Little Stone Buddha

By K.T. Hao, Illustrated by Giuliano Ferri (Purple Bear Books ~ in 2005)

A stone little Buddha suddenly appears in a mountain. He blesses the beauty of nature and awakes to use his power wisely. The stone Buddha heartens weary travelers and protects the foxes from hunters in the forest of mountain, and the forest becomes their sanctuary.            >>> The author is a well known Taiwanese Children’s book writer.

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台湾の児童作家Haoが書いた話だが、仏教の教えの一つ「おもいやり」を、 子供向けに解りやすく語ってくれる。石仏が主人公でありながら、宗教めいた 読み物よりも親しみがわくのは、イラストレートされた石仏の人間味が 伝わるからに違いない。異なることに幼い時から接する大切さを、教えてくれる絵本の一冊。

Only One Neighborhood

By Marc Harhman & Barbara Garrison, Illustrated by Barbara Garrison                    (Dutton Children’s Books ~ in 2007)

As visiting though the neighborhood, showing how expanding one to many,  like as ” One bakery has many different breads.”  An easy way to make understanding that neighborhood is connecting with the bigger world.

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No Two Snowflakes

By Sheree Fitch, Illustrated by Janet Wilson (Orca Book Publishers ~ in 2002)

A Canadian boy writes to his pen pal in Africa about Snow. His African pen pal never experiences of snow, and he describes the snow as much as possible of her understanding. Through their correspondence, two children reach halfway around the world and touch each other.

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I Am LATINO ~ The Beauty in Me

By Sandra L. Pinkney, Photographs by Myles C. Pinkney                           (Little, Brown and Company ~ in 2007, 2013)

Photo Images of Latino children to celebrate their rich and joyful culture.  Mr. and Mrs. Pinkney’s joyous photographs and buoyant text showcase traditional food, music, and more through each of the five senses.

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All the Colors of the Earth

By Sheila Hamanaka (Morrow Junior Book ~ in 1999)

Multiethnic children lead us to celebrate our lives on the planet Earth, as presenting the colors of children and the colors of love. >>>”Peace Crane” is also by Sheila Hamanaka.


複合民族の家族をもつ作者兼イラストレイターの製作した見ごたえのある絵本。キャンバス地に描かれた様々な人種の子ども達が、地球に生きる歓びを伝えてくれる。英文は短いが、異文化環境を作る絵本として用意したら誰にでも親しまれる。”Peace Crane“も同じ作者で、イラストも描いている。

Our Big Home ~ An Earth Poem              

By Linda Glaser, Art by Elisa Kleven  (The Millbrook Press, inc ~ in 2000)

Celebrating to live on the planet Earth with beautiful poem.  Presenting the idea that we share the air, the water, the soil, and other elements not only with all peoples but with all plants and all animals on the planet.

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Is there really a Human RACE?             

By Jamie Lee Curtis, Illustrated by Laura Cornell(Joanna Cotler Books ~ In 2006)

Many questions about Human Race comes one after another. A boy asks his mother the titled question, and it starts. His imagination of running Race by people and his mother’s beautiful answer creates marvelous conversation between mother and son.


日本語訳本タイトル :「きょうそうって なあに」

英語のRACEには、競争のレースと人種の意味もある。作者の人類愛が、主人公の少年のユーモア溢れる疑問から、ほとばしり出ている。ねえ、本当に「人々の競争」(英語の意味では人種となるが)ってあるの?、「人々の競争」はいつ始まったの?、誰が”よいードン!”と掛け声をかけたの?・・・・・・どうして僕は競争しなくちゃいけないの?もし間違ってコースから外れたら、元に戻れるの? 母親との公園での会話から、この素敵なイラストの楽しい絵本が生まれた。

For Every Child, A Better World

By Kermit the Frog, in cooperation with the United Nations, illustrated by Bruce McNally             ( A Muppet Press/Golden Book-Western Publishing Company Inc. ~ in 1993)

Presenting several UN organizations and its missions in easy way to make understand. The double-spread pages present a series of happy/sad contrasts that employ minimal text and cartoon-like illustration to depict the world’s haves and have-nots. >> >The book is dedicated  to the memory of Audrey Hepburn who worked as the first UNICEF goodwill ambassador for 1988 ~1992 and died in January 1993.



Peace Crane

By Sheila Hamanaka (Morrow Junior Books ~ in 1995)

After learning about twelve years old Japanese girl named Sadako who died of leukemia caused by the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and it was before the completion of making 1000 paper cranes for Sadako,  a black girl is inspired by Sadako’s real story and folds her wishes for peace inside a paper crane. The paper crane comes to her in a dream and they fly over the world as wishing peace for everyone.


An A-MAZE-ING Farm Adventure      

By Jill Kalz, Illustrated by Mattia Cerato  (Picture Window Books ~ in 2011)

It’s a game book as following Maze with a finger. Each opened pages shows a different scene of the farm, and there are totally 11 scenes with start and finish marks for each.  As enjoying a farm adventure with the diversity of children, related vocabularies and questions are appeared on each page as well. The answers are included at the end.


迷路を指で通りながら、StartからFinishまでで導くゲーム本ではあるが、背景は11 の異なる農場の様子が描かれている。見開きで一つの背景の迷路には、農場独特の施設の単語が記載され、人、動物、道具などの位置の質問がされている。楽しみながら農場の文化に親しみがわくし、描かれている人物も多人種の子ども達。コンピュータ利用のイラストには、デザイナーやアートディレクターも参加して制作されている。アイドルの犬も各迷路に潜んでいて、巻末には各迷路の通過図と隠れている犬の位置を示す回答がある。