The Way I Act

By Steve Metzger, Illustrated by Janan Cain (Parenting Press Inc. – 2011)

This is the companion book to The Way I Feel, and to help children to recognize and appreciate their positive actions. Featuring 13 words with each practical explanation, different children show how to act positively with each word. Suggestions for parents are included in the end page of the book.


The way I feel の姉妹本であり、子ども達に学んで欲しい行動をまとめている。13の言葉を選び、それを具体的に解説し、異なる子ども達がそれぞれの言葉の意味する行動を示している。巻末には、親達への提案も掲載されている。


By Mallory Kasdan, Illustrated by Marcos Chin (Viking ~ in  2015)

Ella, six years old, lives at the Local Hotel in Brooklyn, multicultural and multiracial community. She has a nanny called Manny. He has tattoos for sleeves and he might go in with some guys to buy a grilled cheese truck. Presenting Ella’s daily life in Brooklyn with modern language, expression and words. Why Ella is alone in a hotel? Because her mother is a famous actress and too busy with her celebrity life. Ella is missing her mom in the deep of her mind.



Armando and the blue tarp school               

By Edith Hope Fine and Judith Pinkerton Josephson, Illustrated by Harnan Sosa                  (Lee & Low Books Inc.~ in 2007)

Inspired by the work of David Lynch, a teacher from New York who first began working in a Colonia in Mexico in the early 1980’s. Armando’s family is trash picker, and they live in a Colonia. One day, Senor David arrives and begins teaching school on a blue tarp spread on the ground. Armando’s parents finally decided that learning may help Armando to find different work when he grows up, so he begins attending the blue tarp school.


メキシコのゴミ集積所のゴミを拾って生計を立てている人々のことを知って、ニューヨークからやってきた教育者David Lynchの実話を基に描かれた物語である。そこでDavidは、青い防水シートを敷いて教室とした。その上に集った子ども達の学ぶ真剣さに、David自身が感動させられたそうだ。ゴミだけあさっていれば良いと考えていた親達も、子ども達への教育の大切さを学んでゆく。国際的にも大きな社会反響を得た物語の絵本版である。

I am I                            

By Marie-Louise Fitpatrick (Roaring Brook Press ~ in 2006)

Two different boys insist Me-ism and destroy surrounding them, and finally they learn how to calm down. The author/illustrator uses very few words but shows powerful communication with pictures and the natural elements of earth, air, fire, and water. The thought-provoking fable is valuable to learn true communication, even for adult readers.



These seas count!

By Alison Formento, Illustrated by Sarah Snow (Albert Whitman & Company ~ in 2013)

Mr. Tate’s class helps clean up a local beach and listens to the sea as it tells them about all the wildlife that make it their home. The gentle story and the amazing collage combine for a powerful message about the environment and what we can do to preserve our oceans. With the diversity of class students, this message is presented for all our nations.



How far do you love me?

By Lulu Delacre  (Lee & Low Books Inc.~ in 2013)

Based on a bedtime game Lulu Delacre played with her young daughters, ” How far do you love me?” is an ” I love you” book with a twist. With every expression of love, readers visit one of twelve different locations around the world, each a beautifully illustrated scene of adults and children in a place of natural beauty.



Millie’s Marvellous Hat      

By Satoshi Kitamura (Andersen Press USA ~in 2009)

Millie loves a hats, but she has no money and she cannot afford to buy any hats in the shop. But the man in the hat shop has an idea.  He produces a box containing a hat too fine and beautiful to behold, but with the most perfect shape and color imaginable, if Millie dares to imagine. Millie does dare, and soon she can not only see her own beautiful hat, but everyone else’s hats as well.

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What’s special about me, Mama?   

By Kristina Evans, Illustrated by Javaka Steptoe               (Disney/Jump at the Sun Books ~ in 2011)

Question-and-answer game between a mother and her son provides a tender conversation with full of love. The child poses his question one after another, and the mother does not ignore any his words. Dynamic collage illustration strengthens the warmness of their conversation.

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dream BOATS   

By Dan Bar-el, Illustrated by Kristi Anne Wakelin                        (Simply Read Books – ~ in 2013)

Riding in a boat to float into the dream world. Fantasic and dynamic illustrations lead us to meet children around the world to share their exciting dreams.

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By Toni Buzzeo, Illustrated by Sachiko Yoshikawa (Upsart Books ~ in 2013)

Mr. Dickinson’s students have opposing idea on how to do proper research. Mrs. Skorupski, school librarian, helps the forth graders on fact-finding mission by teaching them how to evaluate and cite their resources. She provides them her research tool “Website Evaluation Gizmo”.

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