When I grow up

By Tim Minchin, Illustrated by Steve Antony (Scholastic Press – 2017 )

<Inspired by Tim Minchin’s hit song from the Tony Award-winning Matilda the Musical>

When I grow up, I will be tall enough to reach the branches that I have to reach to climb the tree you get to climb when you’re grow-up. This book is a look at adult life through the eyes of children. Grown-ups surely have all the fun as they must eat sweet everyday, climb the biggest trees, and do everything and anything! In this book, children can imagine all the things that they will be able to do once they grow up.


What can you do with a rock?

By Pat Zietlow Miller, Illustrated by Katie Kath (Sourcebooks Jabberwocky – 2021 )

Rocks are simple, but the things you can do with them are endless. You can skip them, and you can sort them. Rocks build, sparkle, and tell a story. They can be memories. They hold wonder. Best of all, you can share them and make a new friend. This ode to curiosity and creative play from the author and the illustrator is bound to inspire.>>> In the last pages, found more information about rocks. >>>>Pat Zietlow Miller’s books in SHI collection.

石・岩石は、単純な物に過ぎないが、その活用方法は無限にある。放り投げることも出来れば、集めて分類することも出来る。そそり立つ岩や輝く石、それぞれに独自の物語が存在している。石・岩石は、忘れられない思い出であり、それぞれに不思議を含んでいる。何よりも、それらを分かち合うことで、新しい友達が得られる。作者とイラストレーターによる遊び心と好奇心が詰まったこの絵本は,石・岩石への好奇心を高めてくれるに違いない。>>>巻末に、石・岩石の更なる情報があり。>>>>SHIコレクションにあるPat Zietlow Millerの作品

Miles of Smiles

By Karen Kaufman Orloff, Illustrated by Luciano Lozano (Sterling Children’s Books – 2016 )

What happens when Baby gives her mom a smile? Mommy passes it on! And that’s how one smile begins an upbeat journey, making stops at different places along the way until it links a whole community together and finally comes back home again.


Charlie Chooses

By Lou Peacock, Illustrated by Nicola Slater ( Nosy Crow – 2021 )

Charlie has a hard time choosing. It doesn’t matter if the choise is between flavors of ice cream, pairs of underwear, or whether to sleep with the lights on or off – the options are always overwhelming. In fact, it’s easier when Charlie doesn’t choose at all. Hawever, with Charlie’s birthday fast approaching, he is determined to choose the absolute best gift for himself: a dog! But with so many furry friends to pick from, how will Charlie choose who to bring home?

Charlie は、選ぶことが大変に苦手であった。アイスクリームのフレイバーであれ、下着であれ、寝る時に電気を消すか消さないかであれ関係なく、選ぶことはいつでも大変な仕事であった。実際、選ばずに済むことは、Charlie にとって大変楽であった。ところが、彼の誕生日が近ずくに連れて、Charlieは最も素晴らしい贈り物を選びたくなった。それは犬である。しかし、いろいろな犬の中から、家に連れて帰る一匹を彼は選ぶことができるのだろうか?

Ordinary Mary’s Extraordinary Deed

By Emily Pearson, Illustrated by Fumi Kusaka ( Gibbs Smith – 2002 )

Mary, an ordinary girl, from ordinary school stumbles upon ordinary blueberries on her way to her ordinary house. When she decides to pick them for her neighbor, Mrs. Bishop, she starts a chain reaction that multiplies around the world. When Mrs. Bishop made muffins from Mary’s blueberries, Mrs. Bishop shared them with five people and made them smile, and those five did, too, and after a while – in only sixteen days -love was sent to every person everywhere! How it went? The page of mathematical proof will help to understand.


You are a Star!

By Michael Parker, Illustrated by Judith Rossell ( Walker & Company – 2010 )

When it’s time to sleep, the night sky might seem scary. But if you take a journey out of this world, past the moon, and throught the universe, you ‘ll discover millions of stars. Once bright fires in space, those stars grew so hot they exploded into tiny pieces that flew around and came to rest in the place where Earth began, where animals, trees, and fruits would someday grow. All living things have a little bit of stardust inside them, and so do you!>>> Found “Star Facts” on the last page.


Saturday at the Food Pantry

By Diane O’Neill, Illustrated by Brizida Magro (Albert Whitman & Co. – 2021 )

Molly has never been to a food pantry before. It’s different from a grocery store: Molly and her mom have to sign in to enter, and there are limits on what they can buy. Then Molly sees her classmate Caitlin. But Caitlin isn’t happy to see Molly – she doesn’t want anyone to know she gets food from the pantry. Molly begins to wonder if there’s something wrong with accepting help. >>> One the last page, more details about Food Insecurity in the US.


Lucy and The Dragonfly

By Lucie Papineau, Illustrated by Caroline Hamel ( Auzou – 2018 )

Lucy is a little girl who has a close relationship with nature. She loves to play in the fields of flowers and when she sings, the brook by her house sings along with her. But when fall comes, and the leaves are covered with dark spots insted of bright colors. Lucy knows that the Earth gets sick, and Lucy can feel it. Lucy’s tears travel from the wings of a dragonly all across the planet where a little boy finally understands what is going on. Her story then spreads across the globe and everyone makes their own little gesture to heal the Earth and Lucy. This book will be introduced to the subject of protection of nature in a poetic way with the soft illustrations.


Climb On !

By Baptiste Paul, Illustrated by Jacqueline Alcántara ( NorthSouth Books Inc. – 2022 )

When a young child reminds her dad about the hike they planned, her father hesitant. But as the two climb on , her enthusiasm is contegious. This book captures the wonder of the trail, the special relationship between a parent and a child, and the power of a shared experience.


Let’s Go Outside!

By Ben Lerwill, Illustrated by Marina Ruiz ( Welbeck Editions – 2022 )

“Let’s go outside! Let’s find a big, sploshy puddle! Let’s run as fast as our legs can carry us!” Join a group of friends as they play together throughout the year in this joyful celebration of spending time outside every day.

<そとへゆこう!水たまりを見つけて遊ぼう!足が動く限りできるだけ早く走ろう!> 一年を通じて毎日外で過ごす楽しさを祝福する為に、この絵本の中の友達たちに加わろう。