs by Shelley Rotner                             (The Millbrook Press  – Connecticut in 2001)

Presenting joyful moments of grandparents and grandchildren/great grandchildren. Lovely Pictures show the divers of people around the world, and they tell their  multigenerational bonds are unchangeable global-widely.
