Next Stop!

By Sarah Ellis, Illustrated by Ruth Ohi (Fitzhenry & Whiteside – 2000)

On Saturday, Claire rides the bus and sits right up front so she can help the driver. She announces the various stops on the route so everyone can get the their destinations. Before log, a very special passenger joins Claire and the driver for the final leg of the happy bus ride home. The bus driver is Claire’s father. Simple and repetitive text is easy to follow for young readers, and portrayals of the frenzied bus passengers captures a city on the move in this fun tale.


Yes, I can LISTEN!

By Steve Metzger, Illustrated by Susan Szecsi (Parenting Press – 2019)

In a world filled with distractions, being a good listener has become more important than ever! This essential life skill helps children achieve success at school, follow safety rules, and show others that they care. The playful rhymes in “Yes, I can listen!” encourage children to appreciate the rewards of attentive listening in a wide range of familiar situations. >>> Includes suggestion for parents who wish to explore fun activities that enhance listening skills with their children. Steve Metzger’s other book is “The way I act.“.

気を散らさせられる多くの情報や出来事がある今日では、真剣に耳を傾けて聞くことは、今までなく重要になっている。人間のもつ聞く能力は、学校生活や身の安全のため、そして他者との人間関係構築のためにも欠かせない。「はい、ちゃんと聞きます。」と繰り返すリズミカルな言葉は、日常生活の中での様々なケースで役立つので、子ども達に使う喜びをもたらしてくれる。>>>親向けに、子ども達の聞く能力をさらに伸ばすための楽しい提案も掲載されている。同じ作者の作品に”The way I act.”もある。

One Little Bag : An Amazing Journey

By Henry Cole (Scholastic Press – 2020)

The wordless picture book is a loving tribute to living mindfully and sustainably on our precious planet. From a tall tree growing in the forest – to the checkout counter at the grocery store – one little bag finds its way into the hands of a young boy on the eve of his first day of school. And so begins an incredible journey of a paper bag that is used and reused and reused again.


The Weather Girls

By Aki (Godwin Books – 2018 )

Summer, fall, winter, or spring- the Weather Girls are ready for whatever the seasons might bring! Explore the season with this intrepid and irresistible troupe of 16 girls as they play in fall leaves, climb snowy mountains, and so more.


The Pencil

By Allan Ahlberg, Illustrated by Bruce Ingman (Candlewick Press – 2008 )

A lonely pencil timidly draws a boy, a dog, and other items. But soon faces a problem as his creation begin demanding changes, and when he draws an eraser to make them happy, the real problem begins.


On a Magical Do-Nothing Day

By Beatrice Alemagna (HARPER – 2016 )

A boy needs to spend weekend with his mom in a cabin again. He wishes his Dad has come with them especially on gray and rainy weekend. He wants to play his game, but his mom takes it away. Without his game, nothing is fun. However he starts to explore forest outside the cabin, and discovers things he has been missing.


Penelope Perfect : A Tale of Perfectionism Gone Wild

By Shannon Anderson, Illustrated by Katie Kath (Free Spirit Publishing Inc. – 2015)

Penelope is an elementary school girl who wants to do everything on time, to straighten everything, and to do everything hard. From her morning daily routine until double-checking the list before falling asleep, her day should be perfect. But one night a sudden storm throws things way out of whack, and Penelope oversleeps. Penelope shows how to overcome her perfectionism and how to handle when things don’t go according to plan. On the last pages included tips and information to encourage adults to dialogue with children about Penelope’s case.


A Girl like You

By Frank Murphy and Carla Murphy, Illustrated by Kayla Harren (Sleeping Bear Press – 2020)

Encourage every girl to embrace all of the things that make her unique to be strong and kind, to stand up tor herself, and more. The images of diversity girls help to enjoy their happiness of being a girl.>>> And celebrate all the wonderful unique and brilliant ways to be a boy with “ A Boy like You“.

総ての女の子を勇気つけてくれる絵本。女の子の強さも、優しさも、独立心も、自分への思いやりも、更に様々な要素が、一人一人の女の子をユニークな存在にしてくれる。多様なる女の子のイメージは、女の子であることの幸福感を味わえる。>>>そして、男の子を祝福するべき様々な方法は、” A Boy like You“で、紹介している。

Jacob’s Room to Choose

By Sarah and Ian Hoffman, Illustrated by Chris Case (Magination Press – 2019)

Jacob loves to go to class and the library. But when he tries to use the boy’s bathroom, other kids mistake him for a girl and chase him out. Scared and confused, Jacob confides in his friend Sophie, a classmate who had the same thing happen when she tried to use the girl’s bathroom. When Jacob and Sophie join forces with their teacher, the give everyone at their school the idea to choose which bathroom feels right for them. >>>This book will start meaningful discussion to open access bathroom.


What If Everybody Did That?

By Ellen Javernick, Illustrated by Colleen M. Madden ( Two Lions – 2010 )

If you drop just one soda can out the window, it’s no big deal,,,,right? But what if everybody did that? What if everybody broke the rules,,,and spoke during story time, didn’t wash up, or splashed too much at the pool? Then the world would be a mess. But what if everybody obeyed the rules so that the world would become a better place? This book shows how each person’s small, everyday choices-good or bad- have consequences one way or the other. >>> The companion book to “What If Everybody Thought That?”, “What If Everybody Said That?” .

ソーダの空き缶をだった一つ窓から投げたら、、、大したことじゃない?でも、皆がそれをしたら、どうなる?ルールを皆が守らなかったら、、、話を聞くときに喋ったり、汚れた手を洗わなかったり、プールで水を跳ね飛ばしたり、大混乱が起こる。皆がルールを守れば、お互いに心地よく過ごせる。日常の些細なことでも、皆の行動によって良くも悪くも成果が現れる。>>>この絵本は、“What If Everybody Thought That?” や “What If Everybody Said That?” との姉妹本。